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mig i en nøddeskal

jeg har skrevet det på engelsk, fordi jeg synes det giver et bedre billedsprog, jeg håber at få en masse respons på det... så her kommer det!

I´m a 20 years old kid, and I’ve read ”the way of the wizard” and I want to share one of my experiences with you… it´s a very new experience to me, so I don´t know how to use it or what to do with this knowledge yet. The only thing I know is that, I want to share it with anyone that can comprehend it!

The White Ocean
My experience of freedom (a rare experience)
When it comes to me, it is usually when I’m trying to sleep

Stage 1: trance
After I’ve been in bed for an hour or so, and haven´t fallen asleep, I’m entering a condition of trance, I’m not asleep nor awake, a place in between. In and out of sleep an consciousness! (i can´t control when I’m entering the condition of trance, the only thing i can do is to let go of my body, when it finally comes)

Stage 2: the transition
Calmly my consciousness, my essence is trying to slip out of my body. (It´s a very hard process for me, because my body wants’ to came with me, but it has very little to do with my body, which makes it so hard. So the trick is to let go of your body. (I´ve only succeeded in surpassing stage 1 twice)

Stage 3: freedom, power and meaning
Freedom. A feeling of total freedom, nothing makes sense, but everything is as it should be. Imagine that you are looking up at the night sky; you are looking out in the never ending universe. There is nothing but power and raw energy that surrounds you. You are that energy. I had the feeling that i was flying, always accelerating, faster and faster. Nothing could stop me, nothing wanted to stop me. I was everywhere but didn´t move an inch, nothing mattered, but everything made sense. In other Words… FREEDOM!

Stage 4: the transition
After a couple of hours my essence is letting go of ”the white dimension” for every time you ”blink” you will fell your body more and more!
Stage 5: Trance
As i was returning to my body again, the more confused I got. Again I had the feeling that i wasn´t asleep or awake. After some time you’ll realize that you are just a little human again, when that happens you will start to miss the feeling/condition of freedom (that will first happen after a couple of days)
But consider this that if it was something you could do/feel all the time, there would be nothing to admire or miss!
It has come to me when I realized that I shouldn’t seek it out, on the contrary it has to come to me!
Paul Sain

grunden til at jeg deler det her, er fordi jeg søger hjælp til at udvikle,udnytte og videre give den evne som alle menesker sidder inde med men som ikke alle er klar over!
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Kæreste Dig

Så smukt, så stort, så uendeligt, så intet, så alt.
Ja, det er essensen.
Det er friheden. Til at vælge at manifestere lige nøjagtigt, hvad vi ønsker af dette alt.
Det er vidunderligt er det ikke?
Mit bedste råd til dig er: kontakt arthur findlay college i england. adressen er www.arthurfindlaycollege.org.
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