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600 JV i protest mod Pædofili-anklager


... 600 Franske Jehovas Vidner demonstrerede mod anklager om pædofili

Jehovas Vidner sagde der var 1000 - - -
Og hvorfor er det så lige, at disse "meget 'gudfrygtige'
Jehovas Vidner", ikke bare kan få lov at gøre nøjagtig som de vil?

Med venlig hilsen
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Ja, de kæmper for deres pædofile paradis.

Ret sørgeligt, at de ikke selv kan se hvor rådden deres egen sekt er.
og at demostrare, er det ikke at involvere sig politisk?
demostration, er i hvertifallet et politisk magt middel, og det må jehovas vidner åbenbart godt lige pludseligt ;)
moral er godt, men dobbelt moral?
men det er jo sådan noget der kommer frem, når man er hjernevasket til at tro, at der ikke findes pædofali i sekten, fordi sekten, har bildt dem ind, at jesus, rensede sekten i 1920.
men ja ja, sekten melder da skam pædofali, bare ikke til myndighederne, men kun til sektens egne arkiver.
som bowen også fremhæver.
kunne da være rart at sekten, turde stå ved deres problemer, i steder for at råbe sådan op, og lyve for alle andre mennesker.
Google traduction:
EPINAL, 1 October 2008 (AFP) - 600 to 1,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Vosges against accusations of pedophilia
About 600 Jehovah's Witnesses according to the police, a thousand according to organizers, demonstrated Wednesday afternoon at the prefecture in Epinal in the Vosges to protest against accusations of pedophilia against them.
The participants condemned the "serious accusations brought to misinform and to harm the Jehovah's Witnesses and prevent the construction of a place of worship" to DEYVILLERS (Vosges), told AFP Guy Canonici, president of the Federation of Christian Jehovah's Witnesses, after a meeting in prefecture 18.00.
"This is the straw that breaks the camel's back. We heard criticism for many years. But enough is enough!", Was indignant Mr. Canonici.
The anger of the faithful is against the association for the defense of the Environment DEYVILLERS (ADED), active since 2004 to prevent the construction of a "room of the kingdom" of 1,500 parking places with 500 seats in this village 1400 souls.
The Adede, with 400 members invited to a meeting Wednesday evening Bill Bowen, a Jehovah's Witness for 43 years, excommunicated because he exposed the hypocrisy of the church deal with victims of abuse, which would be more than 23,000 "throughout the world ", according to him.
"From the first day, officials of the organization deny the fact that there are victims (of sexual abuse, ie). They know the problem but refuse to deal with. They continue to hide. They are poor people, "said Bowen, president of the association" Silent lambs. "
Former "elder" of the movement, Bill Bowen, 51 years old, who worked at the organization's headquarters in New York said he received more than 7,000 testimonies of faithful abused "anywhere in the world," which he published a thousand stories on the website of "silent lambs".
"When a child is abused Catholic, her parents called the police. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, it needs to be called seniors, which retain the internal procedure. Thus, no story comes out," he told at d ' an interview with AFP.
The event Wednesday in Epinal is the same kind of "bullying tactics" of Jehovah's Witnesses to "do what they want," said the man.
Despite having bought four years ago land of 64 hectares to DEYVILLERS, Jehovah's Witnesses were unable to advance the project, the building permit is currently blocked by the mayor of the municipality.
Jehovah's Witnesses in 2007 called the dissolution of the Adede, because it orchestrated "a systematic campaign of denigration" carrying "of discriminatory actions to prevent the construction of a building of worship." The Correctional Court of Epinal has rejected in May 2007.
Mr. Bowen was received Tuesday by, among others, Georges Fenech, the chairman of the MIVILUDES (Interministerial Mission vigilance and fight against sectarianism), it was learned from this mission.
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Nok ikke deres stjernestund

Man kunne godt forestille sig mere ædle formål at demonstrere for.....
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Det næste bliver vel

retten til at lade deres egne børn, dø af blod mangel.
og hvad kan vi så konkludere ud fra alt dette?
det er ikke alle mennesker, der skal have lov, til at skulde have noget at skulde have sagt😉og at det er godt at JV er isoleret rent politisk ;)
hvor udemokratisk, min udtalese end er.
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Det arbejder de skam på

Allerede i 1999 havde JV en delegation med til en kongreshøring om religionsforfølgelse i det australske parlament. JV'erne beklagede sig her (man kan selv læse referatet på linket jeg giver) over, at det er religionsforfølgelse når de ikke må lade deres børn dø af blodmangel pga deres tro http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard/joint/commttee/j2444.pdf Eksempelvis sagde de:
"However if any international steps taken by Australia in support of religious
freedom are to be truly effective, Australia needs to consider whether it is upholding the
principles of religious freedom at home. I just give two examples highlighting something in
our submissions to the committee. Firstly, we notice that the present Australian state laws
permit blood transfusions to be administered to minors without parental consent and,
secondly, we note the discriminatory manner in which adoption laws are applied to
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia." side 125
De upolitiske JV'ere sender altså delegationer til kongreshøringer for at lave lobby-arbejde, der skal overbevise politikerne om, at det er religionsforfølgelse, at JV'erne bliver forhindret i at lade deres mindre-årige børn dø, i stedet for at de får blod. Så det bliver skam ikke i fremtiden JV'erne begynder at arbejde for retten til at slå deres børn ihjel - det arbejde er i fuld sving.
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ja kedelig JV logik

hellere lade barnet dø, end at lade det vokse op og klager over, pædofile overgreb som voksne.
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