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Engelsk - problemer med oversættelsen plz hjælp

jeg er ikke speciel god i engelsk derfor er der ikke nogen der ville hjælpe mig med at rette de større fejl
One of the biggest successes of danish movies is undoubtedly Olsen-Banden. The audience loved the first movie. Both old and young people liked the determined and gifted “Egon”, the boyish dreamer “Benny”, and the constantly concerned and nervous “Keld” with the colourful wife “Yvonne”.
One of the most typically theme of the movie is the little man fighting against the society most powerful . On and on lawyers, speculators, and bigger businessmen are cheating Egon, but with indomitable optimism (is he) refusing (him) to give up. Egon has a plan, a brilliant plan, and if a plan is failing, does Egon have a new plan and a better. Egon does find on the incredibly thing??, and even though he ends behind the jalls heavy gates in the end of every movie, cheat,(is), the clever one cheating anyhow the less clever one, before he ends in the dark jall, do the culprits also have little suffering defeats. Actually the movies loser is not Egon Olsen an Benny and Keld, but the insensitive and powerful, for who fortune and power is more worth than the little mans rights to a decent life.

En af dansk films storste succeser er uden tvivl Olsen-banden. Publikum elskede den første film. Både gamle og Unge syntes om den beslutsomme og begavede Egon, den drengede drømmer Benny, og den konstant bekymrede og nervøse Keld med den farverige kone, Yvonne.
En af filmenes mest typiske temaer er den lille mands kamp mod samfundets mest magtfulde. Gang på gang snyder sagførere, speku¬lanter og større forretningsmænd Egon, men med ukuelig opti¬misme nægter han at give op. Egon har en plan, en genial plan, og hvis en plan mislykkes, har Egon en ny og bedre plan. Egon finder på de utroligste ting, og selv om han ender bag fængslets tunge porte i slutningen af hver film, snyder den kloge alligevel den mindre kloge, for før han ender i det mørke fængsel, har også skurkene lidt nederlag. Filmenes egentlige tabere er ikke Egon Olsen og Benny og Keld, men de følelseskolde og magtfulde, for hvem rigdom og magt er mere værd end den lille mands ret til et anstændigt liv.
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One of Danish films biggest successes is without a doubt "Olsen Banden ".The The audience loved the first film.Both old and young liked the determined and giftet Egon,the boyish dreamer Benny and the constantly concerned and nervous Keld with the colourful wife Yvonne. One of the films most typically themes is the little mans fight against societis most powerfull elements.Time after time , lawyers,speculators and bigger businessmen are cheating on Egon but with (ukuelig) optimisme he refuses to give up.Egon has a plan a brilliant plan and if one plan failes Egon has a new and better plan.Egon works out the most incredible things and even though he ends up behind (the) prisons heavy (gates) doors at the end of every film,(the morale is)the less clever person always will be cheated of the more clever person and before he ends up in the dark prison will the bad guys also have been defeated.The films actuel loosers is not Egon Olsen and Benny and Keld,but the incentetive and powerfull for which wealth and power are worth more than the little mans right of a decent life.
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