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Udstødte børn

Til Jehovas Vidners Årsmøde d. 2. Okt. 2010 holdt David Splane (født 1944) fra Det Styrende Råd et indlæg omkring hvad der skal til, for at "gå ind til Guds hvile".
Her omtaler David Splane, som er den nye generation i DSR, hvordan at eksemplariske "kristne" forældre vil opføre sig overfor deres udstødte børn. Generelt bruger mange forældre undskyldningen "nødvendige familieforhold" (Engelsk: Necessary family buisness) til alligevel at se deres udstødte barn i ny og næ. Men, måske er der en stramning på vej. Døm selv.
2. God’s purpose to keep the organization clean. Our loyalty may be tried. For example, what if an exemplary couple’s only son is disfellowshipped. The parents are devastated. They know what the scriptures say (1 Cor. 5:11, “But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone.”) This includes a family member not under the same roof. But they love their son so much that they begin to reason, “How can we help our son return to Jehovah if we limit our association with him?” It takes faith to believe that if we do things Jehovah’s way, everything will always work out for the best. After all, the son had a choice. He had a choice to maintain his relationship with Jehovah and his parents. He chose unchristian conduct. His parents had no such choice. What will that dear mom and dad do? Will they rationalize, or will they obey Jehovah’s clear admonition? Remember that the term “necessary family business” is our term; it is not found in the Bible. We believe Jehovah will “understand.” Therefore, it is important not to push the envelope. Keep Jehovah’s purpose in mind in this regard. What is the benefit of doing things Jehovah’s way? It keeps the organization clean, and keeps bad attitudes out. The wrongdoers’ relationship with Jehovah is damaged and they don’t even care. They may reason that since they don’t see Jehovah, he isn’t real. But his mom and dad are real. If they support Jehovah’s decision, perhaps the son will see how his relationship with Jehovah has also been damaged. But how do you think Jehovah would feel if the parents kept putting him to the test by having unnecessary association with their son? They could damage their own relationship with Jehovah. It takes faith to believe that if we do things Jehovah’s way, everything will turn out all right. When a relative is disfellowshipped, keep God’s purpose for it in mind. Only if we are working in accord with God’s purpose can we say we entered into God’s rest.

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“And God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created.” (Genesis 2:3) That rest day is still going on, a 7,000 year long rest day. It will continue to go on through the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ. When the Bible says “God proceeded to rest,” does this mean that Jehovah has stopped working? The key to understanding this is at John 5:17, “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working.” It is interesting that Jesus gives indirect confirmation that the day of rest was continuing in his day. His enemies had just accused him of violating the Sabbath. Jesus’ response in effect was, “My father has continued working during his 7,000 year-long sabbath so it is proper for me to continue working on my sabbath.” Working in what sense? Jehovah has kept working in order to bring his purpose for the things he created to a successful conclusion and he’ll keep working until his purpose is fulfilled at the end of the thousand years.
The apostle Paul had mentioned that humans can come into Jehovah’s rest, but is this a time of inactivity? No. There are things we need to desist from, but what has God been doing during his rest? He has been working to bring his purposes to a successful conclusion. So, everyone brought into his rest must keep working or cooperating with Jehovah towards the fulfillment of his purposes. We do this by living our lives with God’s purpose in mind. If we work contrary to God’s purpose, are we entering into God’s rest? That is what happened to the ancient Israelites. Jehovah had purposed to deliver them from Egypt and make them into a model kingdom. They could show other nations how happy and blessed they too could be by living according to Jehovah laws. Just think if Israel had obeyed. Jehovah would have blessed their fields, vineyards and flocks. Their enemies would have had no hold on them. When the promised Messiah arrived they would have found a solid future. But the Israelites showed little interest. They wanted to return to Egypt even though they knew this meant they couldn’t follow the Law or make sacrifices in Egypt. Talk about Esau giving up his birthright for a bowl of red stew. The Israelites were willing to give up the Promised Land for a bowl of salad! “The cucumbers, the leeks, the onions….” Not even a descent tomato! They did not take Jehovah’s purposes into account. The ones who finally entered the Promised Land didn’t make it a place of rest. Heb. 4:9 says, “So there remains a sabbath resting for the people of God.” This shows that the rest was still continuing in Paul’s day. God wanted to make them into a new model nation, the Israel of God, to show what a superior way of life they could have by doing things God’s way. Yet some Jewish Christians wanted to hold on to the old traditions. Paul was frank, when he said in verse 11, “Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, for fear anyone should fall in the same pattern of disobedience.” They weren’t being disobedient in all things, but they were not working in harmony with God’s purpose to replace the old covenant with the new. Thus Paul equated disobedience with not being in God’s rest. The Gentile Christians did not have a problem with not following the old law covenant. So were Jehovah’s words applicable to the Gentiles and by extension to us? Hebrews 4:10 clearly states that entering into God’s rest involves desisting from certain works, not just works of self-justification. “Dead works” are any works that do not contribute to the advancement of Jehovah’s purpose, but work against it. What is God’s purpose in regards to secular work? What if a Christian were to start a new business and year after year keep putting it first and the spiritual things were to take a backseat? Another question, how do I react if I get counsel on my lifestyle or when scriptural counsel from an elder differs from my personal views? We will illustrate with a couple of examples.
1. In the late 19th century some gave well-prepared talks to adoring audiences. They began to enjoy the adulation they were receiving. Then organizational direction came to go from house to house, and these ones refused to do so. Outwardly they were pious, spiritual men fully devoted to the Lord. But the Word of God clearly divided what they appeared to be and what they actually were. Motives were manifested. God’s purpose wasn’t as important as their own agenda. Personal pride led to their spiritual death.
2. God’s purpose to keep the organization clean. Our loyalty may be tried. For example, what if an exemplary couple’s only son is disfellowshipped. The parents are devastated. They know what the scriptures say (1 Cor. 5:11, “But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone.”) This includes a family member not under the same roof. But they love their son so much that they begin to reason, “How can we help our son return to Jehovah if we limit our association with him?” It takes faith to believe that if we do things Jehovah’s way, everything will always work out for the best. After all, the son had a choice. He had a choice to maintain his relationship with Jehovah and his parents. He chose unchristian conduct. His parents had no such choice. What will that dear mom and dad do? Will they rationalize, or will they obey Jehovah’s clear admonition? Remember that the term “necessary family business” is our term; it is not found in the Bible. We believe Jehovah will “understand.” Therefore, it is important not to push the envelope. Keep Jehovah’s purpose in mind in this regard. What is the benefit of doing things Jehovah’s way? It keeps the organization clean, and keeps bad attitudes out. The wrongdoers’ relationship with Jehovah is damaged and they don’t even care. They may reason that since they don’t see Jehovah, he isn’t real. But his mom and dad are real. If they support Jehovah’s decision, perhaps the son will see how his relationship with Jehovah has also been damaged. But how do you think Jehovah would feel if the parents kept putting him to the test by having unnecessary association with their son? They could damage their own relationship with Jehovah. It takes faith to believe that if we do things Jehovah’s way, everything will turn out all right. When a relative is disfellowshipped, keep God’s purpose for it in mind. Only if we are working in accord with God’s purpose can we say we entered into God’s rest.
Many of you say you never expected to get this old in this system. But, you did expect to get this old; just not in this shape! Do we still have Jehovah’s purpose clearly in mind, his purpose for me, personally? We are to keep on the watch. We need to support that in word and deed. By our comments do we show we are we just as convinced we fully believe we’re living in the time of the end, or do our comments show we long for the leeks and onions? Do you say, “If only I had gone to university, taken that promotion, started that business, etc.” Are there areas of our life that need adjustment to bring them in line with Jehovah’s purpose? Jehovah has confidence in us. We need to show our support for his sovereignty. Let us all do our utmost to enter into God’s rest.
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Jeg kan læse to forskellige

Først er reason forkert, herefter er rationalize en fy ord, og David Splane har en løftede pegefinger til de forældre.
Hvis i forstætte med rationalisering af jeres handlinger bliver i også uvenner med Jehova og dermed bliver i også udstøde
Personligt tror jeg at sektens ledelse er gået i selvsving, ustyrbar og på vej ned.
Alle self tænkende mennesker burde få kuldegysninger af stoffet, og hvis ikke alle røde advarselslamper starter med at blinker er der ingen håb for den person.
Vi må kampe for hvert en sjæl vi kan holde fra sektens forfærdelige livssyn.
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