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Den irakisk informations minister

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf´s svar på det ur-gamelt spørgsmål "hvorfor kyllingen gik over vejen".
"We are not afraid of the chicken and, in fact, the cowardly chicken has not crossed the road. He is an infidel and will burn in the fires of hell. Allah has condemned him. The chicken is stupid. All chickens are stupid" (dramatic pause) "and they are condemned."
"We have the chicken surrounded. We have destroyed 2 hens, 2 roosters and their coop -- we have driven them back. The chicken is committing suicide under the road. I have detailed information about the situation...which completely proves that what they allege are illusions . . . It lies every day. It is not crossing any road. They are not in control of any road. I tell you this. It is all a lie. They're not even within 100 miles of any road. It will never cross the road, I triple guarantee it! Never!"
Hvor mange Al-Sahafèr skal der til at skifte en pær???
Svar :There is no need to change the lightbulb. It glows brilliantly, basking in the power of the wholly intact and fully functional local power station. The room is not dark, and there is no bruise on your knee from the furniture you didn't walk into - Allah be Praised!

Kopi af Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf E-Mail til CNN

Dear CNN,
I am flattered with your website, it contains many truths, things I might say myself. However I with to point out a dreadful inaccuracy. You are far from the truth.
I am not on administrative leave. I am on holiday. The war against the invading sons of camels, infidelity committing infidels and seven Australians, is going so well that my boss Saddam (Allah preserve him and his bronze statues - which are still standing, by the way) has given me time off for a holiday.
I am currently in Florida visiting Disneyland; there are no American here and many cartoon characters (I am soon hoping to become one), are committing suicide in their thousands. They are quaking in their boots and staining their underwear at the threat of an Iraqi invasion. We will prevail; it has been written.
Must go now as I going to the movies to see my favourite movie; "Failing to save Private Ryan".
Have a nice day,
-- Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information
Kopi af CNN svar til Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf.
Dear MR Sahaf.
Pardon my ignorance of Arabic. I hope you can answer this question.
Apparently "al" means "the"... as in Al Queda means "the base."
What does Sahaf mean? My intel tells me it means "Village Idiot." Is that true?
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