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Fra Abu Ghraib

A message From an Iraqi female prisoner
Translated by Dijla Waheed
The albasrah .net has received the following letter (Please see the
translation below) from an Iraqi female prisoner. We initially
hesitated to publish this letter because we were not sure about its
authenticity. However, the people who gave it to us were foreigners;
who claimed to have had visited the Abu-Ghraib Prison which is
located in the outskirt of Baghdad, have insisted that they had got
the letter from an Iraqi female prisoners and therefore we are doing
our best to publish it on the albasrah.net

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
A message
To my family and all honest and honourable brothers in Al-Ramadi, Al-
Khladia and Al- Falluja, and to all honourable people of the world,
God's peace is upon you.
God has said in his holy book (In the Name of Allah, Most gracious,
Most Merciful)………
A message from your sister Noor, who is sitting, in the Jewish prison
at Abu-Ghraib. I do not know where to begin, the pencil is standstill
unable to express….. Shall I describe for you the hunger and you are
eating, or shall I describe the thirst and you are drinking, or shall
I describe the suffer of insomnia, sleeplessness and you are
sleeping, or shall I describe for you our nakedness (nudity) and you
are dressed. Brothers when we see your cars and trucks passing by,
transporting building materials, and when we read the identity of
your cars carrying the names of my people and my municipality I say
my people and my brothers have sold their sister with their money
(Dollars) but when I remember the honourable people I start crying
for my situation. What shall I describe for you about what is
happening to us around here, the mental suffering, the physical
torture and the heavy handed beating which we try to endure just to
keep our honour and keep the vows. Where are you our religious
leaders? Have you forgotten the divine message which was carried by
our Prophet Mohammed? Have you forgotten us for the sake of the
Dinars paid for you by the Jewish? We shall bring you before God, we
are your pledge in your necks and you are responsible before God for
our destiny.
If this message falls in the hands of religious clerics who are
afraid of Almighty God, it is their duty to read it to people from
above of their pulpits. Remember that you once were looking at your
sisters in Palestine. We are suffering a lot especially when we see
the Jewish drinking alcohol and then rape us like wild animals. You
honourable people, how often you gonna die?!! We are raped and
tortured, our clothes are torn apart and we are hungry and our
stomachs are empty, who is coming to rescue us?!!!
I do not want to say bye but before saying goodbye I would like to
advice you to be afraid of God, our wombs are carrying the bastards
of the sons of bitches.
Before saying goodbye I would like to ask the honourable people if
you have weapon please kill us and kill all of them inside the
prison. Please do that, please do that, please do that.
Your sister
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Anti-amerikansk propaganda

Tjah, hvad mere er der at sige? Det er et oplagt eksempel på en manipuleret tekst med formålet at forsvare de terrorhandlinger, der sker i og udenfor Irak i denne tid.
Og det er ikke tilfældigt at sådan et brev kommer i denne tid. Det er ikke så lang tid siden, at en af terrorcellerne halshuggede et gidsel fordi de irakiske og amerikanske myndigheder i Irak nægtede at frigive et antal kriminelle kvinder fra fængslerne i Irak.
Sådan har krig vel altid været. Begge parter prøver med alle midler at trække sympatien over på deres side.
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Flot martin!

Magen til plat propaganda skal man lede længe efter.
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USAs Statsterrorisme..

Vi har tidligere set hvordan de USA kriminelle bander ,uægtebørn eller hvad du vil kalde de monstere har behandlet civile muslimer..det er er en skam at 1.4 millard muslimer sover, mends dets umma bliver nedslagtede af nogle kriminelle med usa i spidsen. Alle nationer har haft deres storhedstid, men magen til terrorisme og ondskab er ikke ikke set på nogen tidspunkt. Selv forbryderen Bush der tilhører den djævlsk familie har kaldt" en korstog" så 1,4 millard muslimer skal ikke være tvivil om at det er en krig imod islam. Desværre er der mange i vesten som misforstå villedt af medier styret af jøderne og folk der nærer indædt had til islam. Ingen tvivl Islam går en meget, meget hård tid imøde,godt hjulpet af de korrupte regeringer i de muslimiske lande, som burde sende styrker afsted for at bekæmpe terrorismens epicenter som Washington og Telaviv.
Må Allah beskytte søster i Abu Gharaib fængsel.
Der er så meget ondskab fra Usa og dens undesåtter, at man faktisk skammes over at de muslimske regeringer bare ser til.
Gad vide hvorlænge de korrupte og vestlig støttede regeringer vil se an på terrorisme?
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Og min røv spiller bas.

Flot sang! Og ellers igen en gang ordgejl.
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sig alt det pladder til

alle de terrorister der laver balade i hele verden kriminelle fanger skal ikke bare slippes fri bare fordi der er krig (de blir ikke voldtaget hverken i isrealitiske fængsler eller irakkiske fængsler plat og løgn for at få terrorister til at lave endnu mere balade)de havde DET meget værre under Sadam
Isreal er jødernes land læs koranen biblen GUD ALLAH vil have jøderne i JERUSALEM LÆS HVAD GUD ALLAH VIL GØRE HVIS JØDERNE BLIVER FORDREVET DERFRA !!!!
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Apropros USA's had..

...had er jo en meget skidt følelse. Det er vi enige om.. og USA's had til muslimerne er ikke godt, hvis det er sandt at det er sådan..
Når det så er sagt, hvordan vil du så beskrive dine følelser overfor USA?
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.