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Hvad med noget skæg?

Er der ikke nogen der kan nogle gode jokes?
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Blondinen på engelsk

Denne her kommer på engelsk, for den er ikke rigtig til at oversætte til dansk:
The blonde was in need of some cash, so being the industrious young woman she was, she went around the neighborhood offering to do chores for money.
Around noon, she rang the doorbell at a big luxurious mansion. A man answered the door, and when the blonde offered to "do anything", he thought to himself: "The porch DOES need a new coat of paint", agreed upon a price with our blonde and handed her a bucket of white paint and a paint brush.
He went inside again, happy about the deal he had made. 2 hours later, the blonde came into the house and proclaimed that she was finished but that she was not quite happy about the job. Should she continue and give it a second coating?
"Yes, please!" Said the man. He was very impressed indeed with our busy young blonde and was beginning to wonder if he had been totally wrong to believe in all the prejudices about blondes.
2 hours later, she came back in and he confessed that he was very happy about the job and that he was sorry that he hadn't believed in her at first, her being a blond and all.
"That's ok", she said. "I get that all the time. But you aren't too clever yourself you know". That's not a porche in the drive, that's a Lexus!"
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Handicap 6

Et par herrer i efterløns-alderen gik og fik sig et spil golf,- ude på landevejen kører samtidigt en rustvogn med følge forbi....
Den ene af herrerne tog sin kasket af og bøjede hovedet i andægtighed....
"Hvilken smuk gestus du der udviste" sagde den anden herre...
"Årh, ved du hvad, vi havde trods alt 46 gode år sammen".....
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