7tilføjet af

Muhammed tegningerne!!!

Helt ærligt... Hvad fanden er det der sker i samfundet her i Danmark og i mellemøsten. Danmark ligner jo mere og mere en slagmark, og hvorfor??? På grund af, at der er en enkelt, så vidt jeg ved, tilfældig avis, som vælger at genoptrykke en tegning (en gammel mand med en bombe på hovedet) , som der åbenbart har forarget flere steder i verdenen. På den ene side, kan jeg godt forstå, dem der er imod tegningerne. Men hvorfor fanden skal det gå ud over uskylde folk, som ikke har noget med det at gøre, altså skoler der er brændt ned, brænde et flag og tilfældige biler med mere... Hvad med i stedet for at boykotte Jyllandsposten og fjernsynet, som har vist det frem i stedet for. Jeg synes, at dem der gør sådan nogen ting, De skal tænke sig lidt om, Havde det været i jeres lande havde tingenge set lidt anderledes ud... Vi havde fået en kule for panden eller hængt...
Tænk jer om unger...
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Ja onkel,

det skal vi nok! Hvis du så til gengæld lover at rette dine stavefejl.
en af ungerne
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Lad os Alle Tegne!

Millioner og millioner af tegninger og sende dem hid og did - lad dem vide hvem der bestemmer i disse frie vestlige demokratier - lad tegningerne flyde, sejle og flyve!
tilføjet af

De vælger jo altid de letteste løsninger,

som at tænde bål i deres eget kvarter, så de i flok kan overfalde dem, der kommer for at slukke det.
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Du er harmløs.

Hvis du må krænke andre, hvorfor må muslimerne så ikke brænde Dannebro???
Det du siger der retfærdiggør det nogle muslimer gør mod DK. Og DU har godt af det. Ingen andre danskere.
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Jo, jo...

Når bare de nøjes med det, så står vi jo på lige fod, men når de begynder at lave hærværk og videre i dén dur, så går de for vidt. Desuden anklager de jo også ALLE danskere for at have gjort det med tegningerne. De ser det som en fælles front imod dem fra dansk side, og det er JEG da egentlig krænket over.
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Det vigtigste er, at en samlet

dansk presse valgte, at udgive Muhammedtegningerne i solidaritet mod et planlagt mord på en tegner, som bare brugte vores ytringsfrihed.
Den dag det lykkes muslimerne, at undertrykke vores ytringsfrihed, står det galt til med Danmark.
Det VIL aldrig ske.
Lev Danmark og vores demokrati !!!!
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Why the European Press is Provoking Muslims

Why the European Press is Provoking Muslims


Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper published a dozen provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed to offend Muslims. The predictable result has greatly increased the possibility of violence and left Denmark in a costly and dangerous predicament.
Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read morning paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to the fact that there is a very high price to be paid for promoting the "clash of civilizations."
The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda behind the provocative cartoons.
"Agents of certain persuasion" are behind the egregious affront to Islam in order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of Copenhagen told the BBC. The key "agent" is Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous images and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last September.
The International Herald Tribune, which reported on the offensive cartoons on January 1, noted that even the liberalism of Rose had its limits when it came to criticism of Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose also has clear ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons behind the "war on terror."
Rose told the international paper owned by The New York Times that "he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as 'racist.'"
Asked why he was protecting Sharon, a known war criminal, while abusing Muslims and their Prophet in the name of free speech, Rose told American Free Press that he had been "misquoted" in the Times article.
Rose traveled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive article about Pipes, who compares "militant Islam" with fascism and communism.
In April 2003, President George W. Bush nominated the rabid anti-Muslim Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a congressionally sponsored think tank dedicated to "the peaceful resolution of international conflicts."
Ministers from 17 Muslim nations condemned the publication of the cartoons as an egregious "offence to Islam" and called on the Danish government to ensure that it would not be repeated.
When the Danish government, which supports the "war on terror" with more than 500 troops in Iraq, refused to issue an apology for the offensive cartoons, Muslim consumers across the Middle East began a boycott of Danish products.
Within days the boycott had severely affected Danish exporters and the politicians in Copenhagen scrambled to undo the damage. Arla Foods, a large Danish-Swedish dairy company, was badly hit by the boycott. The company, which had annual sales of some $480 million in the Middle East, saw its sales in the region plummet to nil as Muslim shopkeepers pulled Danish products off the shelves.
"We have taken 40 years to build up a very big business in the Middle East, and we've seen it come to a complete stop in five days," company spokeswoman Astrid Gade Niels told the BBC.
"Our sales in the Middle East have come to a complete stop - in all countries in the region," she said. "We have found ourselves in the middle of a game that we have no part in."
As the boycott damaged Danish business and a bomb scare closed the office of his newspaper, Rose continued to defend his decision to commission and publish the offensive cartoons. "We stand by the publication of these 12 cartoons," he said.
Asked if he would have done it knowing what the reaction would be, Rose said: "That is a hypothetical question. I would say that I do not regret having commissioned those cartoons and I think asking me that question is like asking a rape victim if she regrets wearing a short skirt Friday night at the discotheque."
The dangerous "game" that was started by the Danish editor has now been picked up by at least 7 newspapers across Europe. Supposedly in support of the Danes, papers in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland simultaneously reprinted the cartoons on February 1. The timing suggests that this response was coordinated by a hidden hand.
In Paris, for example, Arnaud Levy, editor-in-chief of the financially-strapped France-Soir, chose to print all 12 of the offensive cartoons. Asked if there had been coordination between European editors about the simultaneous publication of the cartoons, Levy said, "Absolutely not."
The following day, Jacques Lefranc, managing editor of France-Soir, was fired by the paper's owner Raymond Lakah, an Egyptian magnate, according to employees. Chief editor Levy, however, remained on the job.
Peter Mandelson, Trade Commissioner for the European Union, strongly reprimanded the newspapers for pouring "oil on the fire" by reprinting the offensive cartoons.
Robert Ménard, secretary general of Reporters without Borders, a Paris-based media monitor, however, supported the publication of the blasphemous cartoons saying, "All countries in Europe should be behind the Danes and Danish authorities to defend the principle that a newspaper can write what it wishes to, even if it offends people.
"I understand that it may shock Muslims, but being shocked is part of the price of being informed," he told The New York Times.
However, when it comes to discussion of the Holocaust, media monitors like Ménard accept without question the government-imposed censorship laws and imprisonment of historical revisionists. At least 4 well known historians are currently in prison in Germany and Austria for writing and speaking about the Holocaust.
There is clearly a more sinister reason why the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen refuses to issue a formal apology as demanded by Arab and Muslim governments. The hard-line position taken by Rasmussen, an ally in the "war on terror," has more to do with advancing the "clash of civilizations" than defending free speech in Europe.
It is well known that Islam is an aniconic religion which prohibits depictions of the Prophet in the same way that the Second Commandment prohibits "graven images." The European editors are certainly aware of the fact that Islam prohibits the use of icons or visual images to depict living creatures and that it is blasphemous to publish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Yet, they have recklessly and intentionally insulted millions of Muslims and are unwilling to apologize.
"The Danish paper set out to offend and provoke outrage in the Muslim community," a Muslim in Britain wrote to the BBC. "Muslims are able to distinguish between those who wish to debate and those who wish to insult. Trying to camouflage insults under the guise of debate or free speech fools nobody."
There is a deeper reason behind the publication of the offensive cartoons. Given the unapologetic position taken by the Danish government and the editors it appears very likely that tension with Islamic nations will increase and the international crisis will deepen. This is, after all, exactly what the global planners behind the "clash of civilizations" want.
The anti-Islamic cartoon scandal is no laughing matter. If and when a terror attack does occur and the cartoons and angry Muslims are blamed for being the cause, the reason they were published will become clear. Europeans will become increasingly polarized and hostility to A month ago, when I first became aware of the provocative anti-Muslim cartoons published in JP, I immediately contacted the editors Islam will grow.
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