6tilføjet af

ting JV ikke må.

Celebrate Mother's or Fathers Day
Celebrate Birthdays
Celebrate Thanksgiving
Celebrate New Year's Eve or Day
Celebrate Christmas
Celebrate Halloween
Celebrate Easter
Celebrate Flag Day
Celebrate Independence Day (Fourth of July)
Celebrate Hanukkah
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day
Celebrate Valentine's Day
Celebrate "Any" Holiday
Sing any Holiday Songs
Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving
Create Holiday artwork in school
Join the Boy or Girl Scouts
Become a Cheerleader
Attend class reunions (No "Worldly" association)
Go to the school prom
Play School or Professional Sports (No competition allowed)
Join any organization that has ties to Christianity
Shop at or Volunteer at the Salvation Army
Donate to Relief Organizations like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Charities and more
Shop at Church run thrift stores or Garage sales
Attend a Church School
Join the YMCA
Join the Military
Become a Police Officer
Attend Alcoholics Anonymous
Have any job with a gun
Strike against a Company
Salute the Flag
Can't Stand at Public Events while others are Standing to salute the Flag
Sing the National Anthem
Go to War
Wear Clothing Associated with War; e.g. Combats or Army Tops
Learn karate
Run for any Public Office
Campaign for a Candidate
Contribute to the Presidential Campaign Fund on your tax return
Can join union, but not participate in its affairs
Run for class president
Join Sororities or Fraternities
Participate in holiday parties at school
Gamble, Buy lottery tickets
Date without supervision - young or old
Watch R rated movies
Own a religious picture or statue
Smoke cigarettes, pipes or a cigars Sell cigarettes, pipes or a cigars
Accept/Donate Blood
Store your own blood before an operation
Wear blue jeans or casual clothes to the Kingdom Hall
Wear pants to the Kingdom Hall if you are a female
Wear skirts or dresses that are above the knee at any time
Wear any type of long hair if you are a man
Wear a beard in some Kingdom Halls and areas (judged hard)
Pierce ears if male, other body parts if female
Have any tattoos
Say curse words
Can't be hypnotized
Get divorced unless scriptural (adultery or fornication is committed by one partner) if you do divorce cannot remarry unless ex fornicates first
Say "Bless You" when someone sneezes
Say "Good Luck!", "Wish me Luck", "I was Lucky" or "You were Lucky"
Tell ghost stories
Practice Yoga
Own a Smurf
Eat Lucky Charms Cereal (References to Magical)
Throw a penny into a wishing well
Read Horoscopes
Promote anything Superstitious
Have wind charms because they represent a pagan symbol for scaring away demons
Watch TV shows, "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch", "Touched by an Angel", or "Bewitched"
Say "It was fate" or mention anything to do with "fate"
Engage in any risky acts such as: Sky Diving, Bungie Jumping & Hang Gliding
Have Jesus as your Mediator and Savior
Can't partake in the Memorial of Jesus' death, by eating the unleavened bread or drinking the wine; only allowed if you are from the elite group of the 144,000
A woman can't hold a position of responsibility in the congregation
Wear or own a Cross
Attend another Church (Spiritual Fornication)
Associate on a regular basis with nonbelievers Associate with ex-members
Associate with disfellowshipped ones
Sue another Jehovah's Witness
Marry a nonbeliever (If you do, you are judged hard by the congregation)
Marry in another Church or attend a wedding in another Church
Have a funeral in another Church or attend a funeral in another Church
Pray, including holding your head down, when a nonbeliever prays
Study other religious articles not from the Society
Read negative information about the Society
Question the Watchtower Society on anything
Exercise your on conscience if it goes against the religion
Question the Society or the Organization
You can't play violent video games.
You can't associate with "worldly" persons. (Bad associations)
tilføjet af

wow der var et par

jeg blev overrasket over.
Har du evt. en kilde på disse statements?
på forhånd tak
mvh multani
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Yeapper Multani :)

Det er et meget godt forum, men nok ikke et sted jv tør tage ind, med mindre de tror helt hundret procent på at de er i sandheden. og det tror jeg ikke at Ziggi inderst inde gør.
tilføjet af

tak ska du ha

jeg kan ikke vurdere om ziggi er 100 % overbevist, men umiddelbart tror jeg at han godt ved at der er visse ting som virker underlige.
Men jeg frygter at man er så bange at man ikke tør nævne det, eller knap nok tænke det.
mvh multani
tilføjet af


Ja du har ret. Suk.... Men nu er vi "vokne" nok til, at beslutte hvad vi selv mener er rigtigt. Fri for "retningslinier". Er det ikke skønt. JUBII.
Med venlig hilsen
Dorte Olesen (tidl. Tveiti)
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Hej Dorte!

Fint at se dig her på solen!
Ja. er det ikke dejligt at være sin egen person?
Når man kan se på tryk alt det vi ikke har kunnet gøre, er det til at grøsse over.
Selv tænkte jeg aldri over det dengang....
Jeg har vel heller aldrig synes det var mærkeligt at komme sammen til klassefest selv om jeg var et jv. Mange vidner jeg kænder har handlet hos Frælsens hærs butikker, vi har gået i rigssalen i bukser, vi sagde "hæld og lykke", rigtignok i stedet for "skål" i lystig lag, og det med at ikke eje smurfer er nyt for mig.
Man er muligens mer liberal i Norge, for her deltager man faktisk i kirkelige begravelser i respekt for avdøde og efterladte.
Jane :D
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Sin egen lykkes smed

Hej Jane
Jeg har også en fornemmelse af, at tingene er mere liberale i Norge. Min eks svigerfamilie er fra Norge, og jeg har besøgt Norge (dermed Jehovas Vidner) nogle gange. Der er ligesom mere "gang" i den i Norge. Men selvfølgelig stadig mange restriktioner.
Nej man tænker ikke over det, så længe man er i JV. Så affinder man sig bare med at det er som det er. Derfor, når vi vågner op, så nyder vi friheden endnu mere.
Med venlige hilsner
Dorte Olesen
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