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Undersøgelse af Irak krigen

I England er der nu en undersøgelse/høring af Irak krigen og hvorfor den blev startet.
De har haft lignende undersøgelser i USA.
Hvorfor har vi ikke det samme i Danmark?
Er vi mindre demokratiske?
Er vi mere lukkede?
Har regeringen noget at skjule, eller er der ikke noget at komme efter?
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der ER masseødelæggelses våben

Anders fogh rasmussen (om masseødelæggelsesvåben) ".. det er ikke noget jeg tror det er noget jeg VED"!!!!!
nå ja og han er ikke kandidat
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Fjoghet NATOs lakaj

Forstod aldrig hvorfor VI skatteydere skulle betale for hans kamp om posten til NATO?
Gad vide om vi får en uvildig undersøgelse af Fjoghets frås for VORE penge?
Men tilbage til emnet:
I USA "markedsfører" de krigen i Irak og Afghanistan som krig mod terror, mens i Danmark prøver politkerne at bilde os ind at det handler om demokrati og at bygge skoler (som bliver bombet lige efter de er bygget).
Har vi som danskere ikke krav på en uvildig undersøgelse, eller vil sagen bare blive begravet/syltet indtil de ansvarlige er afgået ved døden?
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... og I Holland. Men det er jo det politiske flertal der bestemmer her i DK - vi har jo ikke en forfatningsdomstol der egenhændigt kan tage sager op.
Det sjove er at man i England og Holland, er kommet frem til at det VAR en ulovlig krig - men herhjemme fastholder regeringen at der var FN mandat til at føre den
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VKO lyver

igen og igen. Men med vikar-statsmedister Fadbamse vil sandheden måske komme frem når han taber næste valg?
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totalt linialt!

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FN sagde faktisk nej

"I hope this Iraq situation will be resolved peacefully,"
-Kofi Annan, 2002
"I don't see an argument for military action now"
-Kofi Annan, 2002
"We haven't found an iota of concealed material yet,"
-Kofi Annan, 2002
"I hope we do not see another Iraq-type operation for a long time - without UN approval and much broader support from the international community,"
-Kofi Annan
"I think it is outrageous for the Secretary-General, who ultimately works for the member states, to try and supplant his judgement for the judgement of the member states,"
-Randy Scheunemann, a former advisor to US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told the BBC.
"To do this 51 days before an American election reeks of political interference."
-Randy Scheunemann
In their greatest hour of need, the world failed the people of Rwanda.
-Kofi Annan
The Lord had the wonderful advantage of being able to work alone.
-Kofi Annan
We cannot wait for governments to do it all. Globalization operates on Internet time. Governments tend to be slow moving by nature, because they have to build political support for every step.
-Kofi Annan

Interview with Annan:
Question (Q): Now elections, as you know, are due to be held in Iraq in January. Is it going to be possible to do that?
Kofi Annan (A): There's a lot that needs to be done. We have helped the Iraqis set up a legal framework for elections. Despite the security situation, I took a calculated risk and sent in two teams: one led by [Lakhdar] Brahimi, that helped them set up the interim government and another one led by Karina Pereira, who is the head of our electoral division and we helped them set up the legal framework for election political parties law, an independent electoral commission. And we've had some of the officers trained in Mexico and ready to go.
And there are quite a lot of things the Iraqis have to do themselves. We will advise and assist them, they will be running the elections not us. We will be giving advice and assistance and I hope they will be able to do everything they have to do but of course security will be a factor.
Q: But do you honestly expect elections in January? It sounds impossible.
A: You cannot have credible elections if the security conditions continue as they are now.
Q: And so you're saying there's a good chance there will not be elections in January?
A: Well the judgement - the main judgement - will have to be done, the judgement will have to be made by the Iraqi government which is going to run the elections who will be supporting them. Obviously there may come a time when we have to make our own independent assessment.
From our point of view and from the Charter point of view [the war] was illegal.
'Painful lessons'
Q: Are you bothered that the US is becoming an unrestrainable, unilateral superpower?
A: Well, I think over the last year, we've all gone through lots of painful lessons. I'm talking about since the war in Iraq. I think there has been lessons for the US and there has been lessons for the UN and other member states and I think in the end everybody is concluding that it is best to work together with our allies and through the UN to deal with some of these issues. And I hope we do not see another Iraq-type operation for a long time.
Q: Done without UN approval - or without clearer UN approval?
A: Without UN approval and much broader support from the international community.
Q: I wanted to ask you that - do you think that the resolution that was passed on Iraq before the war did actually give legal authority to do what was done?
A: Well, I'm one of those who believe that there should have been a second resolution because the Security Council indicated that if Iraq did not comply there will be consequences. But then it was up to the Security Council to approve or determine what those consequences should be.
Q: So you don't think there was legal authority for the war?
A: I have stated clearly that it was not in conformity with the Security Council - with the UN Charter.
Q: It was illegal?
A: Yes, if you wish.
Q: It was illegal?
A: Yes, I have indicated it is not in conformity with the UN Charter, from our point of view and from the Charter point of view it was illegal.
We need to assess where we are and where we go from here.
Road map 'in distress'
Q: On the Middle East we now have this proposed pull-out from Gaza. The Israeli prime minister [Ariel Sharon] has not really come to you with this, he's just cleared it through Washington... Wouldn't it just be easier to say the road map is finished, that's it?
A: The road map is in deep, deep distress - it's in deep distress. We haven't given it up yet. I know that statements have been made by leaders in the region, implying that they are moving away from the road map and I think in fact the quartet is going to be meeting next week. I don't know what sort of a meeting we are going to have to discuss the developments on the ground which has become very complex and very difficult.
They have problems on the Palestinian side and there are political problems on the Israeli side and of course we also have elections here in this country and we need to assess where we are and where we go from here and try and anticipate how things are going to evolve and what action we as the quartet would want to take.
'Atrocities' in Sudan
I made it clear to the Council that we don't have to wait for the results to act.
Q: The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has said that what's going on in Sudan is genocide, do you agree with him?
A:...I've talked about the atrocious and systematic and grave... gross violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law...
So all that will have to be looked at for one to make a determination and I think the [Security] Council is prepared... is discussing the issue of the setting up a commission.
Q: How long will it be before you're in a position to make that designation?
A: I can't give you a time. We are going to be prepared to move as quickly as possible. But I also made it clear to the Council that we don't have to wait for the results to act.
The situation is serious enough for us to take action to maintain the pressure on the government to do everything we can to assist the people in Sudan and they are going to support the expanded African force that is going to go into Sudan.
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Var mere interessant.

Om der kom en undersøgelse af forræderne under den kolde krig!........... og navnene på forræderne skal offentligøres!, så var der nemlig ro fra den røde side......... Føj! for en samling landsforrædere
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Kan jo undersøge alt, fra nu af til mikkelsdag, resultatet bliver det samme, så længe vi er afhængige af det forsile brændstof, vil et hvert Arabisk land, eller andre der truer forsyningen, af den ene eller anden grund, vente besøg af Onkel Sam og hans raske svende, eller hvis de skajer for meget ud så ligeså, først den dag vi ikke mere er afhængige, af dette ildelugtende stof, vil mullah verden blive indhegnet, og omringet af 500 mill pandser og personel miner, det bliver en lykkens dag, i øvrigt hvis vi ikke havde Onkel Sam, måtte vi selv gøre det beskidte arbejde, så kip med flaget for THE USA.
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