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Historiske udsagn JV nr 8

Jehova vidner er bekymrede om dig, og de vil gerne hjælpe dig.
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simpelthen grusomt..
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Ikke engang en tobakskiosk ejer vi,

men der er mange historiske udsagn om Jehovas Vidner.
Med venlig hilsen, ftg.
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Du lyver

Men der har du vel nok en forklaring for
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heh det skabte også ramma skrig!

men det er da rigtigt nok, at jehovas vidner solgte phillip og morish aktierne igen.
efter det kom frem at de ejede dem.
samtidigt udstødte folk for at eje aktier i smøger eller ryge smøger.
da det var sektens overbevisning, at det var umoralsk.
om de har formået at komme af med deres våben aktier, det ved jeg ikke, da det ikke så ud til at de kunne slippe af med dem, på en fornuftig vis.
men det kan da være at again, kommer forbi, og giver os en opdate på den front :)
eller jalmer har disse indformationer.
det sjoveste var godt nok, at imens sekten lærte deres vidner, at FN var udyret selv, så var de selv medlem af FN :)
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Angående FN

“The Bible condemns things such as stealing, idolatry and the misuse of blood, so a Christian could hardly engage in work where he directly promoted such things. Would doing the work so closely link a person with a condemned practice that he would be a clear accomplice? Even a janitor or a receptionist at a blood bank or a plant making only weapons of war is directly linked with work contrary to God’s Word.” Watchtower 1982 July 15 Box on p.26 Employment Factors to Consider
“Is it true that for religious reasons Jehovah’s Witnesses may not become members of the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)?
Yes, that is so. We have long recognized that the YMCA, though not being a church as such, is definitely aligned with the religious organizations of Christendom in efforts to promote interfaith…. In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. … Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called “Christian” association would amount to apostasy.” Watchtower 1979 January 1 pp.30,31 Questions from Readers
“Jehovah's Witnesses maintain neutrality with regard to the political and military affairs of the nations. (John 17:16; rs pp. 269-76)
They do not interfere with what others do as to voting in political elections, running for or campaigning for political offices, joining non-neutral organizations, shouting political slogans, and so forth. (w86 9/1 pp. 19- 20; w68 6/1 pp. 351-2)
Since true dedicated Christians are "no part of the world," if a member of the congregation unrepentantly pursues a course in violation of his Christian neutrality, he thereby disassociates himself from the neutral Christian congregation. (John 15:19; 17:14-16; w82 1/15 p. 31)” Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock p.140
og her er et link med beviser for at de var medlemmer og er stadigt medlemmer af FN.
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Det kan jeg ikke forestille mig

Hvad skal vi med en tobakskiosk, når ingen af os ryger?
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Er heller ikke det der er snakke om ftg

der er snakke om de phillips morris aktier, sekten engang ejede.
*** jv 181 13 Recognized by Our Conduct ***
As a further forward step in consistent application of that Bible counsel, none who were still smoking were accepted for baptism from 1973 onward. During the following months, those who were actively involved in tobacco production or in promoting the sale of tobacco were helped to realize that they could not continue to do that and be accepted as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Så sekten, har udmeldt dem selv, fra sekten af.😃 da de ejede Phillips morris aktierne.
du kan finde flere informationer om det her.
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Jamen de aktier blev da Solgt i 2002 - ???


gjorde de ikke sveland - Og her har vi så en NYHED fra 2005 ???

Mange hilsner
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Re.: FN er både JV og WT stadig DPI-NGO i FN -


Der deltager i Konferencer rundt om i verden -

Mange hilsner
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