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Need HELP with CPR-Number!!!

Hey there.
Moving to Denmark in September, I need help with this CPR-stuff.
They told me I need one to open a bankaccount, and whatever, and that I should use a "constructed" / provisional one as long as I dont have a number yet, and then correct it with the bank etc, as soon as I have a real number.
But how do I "construct" a CPR-number??? I need a provisional one to fix some things before moving over to you guys.
Please help, tons of gratitude in return here ;-)
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Try this link:
This is the danish office of cpr....
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You don't

YOu don't construct a CPR number. You contact the Danish embassy, or consulate in your home country and ask them what to do.
Or, you move to Denmark, and when you are here, you go to your "komune" and ask them for a CPR number.
Good Luck
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Where from....

What's your Native Country.? and where do you move from.?
If you are a citizen of a EU-member state you don't need a Danish CPR-number in order to move to DK...you get one when you arrive and contacting the Kommune you'r going to live in...say Copenhagen...Odense..etc
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...that´s a hard one. :o) If you send my a mail, I promise I´ll check with the local authorities (folkeregistret), and find out what to do.
Take care! :o)
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Try this

One of the best ways to go about this would be to either contact the Danish Embassy in whatever country you live in now.
However, if you live in a country that's part of EU, you don't need as many technical stuff in order to come to Denmark. Try one of those or contact the county office in the city you arrive at. In most cities it should say "RÅDHUS" in huge letters on the building, but that could just be me😉
Good Luck
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Og der er slet ikke nogen der undrer sig over hvordan han er fundet en på en dansk debatside, fundet ud af at oprette et indlæg, der ikke engnag er mere fejlplaceret end det er??
LOOOOl, tjaeh, naiviteten lurer stadig :-)
God Weekend!
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Hvad naivt er der ved at svare høfligt på et spørgsmål? Der går jo ingen splinter af mig eller de andre for at være hjælpsomme. Det er da snarere ham der har et problem hvis han synes at det er en fed joke at skrive sådan noget. Det er jo ikke engang morsomt...
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Hey Holmes...

I can read Danish, but my spelling is shit, that´s why I write in English.
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Thank you for helping. :-)
Seems to be figured out now...
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