3tilføjet af

My heart

My heart is breaking
My soul is aching
because of you
how could you do
me wrong, so wrong
I tried to stay strong
I tried to show you
the love I feel, I do
I've waited for your call
but you did not call at all
I have to move on now
hold my head up, and not bow
into these emotions I have had
Eventhough it makes me so sad
Once again I've gambled and lost
The price is too high, it is of too much cost
My heart is breaking, because of you
how hard can it be to reason with you
Why cant you just be fair
and show me that you DO care
Otherwise just let me go
I would rather have stayed though
But your love for me is not as strong
as I had hoped, it did not last as long
as my love for you could
If only you would
give me more time in your life
tilføjet af

det er smukt skrevet

med ægte føelser.......og tankevækkende
tilføjet af


jeg kan ikke finde ud af det mere i gør mig bange,,men du skal vide jeg elsker elsker dig virkeligt højt og ville håbe du kunne være i mit liv....jeg græder for dig atter engang.......
jeg kan ikke nå dig med alt det fejding ..derfor blev jeg ved at bede om hjælp......jeg elsker dig virkelig men ,,nu skal de forbandet penge ødelægge mit liv min drøm mit savn.....og jeg ved hvem du er darling
tilføjet af

I wish

I wish it was true
that it was really you
over whom I've cried
But it is a certain man I've tried
to reach with these words
of all my love and hurts
An angel I am truely :)
All the best to you - forget money and live youre life :)
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