2tilføjet af

UHA!! frie kvinder er satans værk!

Vagttårnet prøver at fortælle mænd, at de ikke skal vise respekt for kvinderne.
de begynder bare at tro at de skal forlade kødgryderne. og andre onde sataniske ting.
og så vidt jeg ved, så har teksterne ikke ændre sig meget i vores tid.
Watchtower 1952 15th April pages 254-256
It is the woman that is commanded to show respect and recognition of the man’s position of headship, and women who rebel at it are not so much rebelling against men as they are against God.—Gen. 3:16; 1 Cor. 11:2-10; Eph. 5:33.
But in his world Satan has reversed matters. Starting in Eden, he has pushed the woman ahead of the man, exalted her above man and used her to bring about the downfall of men dedicated to Jehovah. He has flouted God by reversing the position of the sexes. But he is very subtle about it, camouflaging his work under the guise of harmless custom. Many customs are harmless, but when they contradict a theocratic principle Satan is behind it to discredit God. He is a past master at such deception. (2 Cor. 11:14) In this particular matter of hat-tipping he appeals to the vanity of women and the so-called gentlemanly qualities of men, and any man who does not comply with the subtle custom is considered crude and discourteous, disrespectful of womanhood. So out of a fear of what others may think the majority fall into conformity
When a customary show of respect is performed between men as well as between man and woman, when it does not set the woman apart for special honor because of her sex, then it does not seem Scripturally objectionable. Hat removal would be too inconvenient for the woman? Then why is it the man that is supposed to rise when a woman enters a room or comes to or leaves the table, and never the woman? Is it too inconvenient again? Is she pinned to the chair, as the hat is pinned to her head? What custom does exist whereby women show respect to men? The absence of any is not just by chance, but is by satanic design to untheocratically elevate the woman above the man. In many ways Satan has taken the woman from the position assigned her by God, taken her from the home and its duties and put her into politics and commerce and religious leadership, and thereby caused much of the modern breakdown on the family front.—Heb. 13:4; Rev. 2:20.
The surface courtesies that are flattering to human vanity are not what real Christian women want; instead they cherish the respect and love of one Christian toward another, and which are shown in weightier ways than the untheocratic customs of Satan’s lustful world. Both men and women should stay in the place God assigned them, in human relationships and divine worship. Only such as are content with these assigned places will live in the new world. Open or subtly disguised creature worship and exaltation will have no place there. It has no place with true Christians now.
tilføjet af

Er jehova-piger køer?

Hej Carlo!
Det var da en spesielt interessant historie fra Vakttårnet du har funnet der!
Jeg kunne virkelig ønske meg å få svar på det innledende spørsmål i artikkelen. Har du resten? Hvis jeg ville vite hvordan jeg best skulle beskytte meg selv i denne sex-gale verden, så var det nok for meg å skulle betrakte kuene på engen og lære derav....
Det må ha vært spesielt pinlig for de av vitnene som var bønder på den tiden. De med litt omløp i hodet må ha fått seg en god latter.
På 50-tallet var det så som så med seksualopplysningen blant folk. Vitnene trodde sikkert at de var foregangsmenn i deete tema.
Jeg husker fra sent på 70-tallet og litt inn i 80-årene da vi hadde veiledning på møtene om hva som var tillatt mellom ektefolk. Hva man ikke skulle foreta seg i sengen.
Det var pinlig for den som sto på talerstolen, og det var pinlig for oss som hørte på.
Da det noen år senere ble overlatt til den enkeltes samvittighet,tror jeg nok at noen stakkars eldstebrødre dro et lettelsens sukk.
Takk for innlegget,Carlo, vi trenger å få oss en god latter her inne også.
tilføjet af

Den er jeg med på calo ;)

Jeg har lige nogle eksamener, jeg lige skal have kørt igennem.
men vi må lige få set på en dag ;)
For vi må kunne skrive noget godt sammen, så kan vi lige tage de andre kloge hoveder med på råd ;)
så må vi kunne sætte noget hammer godt sammen:)
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.