1tilføjet af

golden age, magasiner

Som i nok har fundet ud af så, skal folk i jehovas vidner, forstå alt hvad der kommer fra Vagttårnet forlag af som guds ord, og alt kritik af dette, er det samme som at rakke ned på gud.
men nu er der eksempler af "the golden age"
kommer frem i lyset. og det er ret sjovt at læse. fx.
*** g24 11/19 p. 100 A Glimpse at the World News ***
[T]he bobbed hair craze is sure to lead to baldness, sooner or later. The reason for this is that human hair is like a tube sealed at the free end. When the hair is cut, the oils which are the life of the hair become dissipated. The reason why men grow bald so quickly is that they have their hair cut so frequently and, in addition, wear tightly fitting hats, which cut off the circulation of the scalp. The reason why women, hitherto, have had such beautiful hair is that they have not cut it; and the twisting and folding of the hair has helped to retain the natural oil. Many women have turned against the fashion of bobbing the hair, and are letting their hair grow again.
tilføjet af

Og jeg som troede det var..........................

...........på grund af nedenstående, at kvinderne ikke klippede håret!
Men se jeg forstår ikke hvorfor Jehovas Vidner siger at Dette Skriftsted ikke vedrører dem?
3.Mos. 19:27
v26 I må ikke spise kød med blod i.
v27 I må ikke klippe håret kort, og du må ikke studse skægget. Jeg er Herren!

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