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Vil du rette min korte stil? Engelsk

Thank you everybody for listening and thanks to my new English teacher, Hanne, who has given me the permission to speak directly to you today about those poor people who are dying everyday in Vietnam.
I know, that I do not look like an ordinary American from the West, as the most of you here. The trip that has led me here from when I was born, have been unbelievable and amazing. My parents were born in the heart of Morocco and came to America, the bubble of freedom, and got married to give birth to me and my four other siblings. My mother made a decision to move to the West, when her yearning and her dream could only be achieved through the freedom and the opportunities the West promised. And therefore I am here.
I am here for fighting for your country, I am here to take care of women and children, who dying every day and I am here for bring peace between us- so we can live in a peaceful and humane world, as we probably all want. We cannot continue sending our death squads out and conduct attacks on Vietnamese. 41,000 people is enough. Throwing napalm to burn people to death and throwing thousands of tons of Agent Orange at people is so dirty, brutal and difficult.
To make our country and the entire world work, it is necessary to make compromises. Not everyone can be identical, and thus do not have the same wishes and opinions on different things, hence the need to make compromises. We must each learn that we cannot always get what we want, which we must accept. It is okay to have different opinions and attitudes, but through democracy we must find a solution to the benefit of as many as possible. It is not necessarily synonymous with utilitarian position: "the greatest happiness possible for the greatest number of people"
These circumstances have do not talk about compromise, but rather of a victory for the majority and defeat for the rest.
Classmates, people in America, and people of the world, our challenge is great. The way to us will be long if we do not fight and engage in the natural struggle to drive justice and peace between us.
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Ni.... ;-)

Får 12

😉[s][l]🙂 ;-)
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Thank you all for listening and thanks to my new English teacher, Hanne, who has given me permission to speak directly to you today about the poor people dying every day in Vietnam.
I know I do not look like an ordinary American from the West, as most of you here. The journey that led me here from when I was born, has been unbelievable and fantastic. My parents were born in the heart of Morocco and came to America, the bubble of freedom and married birth to me and my four other siblings. My mother made a decision to move to the West when her yearning and her dream can only be achieved through the freedom and the opportunities that the West promised. And therefore I am here.
I am here to fight for your country, I am here to take care of women and children who die every day, and I am here to bring peace between us so we can live in a peaceful and humane world, guess we all want. We can not continue to send our death squads out and conduct attacks on Vietnamese 41,000 people is enough. Throw napalm to burn people to death and threw thousands of tons of Agent Orange on the people are so dirty, brutal and difficult.
To make our country and around the world work, it is necessary to make compromises. Not everyone can be identical, and therefore do not have the same desires and opinions about different things, and therefore it is necessary to make compromises. We must each learn that we can not always get what we want, we must accept. It's okay to have different opinions and attitudes, but through democracy that we must find a solution to benefit as many people as possible. It is not necessarily synonymous with utilitarian attitude: "the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people"
These facts are not a compromise but rather a victory for the majority and defeat for the rest.
Classmates, people in America and people in the world, our challenge is great. The way that we will be long if we do not fight and engage in the natural struggle to run the justice and peace between us.
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Tak til alle for at lytte og tak til min nye engelsklærer, Hanne, der har givet mig lov til at tale direkte til dig i dag om de stakkels mennesker, der dør hver dag i Vietnam.
Jeg ved, jeg ikke ligner en almindelig amerikaner fra Vesten, som de fleste af jer her. Rejsen, der førte mig her fra da jeg blev født, har været utroligt og fantastisk. Mine forældre blev født i hjertet af Marokko og kom til Amerika, den boble af frihed og gift fødsel til mig og mine fire andre søskende. Min mor lavet en beslutning om at flytte til Vesten, da hendes længsel og hendes drøm kan kun opnås gennem den frihed og de muligheder, som Vesten lovet. Og derfor er jeg her.
Jeg er her for at kæmpe for dit land, er jeg her for at tage sig af kvinder og børn, der dør hver dag, og jeg er her for at skabe fred mellem os, så vi kan leve i et fredeligt og human verden, tror vi alle ønsker. Vi kan ikke fortsætte med at sende vores dødspatruljer ud og gennemføre angreb på vietnamesiske 41.000 mennesker er nok. Kaste napalm at brænde folk ihjel og kastede tusinder af tons af Agent Orange på folk er så beskidt, brutal og vanskelig.
At gøre vores land og over hele verden arbejde, er det nødvendigt at indgå kompromiser. Ikke alle kan være identiske, og derfor ikke har de samme ønsker og meninger om forskellige ting, og derfor er det nødvendigt at indgå kompromiser. Vi skal hver især lære, at vi kan ikke altid få, hvad vi ønsker, må vi acceptere. Det er okay at have forskellige meninger og holdninger, men gennem demokrati, at vi skal finde en løsning til gavn for så mange mennesker som muligt. Det er ikke nødvendigvis ensbetydende med utilitaristiske holdning: "den største lykke for det størst mulige antal mennesker"
Disse forhold er ikke et kompromis, men snarere en sejr for de fleste og nederlag for resten.
Klassekammerater, folk i Amerika og folk i verden, vores udfordring er stor. Den måde, at vi vil blive lang, hvis vi ikke kæmper og engagere sig i den naturlige kamp for at køre retfærdighed og fred mellem os.
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