2tilføjet af


Sittin, sideways, on my bed
silently thinkin, holdin my head,
knowin that I was the one
lettin me down
in blind search of
a higher ground.
Lookin in places where nothin
would grow, lookin in spaces
I never needed to know
All dependency, all covered
in lies, burnin most
precious wings
that could have showed
how one flies.
So don´t tell me
that you know the way,
don´t tell me in which
places to stay,
just hold your heart
and make yours happen
in a brand new day.
I have no tears left
for my eyes or soul,
cried for 7 years,
it made all of me so
very old.
The hole you dug
for me, will be that
which, in the end,
sets me free.
You, yourself, will
be there with your
fake fortune love,
cause she died in
her old lovers arms
bereft of innocense
as charm,and was never
yours eventhough, surface wise
you wanted her to glow
So what you gave to me
in deceit became your
own curse of disbelief.
There will be no peace
in her for you, only
the doubt about WHAT
she will do - and with
I dare you to trust
your innermost longin,
I´ll watch from afar
as you turn into
what you are becomming,
I´m sorry I wasted so
much time...there must be
a greater point than a
halfwit rhyme.
Love has already begun its
healing in me.
So I say as a master would
plea, unto myself;
Let It Be.
tilføjet af

Glædelig Jul, Annie

Du overrasker mig, hver gang jeg støder på dig herinde. Hvor er din pen eftertankevækkende. Endda på mange niveauer. Jeg fryder mig her til morgen. [f][l][f]
tilføjet af

Se solen skinner,

varmer rødmende kinder,
sænker blik
og sender mod
morgenfryd lidt sødme,
af den hun selv
gav så frit....
Tak, har været igennem...nok...den hårdeste tid i mit liv det sidste par mdr.
Alt smukt og godt til dig[l]
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