34tilføjet af

Kan jeg stole på det her?

Hej Sol mennesker
Har fundet en annonce på den blå avis om en lejlighed, og jeg kontaktede udlejer.
Er dog i tvivl om, hvorvidt der er tale om snyd.
Hvad siger I, skal jeg stole på det her og hvas kan jeg gøre for at tjekke udlejer?
I am Catharina Valle and I just received an email of interest in my 2 room apartment located in (Her står præcis adresse, så, men jeg vælger at fjerne den i denne debat) . I am a Spanish researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Denmark on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Copenhagen.
I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for ho long, if you have a steady income, etc. I must tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of an french bulldog). You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment, but as the last tenants had their own furniture it was moved into my private storage found in the basement of the building.If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
The rent for 1 month is 5700 kr (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 4 months.
About myself, I am 56 years old and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in Madrid, my home town .
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in Spain but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.
Hvad siger I?
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Den er ikke let at afgøre

Men siden du har den eksakte adresse på stedet, så sker der vel intet ved at du tjekker stedet ud ved at besøge det.
Siden det er en lejlighed må der være en vicevært eller hvad sådan en kaldes nu om dage som du kan spørge ud om den tidligere ejer.
Hvis der er yderligere oplysninger i annoncen om udlejers identitet eller adresse så kunne du jo prøve at slå det op i Google og se hvad det bringer frem.
Hvis samme navn har forbindelse til flere adresser rundt om i verden så er det nok ikke et godt tegn.
tilføjet af

Har fået samme mail!

Jeg har skrevet på samme lejlighed og fået nøjagtigt samme mail. Så derfor NEJ, så tror jeg ikke den er til at stole på!! Jeg stiger i hvert fald af, så kan du få lejligheden hvis det er ;)
tilføjet af


Det er vel ikke i sig selv et problem at du har fået den samme mail, hvis du har søgt den samme lejlighed, hun kan jo sagtens have sendt denne mail ud til alle der har søgt.
Men du har nok ret i at der er grund til at være på vagt
tilføjet af

Annonce på dba.dk

Umiddelbart lyder det noget mistænksomt..
Hvis du derfor vil poste linket til den pågældende annonce, så undersøger jeg sagen for dig.
Ser frem til at høre fra dig.
Med venlig hilsen
Lene Kristensen
Support dba.dk
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Den er slettet

Annoncen er åbenbart blevet slettet, hvilket selvfølelig blot gør det endnu mere mistænkeligt...
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Det lugter langt væk!!

Min kæreste og jeg har modtaget præcis samme mail og svarede tilbage hvor vi modtog denne mail. :
Hi Christian,
   Thank you for your timely response and for your kind email. If you are still interested  I agree to rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems .
   Of course  you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven't seen. As the furniture was removed from the apartment I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.
   The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a Moneybookers Escrow Account to make sure that we can trust each other.
   I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me  as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.
Thank you,
Efter at have læst de andre indlæg her på sidden begynder det at lugte mere og mere. Men tar derud i morgen og prøver at finde ud af om Catharina virkelig ejer og har boet i lejligheden.
tilføjet af

jeg har også lige fået at vide at jeg kan leje den

Hi Joakim,
   Thank you for your timely response and for your kind email. If you are still interested I agree to
rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a very nice person and I can
assure you we will not have any problems .
   Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot
rent an apartment that you haven't seen. As the furniture was removed from the apartment I am willing to
send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs. I am also more than happy to help out
with some or more of my furniture if you need any.
   The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me),
will be made through an authorized courier and using a Moneybookers Escrow Account to make sure that we can
trust each other.
   I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this
message because I really need to take care of this matter.
Thank you,

Lidt ærgeligt, men også lidt for godt til at være sandt, desværre. Håber alle finder ud af at det er et scam, det tager dba.dk sig forhåbentlig af?
tilføjet af

annonce, dog uden link af en eller anden grund

København N: 2 vær. lejlighed, 68 m2, Ahornsgade 5A 4. tv., 1800 i depositum, lejeperiode 1-2 år, husdyr tilladt, møbleret, vaskemaskine, tørretumbler, tekøkken, kælderrum, Lejligheden er funktionelt indrettet med køkken, et stort badeværelse, flotte lyse parketgulve, store vinduespartier.Lejligheden er på ca. 68 m2.Køkken: Opvaskemaskine, Køl/frys, komfur, sidde/spise-plads til 2-3 personer. Tæt på indkøbe center i stille og rolige sted. Lejen inkluderer fri parkering for en bil på foreningens parkeringsplads. 100.kr til internet og TV fuld pakke udover husleje. Henvendelse helst per. email. Mvh Catharina Mdr. husleje 5700 Inklusiv varme og vand
tilføjet af

Tror det er fup!

Hej vi er et par der også har søgt på den annonce. Vi fik samme savr som dig, og søgte på lejligheden. Da jeg skulle vise min kæreste annoncen, stod der den var solgt??? Men vi skrev til hende alligevel. Og vi fik nedenstående svar. JEg var mistænksom i forvejen og har undersøgt hvem der ejer ejendommen. Det gør en andelsforening der hedder Udenbys Klæde- bo Kvarter eller i den retning. Jeg har tænkt mig at gå forbi lejligheden i morgen og se på navneskilt samt kontakte administrator for at komme til bunds i sagen..Men vi tror det er fup! Som I kan se i teksten vil hun sende nøglen gennem et kurerfirma. Hvorfor ikke lade formanden for andelsforeningen lave fremvisning. Vi skrev også et meget personligt brev til hende. Og der er ikke på noget tidspunkt i hendes svar der referer til vores brev til hende.. Som sagt tror vi det er fup, især nu hvor vi ser der er andre der i tvivl. Skal også lige siges at jeg har set samme annonce på boligportalen for mindre en halv time siden!
Thank you for your timely response and for your kind email. If you are still interested I agree to

rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a very nice person and I can

assure you we will not have any problems .
Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot

rent an apartment that you haven't seen. As the furniture was removed from the apartment I am willing to

send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs. I am also more than happy to help out

with some or more of my furniture if you need any.
The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me),

will be made through an authorized courier and using a Moneybookers Escrow Account to make sure that we can

trust each other.
I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this

message because I really need to take care of this matter.

Thank you,

tilføjet af

det er fup!

Prøv at kig i tråden.
Jeg har lige fået en email med samme bekræftelse på at lejligheden så godt som er min :(
mvh joakim
tilføjet af


jeg har faaet samme to beskeder som alle andre ovenfor. det er helt sikkert et scam.
tilføjet af


Har fået præcis samme emails, og hun sagde at lejligheden var så godt som min! godt jeg søgte på hendes navn for at finde ud af at hun skriver til MANGE at lejligheden er deres!!🙁
tilføjet af

Sikker handel på dba.dk

Hvis annoncen ikke er tilgængelig på dba.dk mere er det sikkert fordi vi allerede har fjernet den fra sitet grundet mistanke om svindel.
Vi er bevidst om disse udenlandske svindler som især specialisere sig i iPhone, bærbar, biler, hunde - og til tider også attraktive lejlighedsannoncer. Vi foretager derfor dagligt tjek af vores annoncemateriale for især ulovlige og mistænkelige annoncer.
Desuden har vi indført "Anmeld denne annonce", hvor alle vil kunne sende en mail til os hvis noget virker mistænksomt.
Vi foretager altid en vurdering når vi modtager en anmeldelse, men i disse tilfælde er det ofte meget åbenlyst og brugerne vil straks blive inaktiveret.
Du kan læse mere om sikker handel på dba.dk her:
Kan I evt. oplyse den mailadresse som blev benyttet eller et link til den slettede annonce - Så kan jeg undersøge den pågældende sag nærmere.
Med venlig hilsen
Lene Kristensen
Support dba.dk
tilføjet af

email adresse "hun" brugte

Får alle der har henvendt sig til denne email adresse så en meddelelse fra jer at de IKKE skal stole på beskeden?
MVH joakim
Catharina Valle <catharinavalle@yahoo.dk>
tilføjet af

Benyt gerne "Anmeld denne annonce"

Hej Joakim,
Tak for mailadressen - Jeg kan se, at vi allerede har lukket netop denne profil grundet mistanke om svindel. Jeg vil derfor fraråde alle at fortsætte korrespondancen med vedkommende.
Mht. advarsler, så logger vi ikke dialog via mailformularen og derfor kan vi desværre ikke sende en meddelelse ud til de som har reflekteret på annoncen.
Oplever I igen mistænksomme annoncer, så benyt endelige funktionen "Anmeld denne annonce". Vi undersøger så sagen og sender et svar retur.
Med venlig hilsen
Lene Kristensen
Support dba.dk
tilføjet af


Modtg denne mail efter at have svaret hende 3 gang. Det var før jeg fandt dette debat forum. Den mail er åbentbaet standse for alle der prøver at lokke penge ud af folk på nettet. Har været inde på forums i andre lande og de har alle oplevet at modtage denne mail. Så vær på vagt🙂mvh. Christian
Hi again Christian,
   Using the Moneybookers escrow blocked account, the viewing procedure involves three parties: me as the owner, you as the prospective tenant and Moneybookers as a licensed third party responsible for the good development of the transaction.
   The Moneybookers Escrow Blocked account is just like the blocked account where you pay the damage deposit when you rent an apartment except that instead of a bank we will use Moneybookers. Of course, nobody can touch this money until you return the keys. 
   The deposit, which is equal to the first month of rent must be paid for the activation of the Blocked Account through bank to bank transfer.
   The delivery for the package will be made using an authorized courier such as DHL, Federal Express or UPS and the package will be sent by Moneybookers to your home address .
You must know that in case the keys in the package will not correspond to the apartment keys you will receive three times the value of the security deposit from Moneybookers out of my Security Deposit fund that I have with Moneybookers.
   To start the procedure I will need the following information from you :
-Shipping address (address where you want the package to be delivered) and the name of the receiver
-Arrival Schedule (when you will be home to receive the package and sign for the receipt)
-Telephone number in case of any emergencies .
You will have 14 days to inspect the apartment since the arrival date.
   If decide to keep the apartment I will set up the open ended (3 month notice) contract from here with your information, I will sign it and I will send it to you. You will also have to sign it and send it back to me .
-If you do not keep the apartment, you give the keys/contract back to moneybookers and you will collect the security deposit. This will be in writing in the moneybookers contract I will sign. The keys usually arrive in 48 hours.
   The MoneyBookers fees will be paid by me when i will initiate the procedure, you will have to pay for the bank transfer fees when you will have to make the deposit in the designated blocked bank account.
I will wait your reply as soon as possible and if you agree, I will need your full name, shipping address and your daytime phone number and I will handle the moneybookers transaction.
Thank you again for your time and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
tilføjet af

"hun" bruger også hotmail!

Hun bruger også en hot mail. catharina_valle@hotmail.com har også fået afvide at jeg kunne leje den :(
tilføjet af


Jeg er endnu en 'heldig vinder' af de samme mails.... Jo mere jeg søger på nettet jo mere dukker der op.
Det er bl.a. også værd at hæfte sig ved, at moneybookers ikke holder ting for folk som f.eks nøgler, skulle man falde over et lign. fupnummer i fremtiden.

Melder dba disse sager til politiet eller hvordan?
tilføjet af


Det lugter!!!! Personen vil have et depositum og jegkan fortaelle dig at du ALDRIG faar noeglen til lejligheden. Hvorfor " Freindship "...Hvornaar er lejer og udlejer nogensinde blevet saakaldte venner? Depositum vil blive betalt til saakaldte ejer (?) mange gange af mange forskellige mennesker.Proceduren er helt forkert.Saadan en slags udlejlning foregaar ALTID igennem en ejendomsmaegler netop fordi ejer ikke er bosiddende i landet!!!! Vi har selv proevet det!
tilføjet af

Anmeld sagen til politiet

Vi har et rigtig godt samarbejde med politiet.
Dog skal alle sager anmeldes af de forulempede - Politiet tager så efterfølgende kontakt til os for yderligere informationer.
Jeg vil derfor anbefale dig, at anmelde sagen til det nærmest politi og så hjælper vi derefter med alle relevante informationer som kan hjælpe med en opklaring af sagen.
Med venlig hilsen
Lene Kristensen
Support dba.dk
tilføjet af


Hej boligsøgende.
Vi har lige modtaget fuldstændig samme mail. Den eneste forskel er, at hun havde et andet navn og kom fra Italien. Mailen er præcis den samme. Har du fundet ud af mere omkring det?
tilføjet af

Samme her

Samme mail i dag, to gange den samme, for to forskellige lejligheder.
I am Jullie Zize and I just received an email of interest in my 4 room apartment located in Herman Triers Plads 6, 1. th.,Copenhagen. I am an english researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Denmark on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Copenhagen.
I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for ho long, if you have a steady income, etc. I must tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of an english bulldog). You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment, but as the last tenants had their own furniture it was moved into my private storage found in the basement of the building.If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
The rent for 1 month is 7350 DKK (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 3 months.
About myself, I am 56 years old and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in Manchester, my home town .
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

Best regards.
I am Guadalupe Garney and I just received an email of interest in my 5 room apartment located in Falkoner Alle 18 5.TV, Frederiksberg. I am an english researcher working for a pharmaceutical company and this apartment was bought while working here in Denmark on a 5 year contract, as I thought it would be a better investment than renting. I the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and it has no legal problems . The apartment has not been inhabited since I am no longer living in Copenhagen.
I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you, like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for ho long, if you have a steady income, etc. I must tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of an english bulldog). You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.
In addition to everything else here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other.
The apartment is the one in the pictures from the advertisment, but as the last tenants had their own furniture it was moved into my private storage found in the basement of the building.If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
The rent for 1 month is 8500 DKK (for the entire apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time (open end contract) but not less than 3 months.
About myself, I am 56 years old and as I told you I am a researcher in pharmaceutical products, currently living in Manchester, my home town .
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in United Kingdom but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and I am looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

Best regards. Hi ,
Thank you for your timely response and for your kind email.. If you are still interested I agree to rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems .
Of course you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven't seen. As the furniture was removed from the apartment I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.
The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a Moneybookers Escrow Account to make sure that we can trust each other.
I will explain the procedure if you are interested so please email me as soon as you read this message because I really need to take care of this matter.
Thank you
Den fik jeg også...
To lejligheder der i går lå på Dba.
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Smedegade 7,2200

Hej, der er en ny kvinde i omløb.
Marissa Litti fra Italien, som skriver præcis det samme.
Hun har nævnt et hotel hun bor på.
tilføjet af


Good evening Tina,

My name is Marisa Litti and I have just read your email of interest for my 2 room apartment located in Smedegade 7. I am an Italian pharmaceutical researcher and this apartment was bought while working in Copenhagen on a 5 year contract, as I thought at the time it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and there are no legal issues with it. At this time the apartment is empty as I am actively searching for new tenants.
I would like to rent my apartment only to nice and responsible people. In order to do that I should know a few details about you, namely how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, how financially stable you are, etc. I should tell you from the beginning that I do not have any problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of a bull terrier). You must also know that I highly appreciate sincerity.
In addition to all of the above here are a few details about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other a little.
The apartment is the one in the pictures posted in the advertisment, but as the last couple that lived there had their own furniture, I moved my own in my private storage found in the basement of the building. If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
Like stated in the advertisment, the rent for 1 month is 5600 kr. including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time but not less than 4 months.
About my own person, I am 57 years old and as I told you I am a pharmaceutical researcher,currently living in Rome, my home town.
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in Italy but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and your time reading this email and I am surely looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

Best regards,

tilføjet af

Hvad med denne er den også fake- lejlighed ørestad

Good night,
I want to apologize for the late answer but I had a busy day and I could not reply you earlier! My name is Marlene Joergensen, I have 41 years and I have available the apartment located in:Ørestad, C. F. Møllers Allé, 2300 København.It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and have 95 m2.
I'm looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction for a building that will rise up in Manchester/United Kingdom.I'm a civil engineer, so my accommodation period here will be about 6-10 years.The renting period is from min. 1 month up to 10 years.As a result of this I want to rent for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment.I'm the owner of the apartment and it is fully equipped and fully furnished, just like in the photos.
The apartment is furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs).The rent for 1 month is DKK 3.900 (for the whole apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, A/C, TV, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator).You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys and contract.The only problem is that I'm the only person who has the keys and now I live in Manchester with my family but I have a solution for resolve this problem, don't worry.
Thank you and I will look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best regards, Marlene
tilføjet af


Hej Ann-Sofie,
Jeg har straks undersøgt sagen, og kan se at vi d. 25. marts har lukket denne profil på DBA - Dette er derfor desværre ikke en reel annonce, men en svindler som ønsker at få dig til at forudbetale et depositum.
Læs evt. punktet "Falske boligannoncer på DBA" i vores Sikkerhedscenter:
Oplever du andre mistænksomme annoncer, så anmeld dem endelig via "Anmeld annonce" eller kontakt Support på support@dba.dk - Så undersøger vi sagen hurtigst muligt.
Med venlig hilsen
Lene Kristensen
Support DBA
tilføjet af

Pas på derude - så er den gal igen

Så er den gal igen - nu hedder "hun# bare "Helena Jabuli" Men teksten og forløbet er stort set uidentisk me det fra januar
My name is Helena Jabuli and I have just read your email of interest for my 2 room apartment located in Tibirkegade 4. I am an Italian pharmaceutical researcher and this apartment was bought while working in Copenhagen on a 5 year contract, as I thought at the time it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and there are no legal issues with it. At this time the apartment is empty as I am actively searching for new tenants.
I would like to rent my apartment only to nice and responsible people. In order to do that I should know a few details about you, namely how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, how financially stable you are, etc. I should tell you from the beginning that I do not have any problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of a bull terrier). You must also know that I highly appreciate sincerity.
In addition to all of the above here are a few details about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other a little.
The apartment is the one in the pictures posted in the advertisment, but as the last couple that lived there had their own furniture, I moved my own in my private storage found in the basement of the building. If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
Like stated in the advertisment, the rent for 1 month is 5600 kr. including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time but not less than 4 months.
About my own person, I am 57 years old and as I told you I am a pharmaceutical researcher,currently living in Rome, my home town.
You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in Italy but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and your time reading this email and I am surely looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

Best regards,

tilføjet af

Kan jeg stole på det her?

modtog denne i dag:
Thank you for your interest. My name is Martha Jettson and from the internet add, you could see, that the apartment located in: Malmøgade 4, 2100 København, Dänemark. It has 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 living room.
I am looking for someone to live in it, as soon as possible, because my company has won the auction for a project, in construction, for a building that will rise up in London, United Kingdom. I am a civil engineer, so my accommodation period in United Kingdom will be about 4 years. The renting period is from 1 months up to 1-8 years. As a result of this I want to rent, for this period, at this price and also to find the perfect person for my apartment. I`m the owner of the apt and it's like in the pics.
The apartment is furnished, but I have the option of sending all my furniture into storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). The rent for 1 month is 2500 kr + 2500 - 1 month rent deposit (for the whole apartment) including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). You can move in the apt in the same day when you receive the keys. The only problem is that I`m the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.
Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

hun findes på bolighit.dk og hedder martha jettson. stort set det samme som de andre, bare med små ændringer.
tilføjet af

Kan jeg stole på det her?

100 % fupnummer. Skriver en masse mails med små ændringer i navn, adresse osv.
Jeg har fået samme mail i dag fra oliviabienati@yahoo.dk:

"Good evening Martin,
My name is Olivia Bienati and I have just read your email of interest for my 2 room apartment located in Todesgade 4. I am an Italian pharmaceutical researcher and this apartment was bought while working in Denmark on a 5 year contract, as I thought at the time it would be a better investment than renting. I am the only owner of the apartment, it is paid in full and there are no legal issues with it. At this time the apartment is empty as I am searching for new tenants.
I would like to rent my apartment to nice and responsible people. In order to do that I should know a few details about you, namely how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, how financially stable you are, etc. I should tell you from the beginning that I do not have any problem if you are a student and I am very fond of pets and willing to accept them in the apartment(I am the proud owner of a bull terrier). You must also know that I highly appreciate sincerity.
In addition to all of the above here is a little something about the apartment and myself so we can get to know each other a little.
The apartment is the one in the pictures posted in the advertisment, but as the last couple that lived there had their own furniture, I moved my own in my private storage found in the basement of the building. If you don't have furniture I can take it back to the apartment with no extra costs for you.
The rent for 1 month is 5800 kr. including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable). You can rent the flat for any period of time but not less than 4 months.
About my own person, I am 57 years old and as I told you I am a pharmaceutical researcher, currently living in Rome, my home town.You can move in the apartment in the same day when you receive the keys. The only issue is that I am already in Italy but I hope that together we are going to find a solution.
I appreciate your interest in my property and your time reading this email and I am surely looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.

Best regards,

For en uges tid siden skrev jeg med en, der også talte engelsk og "tilfældigvis" også boede i Rom i øjeblikket, og som viste sig heller ikke at eje lejligheden som påstået. De har begge en @yahoo.dk e-mail-adresse (den anden er dorinitony@yahoo.dk) og tilbyder begge at sende nøglerne.
Drop at spilde jeres tid på dem og pas på, I ikke betaler noget til nogen.
tilføjet af


det er 100% scam! Jeg havde også en korrespondance kørende. Det var dog en mand fra Rom - men det er præcist det samme, de skriver, og metoden for udlejning er også den samme. Send mig penge så sender jeg nøglen gennem kurerfirma... Hmm yeah right! Researchede mig også frem til at den såkaldte lejlighed var ejet af et it-firma ..
Det er pisse irriterende, at det skal være sådan en jungle at finde en lejlighed uden at blive røvrendt af svindlere
tilføjet af

Kan jeg stole på det her?

Du skulle vel aldrig have fået denne mail fra ham Rom-gutten ; 😉
Hello, I received an email from you for the rental of my apartment in 1819 Frederiksberg C listed at 4500kr. If you are still interested the offer is still available.
About the apartment!
The apartment is paid in full and with no legal issues. I am the only owner of the apartment and I want to rent it for any period of time, the longer the better. The apartment was inhabited by my daughter and her boyfriend while they where working and studying in Denmark but they recently bought a house in Rome so they won't need the apartment anymore. I am very happy about their decision because they will be living very close to me. The apartment is like you see it in the pictures and available at request because my daughter moved to Rome with her boyfriend since she is 8 months pregnant .
Rental conditions !
- 1 month of deposit a - pets are allowed (I am a pet owner myself) - open end contract with 1-3 months notice
About me !
I am 59 years old Italian import-export trader and own my own company. We work with Chinese manufacturings so I am away most of the year.
What I need to know about you ! - more or less for how long do you intend to reny the apartment❓- how many persons will there be living in the apartment? - a valid phone number so I can call you and of course the hours when I can call. If you agree with the rental conditions please send me an e-mail with the information I requested and I will select a candidate out of the e-mails that I will receive.
Best regards, Ruria Davide
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Olivia Bienati

Har modtaget præcis samme emails fra "Olivia Bienati", efter at have søgt en lejlighed på Todesgade 4, København N. Korrespondancen er fra d.10-12 juni.
Og ja, det er voldsomt irriterende, at man skal kæmpe med den slags.
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Kan jeg stole på det her?

Det er ikke svært at kontrollere hvem som ejer en ejendom/lejlighed.
Gå ind på www.ois.dk og indtast kommune og adresse, så får i at vide hvem ejeren er (med mindre vedkommende har nedlagt navneforbud).
Er det et selskab, som ejer ejendommen, kan selskabets adresse slås op på www.cvr.dk, indtast blot selskabets fulde navn.
Held og lykke med at finde en bolig - og betal aldrig nogen før lejekontrakten bliver underskrevet og du har checket, at det er dem som ejer ejendommen !!
Desværre er der rigtig mange mennesker med tvivlsom moral ... som synes at 'det er en forbrydelse at lade et fjols beholde sine penge'
tilføjet af

Kan jeg stole på det her?

Hun florerer STADIG på DBA. Har fået præcis samme mails. Nu under navnet "Sabrina Lantri" fra Madrid. Mailen hun bruger i dette tilfælde er "sabrina.lantri@gmail.com", og adressen på lejligheden var Slotsgade 7, København N.
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.