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Fred i Mellemøsten?

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Der vil komme fred og Libanon vil indgå en "fredspagt" med Israel, som Jordan og Ægypten.
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Israels FN ambassadør udtaler sig.

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Jeg er meget optaget af hvad der sker i Mellemøsten, meget af min familie i Israel bor i og omkring Haifa og har alle overnattet i beskyttelsesrum.
Jeg er meget ked af at Libanons uskyldige befolkning skal undergå prøvelser med angst og usikkerhed og måske skader og død af disse, men Hizbollah der er styret fra Syrien og bevæbnet og fundet af Iran med et årligt donerings beløb på over 100 millioner USD, er de skyldige og G-d ved hvorfor de søger at trække Israel i krig nu.
Jeg er meget bekymret for disse "to fronter" og kan skimte en aldeles mørk intention i horisonten fra Iran.
Her er hvad den Israelske FN ambassadør sagde til journalister (sorry kun på engelsk)
GILLERMAN: Lebanon is a country that has been under siege by terror and held hostage to terror for 32 years. It is a country that has been suffering from tyrants in the north and terrorists on the south. It is a country which is still regarded by Syria as southern Lebanon.
Over the last 32 years, the Lebanese people did not have one moment of peace. They deserve peace. They deserve prosperity. They deserve to going back to the prosperous, thriving country that they were before 1975.
I made it very clear also to my Lebanese colleague that I believe that if he could, he would share the views which I quoted in my statement from Lebanese ministers and Lebanese parliamentarians, brave patriotic Lebanese who are crying from the brink of the of the abyss for their beloved country, and they're crying at becoming hostage and being held hostage by a terror organization. A terror organization that has kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, infiltrated into Israel and launched an act of war against Israel. A terror organization, the Hezbollah, which is only the finger of the bloodstained long arms of Iran and Syria, who, together with Hamas and Hezbollah, constitute this world's most ominous, dangerous and lethal axis of terror.
And I told my Lebanese colleague that if he could, he would probably be sitting right next to me voicing those same sentiments, because he knows we are doing the right thing, we are doing the only thing a democracy can do, and that is defense itself. And I hope that maybe as a result of what we're doing, very soon Lebanon and its democratic government will be able to exert its sovereignty over the whole country, deploy its forces in the south, and assure a return to a quiet and prosperous life for this country and its people, who deserve it so much.
Thank you very much.
QUESTION: Mr. Gillerman...
QUESTION: ... given that Hezbollah is just on 11 percent of the entire Lebanese parliament and that Israel retaliated, people like the secretary-general and several ambassadors said that Israel's reaction was disproportionate, especially at civilian targets. Civilian institutions and infrastructures were also targeted.
How can this be -- how can this abate at this point?
GILLERMAN: Israel targeted Hezbollah strongholds. When you have a terror organization within a country holding the whole country hostage -- and one of the -- one of the Lebanese ministers I quoted this morning is the one who said that Hezbollah may have kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, but it is holding the whole of Lebanon hostage. Syria still regards Lebanon as southern Syria. So there is no distinction.
I said during my statement that many of the long-range missiles which were fired at Israeli cities, including the port city of Haifa, where Iranian missiles which were housed in Lebanese homes with a special room designated as a launching pad and with a family being made host to host that missile, that's the reality we are facing. There are no civilian targets which we hit.
All the targets we hit were targets which are either strategic, either used by the Hezbollah for the moving of goods, for the moving of missiles, for the moving of arms, or housing missiles which threaten Israel. And anybody who sees the amount, the magnitude of the lethal arsenal of weapons which the Hezbollah is now launching in Israel -- at Israel can understand the danger which we've been pointing out all these years.
And ask yourselves, why do they have these weapons? Why do they amass these weapons in the midst of a democratic so-called peace- loving country?
And it is up to the Lebanese government to disarm Hezbollah. This is a request and a demand which has been made repeatedly by the Security Council in resolutions 1559 and 1680 and others, but they were unable to do it, or unwilling to do it. And unfortunately, when we were attacked with an act of war from within Lebanon, we had no choice but to react.
Terrorism is not bred out of poverty, no, terrorism breeds poverty- Dan Gillerman Israeli ambassador to the UN.
Citat slut.
Ja, mine ærede debattører. Dersom I ønsker at forstå, vil I også kunne. Dersom I ikke vil forstå, kan I heller ikke.
For mit vedkommende: Jeg ønsker Libanon et frit og demokratisk styre og jeg ønsker enhver Islamisk terrorist fjernet.
Verden står overfor et vadested. Vil I over eller under?
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