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Engelsk for begyndere...

In a second grade sex education class, little Mary asks, "teacher, can my momma get pregnant?"
The teacher asks, "how old is your mother?"
Little Mary says, "forty".
The teacher says, "yes, your mother could get pregnant."
The little girl asks, "can my big sister get pregnant?"
The teacher asks, "how old is your sister?"
Little Mary answers, "nineteen".
The teacher says, "oh my yes, your sister certainly could get pregnant."
The little girl asks, "can I get pregnant?"
The teacher asks, "how old are you?"
Mary says "I'm seven years old".
The teacher says, "no, you can't get pregnant."
Little Johnny, who is sitting behind little mary, gives her a poke and says, "see, I told you we had nothing to worry about
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DEN var godt nok sjov.. og jeg sidder jo i USA.. saa viste den lige til en af mine kollegaer som ogsaa begyndte at grine, da han laeste den :-)
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Hey There...

Hvor sjovt at høre fra dig igen... ;O) ;O)

Say, Howdi to your friend for my..... ;O)
Er du der ovre for "Business or plesure"

Hermed "Whit love" fra Århus ;O)
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