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"For when they shall say..

Peace and safety the sudden destruction cometh upon them.."
Noget mystisk her ❓
"At hade er at tage afstand fra Guds Ord. –. I ordet ”had” ligger der på grundsproget den betydning ”at tage afstand fra” – ”at vende sig bort fra”.
Vort valg er at elske eller at hade Jesus.
Vælger vi at tage afstand fra Jesus og dermed fra hans ord, da vil vi være uden for Guds rækkevidde, da vælger vi fortabelsen, for Gud handler ikke med os mod vor egen vilje"

Jesus siger: ”Når verden hader jer – tager afstand fra jer - så er årsagen den, at I ikke er af verden"
"New Age har i mange år arbejdet på at samle alt under sig – kontrol af vandforsyninger og fødevarer og andre eksistensbetingede områder. De har på mange måder arbejdet ud fra samme tankegang som de tidlige babyloniere, der sagde: ”Lad os… skabe os et navn, for at vi ikke skal blive spredt ud over hele jorden.” (1. Mos 11:4)"
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"Miley Cyrus: The Industry Slave Chosen to Take the Fall ❓
Miley Cyrus’ display at the VMAs was qualified by many as “trashy” and “embarrassing”. It was indeed a strange sight to see. It was as if she was doing it on purpose to embarrass herself. Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged. People commenting on Miley Cyrus appear to forget one, massive detail: There is an enormous marketing machine behind Miley Cyrus and there always was"
"Why did Gaga embody Venus? The association between the planet Venus and lust goes back thousands of years – since the times of Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of sex and lust who was associated with Venus"

"Police State Imagery
Gaga’s spiritual transformation is taking place in a dark, oppressive and militaristic backdrop. This trend in music videos has been discussed in The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music. The article describes how the public is currently being bombarded with militaristic and oppressive imagery, intertwined with sexuality, in order to desensitize the public and create a subconscious positive association. Alejandro is clearly a continuation of this agenda set by the rest of the industry. During the entire video, we see in the background a giant screen displaying scenes of social unrest, buildings on fire and military police running around, placing the viewers in a tense and oppressive ambience"
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/the-occult-interpretation-of-lady-gagas-alejandro/#WHOl3fmLmfj64Cz1.99
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"For when they shall say..

Findes der en GUD ?
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"For when they shall say..

Findes der en djævelsk kyklop ved navn Odin? [f]
"Mimer vidste alt hvad der foregik i hele verden, men han ville ikke fortælle Odin noget om, hvad der var sket med hans brødre.
Odin bad så om at få en slurk af vandet, men det fik han heller ikke lov til, men Odin gav ikke op, og til sidst fik han lov til at tage en slurk på den betingelse, at han gav sit ene øje i pant. Det gik Odin straks ind på. Han rev straks øjet ud og kastede det i kilden hvor det straks sank til bunds, og så snart øjet var kommet ned i vandet, kunne Odin se alt, hvad der hidtil var sket i verden. Mimer fyldte sit drikkehorn og rakte det til Odin, der tømte det til bunden, men det havde han faktisk ikke behøvet, for Odin kunne stadig se med øjet der lå nede på bunden af brønden, og også hvad der var blevet af brødrene, men det beholdt han for sig selv, så ingen anden han ved, hvor de blev af"

"Satan kan tolkes som symbol på marginalisering: Samfundets marginaliserede grupper gøres fx til hekse og syndebukke og sættes i ledtog med Djævelen. I nyeste tid dæmoniseres fx muslimske indvandrere"

Findes der en GUD ?
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"For when they shall say..

Hvad er der galt med det Danske sprog.
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All marketing machines must be fed

"Miley Cyrus: The Industry Slave Chosen to Take the Fall ❓
Miley Cyrus’ display at the VMAs was qualified by many as “trashy” and “embarrassing”. It was indeed a strange sight to see. It was as if she was doing it on purpose to embarrass herself. Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged. People commenting on Miley Cyrus appear to forget one, massive detail: There is an enormous marketing machine behind Miley Cyrus and there always was"
"Why did Gaga embody Venus? The association between the planet Venus and lust goes back thousands of years – since the times of Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of sex and lust who was associated with Venus"

"Police State Imagery
Gaga’s spiritual transformation is taking place in a dark, oppressive and militaristic backdrop. This trend in music videos has been discussed in The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music. The article describes how the public is currently being bombarded with militaristic and oppressive imagery, intertwined with sexuality, in order to desensitize the public and create a subconscious positive association. Alejandro is clearly a continuation of this agenda set by the rest of the industry. During the entire video, we see in the background a giant screen displaying scenes of social unrest, buildings on fire and military police running around, placing the viewers in a tense and oppressive ambience"
Read more at http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/the-occult-interpretation-of-lady-gagas-alejandro/#WHOl3fmLmfj64Cz1.99
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