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Hvem kender dette nummer

Kender nogen mon dette rocknummer?
Det kunne være med Deep Purple, Rainbow eller lign.
Det eneste jeg kan gengive er en smule af teksten, der lyder: "Talk to me, talk to the stranger".
Jeg ville blive rigtig glad hvis nogen kunne lede mig på sporet at dette stykke musik.
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her er svaret

Den nummer du leder efter er 100% fra gruppen THE SANDMAN pladen hedder "YOU BELIVE" -pladen er fra 1999 -
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Brugte en søgemaskine

Og fandt følgende:
Talk To The Stranger
by Ten
Talk to me…

Talk to the stranger.
Talk to the stranger.
Tired of wasting precious time praying for the rain
Rip away my innocence, take away the pain
Everyday I fantasize, sad enough but true
Dreaming of a better life, outside the tomb…
Wizened, the expressionless faces made of clay
Colour ground to monochrome, dirty shades of Grey
Counting our tomorrows like all our yesterdays
Carbon copies thrown around, rewind, erase…
Talk to me now… talk to the stranger
Turn a shrouded face to the light
Burn beyond this place to another world
Talk to me now… talk to the stranger
Talk to me now… talk to the stranger
Throw this isolation a line
Don’t deny this taste of another, girl
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
I could give her everything if she has the key
She who holds this beating heart, tears it out of me
Patience is a lonely sound, now it’s wearing thin
Losing my control around this fire within…
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Turn a shrouded face to the light
Burn beyond this place to another world
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Throw this isolation a line
Don’t deny this taste of another, girl
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Talk to the stranger.
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Turn a shrouded face to the light
Burn beyond this place to another world
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Throw this isolation a line
Don’t deny this taste of another, girl
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Throw this isolation a line
Don’t deny this taste of another, girl
Talk to me now…talk to the stranger
Talk, talk, talk to the stranger.
Talk, talk, talk to the stranger.

Der er mange hits på tekster med ordene, så hvilken en det er du vil have er det kun dig selv der ved.
Denne tekst er fra en der hedder "Ten", andet ved jeg ikke om det.
Gearge Strait har lavet en sang med samme ord, men har ikke kunnet finde den.
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.