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Vagttårnet og økumeni

Vagttårnet har længe pægt på at det at samarbejde agtivt i tjenesten sammen med de øvrige religiøse trossamfund medfører blodskyld."Rør ige ved urænt",sier Skriften og længe holdt Vagttårnet seg til dete. "For hvad samsvar har ræt med uræt,lys med mørke eler Kristus med Belial (Djevelen)". I Tyskland samarbejder de nu med kristenheden og islam - UNDER FN-PARAPLY!:
CITAT: Tuesday, June 3, 2008
German Watchtower Cooperates With Other Religions With United Nations Program
In the town of Ingelheim am Rhein this week there is a "Week of Creation" (Schöpfungswoche). There are exhibitions, discussions and other things happening. One of the organizers is the Workgroup "Religious Communities" (Arbeitskreis Glaubensgemeinschaften) of the Local Agenda 21, which is part of a UN programme. All the churches of Ingelheim, including the catholics, the evangelical church, the mosque and the local Kingdom Hall, are represented in the workgroup.The local Kingdom Hall participates actively in the Creation Week, alongside with the churches and the mosque. The Jehovah's Witnesses have an Infostand at the town square, yesterday they organized a public debate on intelligent design, and they are arranging tours to Bethel in Selters and the JW Congress Centre of Bingen.
For those who understand German:
For your information, please know that the Governing Body has tried out several things in Germany before rolling them out globally: Public Affairs Office, the distinction between Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses were all firstly introduced in Germany. So, working together with other churches could be another test. And the branch office is in the know: a visit to the German branch office is part of the "Creation Week".
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Prøver igen...

http://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/region/objekt.php3?art ikel_id=3304098
http://www.ingelheim.de/Schoepfungswoche .schoepfungswoche.0.html
http://www.readers-edition.de/2 008/06/01/schoepfungswoche-in-ingelheim-die-zeugen-jeho vas-machen-mit/
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Du kom meg i forkøbet...

...idet jeg havde tænkt at læge ud denne link. Det UTROLIGE hykleri som de efter min mæning frafaldne ledere af Vagttårnet ("Det styrende råd") står for kænder nu længre ingen grændser.
Du og jeg har stik modsat indfaldsvinkel til problæmstilningen. Men ETT er vi tilsyneladende enige om. Og det er Vagttårnets grænseløse hykleri. De sier en sag ,men gør en anden.
Efter mit skjøn padser det styrende råd perfekt ind som modbilde af den onde forvalteren i Lukas 16:... som "eftergav gjælden til hans herres skyldnere".
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