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JV og FN - ren konspiration

Hvor er det rart, når der endelig er en der kan sætte alt på plads
Der er ikke noget at komme efter.
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FN vil forsøge at skabe fred på jorden,

men er ikke i stand til det. FN har aldrig kunnet indføre fred, sådan som det var dets hensigt.
Guds rige, med Jesus Kristus som konge, er DEN ENESTE LØSNING på menneskehedens problemer.
Det er, hvad Jehovas Vidner påstår.
FN har længe vist sin utilstrækkelighed. FN kan ikke løse vore problemer.
Det er grunden til at Jehovas Vidner støtter sig til Guds rige, og ikke til FN, og det er dette rige vi forkynder.
Jesus Kristus er jordens nye konge, og inden længe vil han fjerne hele den nuværende verdensordning og selv begynde at regere. Når det sker bliver der fred på jorden.
Med venlig hilsen, ftg.
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Endnu en forført sjæl - Fakta:

... er: - Kort til BIBLIOTEKET, har alle kunnet erhverve via ansøgning siden dets
oprettelse, dog er undersøgelserne blevet noget mere tilbundsgående efter 2001/7/11

"The Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast and Friends"
En DPI-NGO'er er en forpligtigelse når man har meldt sig som DPI-NGO'er!
http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/criteria.asp ←→↓SE↓
• The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
• Must be of recognized national or international standing;
• Should operate solely on a not-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status;
• Must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; or enlisting the attention of the media;
• Should preferably have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association.
• Please note that in cases where the NGO has no record of collaboration but the DPI Committee on NGOs approves its applications, it will have a provisional association status of two years until which it can establish a partnership with the relevant UNICs/UNISs or UN system organization;
• The NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, indicated in US currency, and conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;
•´The NGO should have statutes/bylaws providing for a transparent process of taking decisions, elections of officers and members of the Board of Directors.
• Should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and should show promise of sustained activity in the future.

Associated NGOs undergo a specifically designed evaluation and review process.
1 - The DPI Committee on NGOs, which decides on association and disassociation, meets twice a year, in June/July and December. The Committee reviews new association applications and decides on the status of currently associated NGOs that do not meet the criteria.
2 - Every year associated NGOs are required to submit one document that will consist of:
- • - a completed evaluation area of UN-related activities, with at least three (3) samples of materials of those activities.
- • - an accreditation area with the updated information of the NGO and its representatives
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