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C.S.I miami HJÆLP!!!!!

Er der nogen der ved hvordan man kommer videre i sag nummer 2 i c.s.i miami kan ingen ting gøre er gået helt i stå efter jeg har haft ham medarbejderen på baren til samtale
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hvad er det for et spil?

gider du ikke skrive adressen her? jeg er vild med den slags opklare-ting-spil.
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http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/sg/csi_miami.txt . Herinde kan du finde ud af det. Hvis den ikke viser noget, så gå ind på www.cheatcc.com . Gå ind og væl spilkonsol, spilnavnet, og gå så ind i strategy guide. Men det er på engelsk, så det skal du kunne forstå!!!! Skriv lige tilbage hvis det virker...
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Hjælper ikke

Jeg er gået i stå på helt samme sted, og jeg har den fulde forklaring på engelsk, men man kan ikke komme videre det er som om der mangler en kode på cd'en
Det er mig der har skrevet om der er nogen der kunne hjælpe mig i samme sag.
Hilsen Pelle
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Er det denne forklaring?

Case 2: Crack or Jack [CASE2]
Victim: Jack Summons
Available Location: Fate Nightclub
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to the man
- New Suspect: Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What is your role here at the club?"
Ask "Do you know the victim?"
Ask "Did you see Jack last night?"
Ask "Does Jack have keys for the club?"
Ask "Do you mind if we look around?"
Take a closer look at the body's area
Take a closer look at the light spot
Use the Gloves to pick up the disco light
- New Evidence: Disco Light (Fate)
Take a closer look at the bolt
Use the Gloves to pick up the bolt
- New Evidence: Bolt (Fate)
Take a closer look at the shattered glass
Use the Gloves to pick up the glass
- New Evidence: Glass Shards (Fate)
Take a closer look at the body
Examine the shoes
Use the Adhesive Specimen Mount on the gum
- New Evidence: Powdery Substance (Simmons' Shoe)
Examine the wallet
Use the Gloves to pick up the business card
- New Evidence: Business Card (Simmons' Wallet)
Examine the head
Use the Swab on the blood
- New Evidence: Simmons' Blood (Simmons' Body)
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Could this have been a burglary?"
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Powdery Substance (Simmons' Shoe)" to Valera
Show the "Simmons' Blood (Simmons' Body)" to Valera
Show the "Business Card (Simmons' Wallet)" to Valera
Show the "Disco Light (Fate)" to Valera
Show the "Bolt (Fate)" to Valera
Show the "Glass Shards (Fate)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on "Business Card (Wallet)"
Use the Microscope
Do a search on "Substance (Simmons' Shoe)"
and compare it with the proper "Specimen Sample" (2)
Use the Assembly Table
Complete the puzzle
- New Evidence: Glass Shards (Assembled)
Double-Click on the "Glass Shards (Assembled)"
Use the Fingerprint Powder" on the fingerprint mark
- New Evidence: Glass Shard Fingerprint (Assembled Glass)
Show the "Glass Shard Fingerprint (Assembled Glass)" to Valera
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Can we get your fingerprints?"
- New Evidence: Fingerprint (Sanchez)
Ask "Do you know anything about Jack's other business?"
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Fingerprint (Sanchez)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Compare the "Glass Shard Fingerprint (Fate)" with the "Fingerprint (Sanchez)"
Go to the "Morgue"
Ask "Can you recover the body for me?"
Ask "How did our victim die?"
Ask "How long has the victim been dead?"
Ask "Can we examine the body?"
Take a closer look at the head
- New Movie: Fractured Skull
Use the Mikrosil on the wound
- New Evidence: Wound Impression (Morgue)
Take a closer look at the shoes
[M] Show the "Simmons' Blood (Simmons' Body)" to Alexx
Ask "What can you tell us about the blood on the victim's back?"
Ask "What was the angle of impact of the fatal wound?"
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Wound Impression (Morgue)" to Valera
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What do you know about a sports bar called The Draft?"
- New Suspect: Ron Preston
Ask "Who is Ron?"
Ask "Where is Whiskey Stop?"
- New Location: Whiskey Stop Sportsbar
Ask "Did Jack have any enemies?"
- New Suspect: Nicky Winters
[M] Show the "Glass Shard Fingerprint (Assembled Glass)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Why did we find your fingerprints on the glass from the fallen light?"
Go to the "Whiskey Stop Sportsbar"
Talk to the woman at the bar (Nicky Winters)
Ask "We're with Miami CSI. Who are you?"
Ask "Did you use to work at Fate?"
Ask "Why are you working at Whiskey Stop?"
Ask "Did you threaten Jack when he fired you?"
Ask "Were you intimate with Ron?"
Ask "Is it always this quiet here?"
Ask "How do we get to the basement?"
- New Location: Microbrewery
Take a closer look at the trophy case
Examine the boxing trophy
Examine the star symbol on the trophy stand
Use the Mikrosil on the star symbol
- New Evidence: Trophy Impression (Whiskey Stop)
Examine at the top of the boxing trophy
Use the Luminol on the marks
Use the Swamp on the marks
- New Evidence: Blood Swamp (Trophy)
Take a closer look at the golf set-up
Talk to Nicky Winters
Ask "Why is there blood on the trophy?"
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Trophy Impression (Whiskey Stop)" to Valera
Show the "Blood Swamp (Trophy)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "DNA"
Do a search on "Trophy Blood DNA (Whiskey Stop)"
and compare it with the proper "Possible DNA Match"
Go to the "Microbrewery"
Talk to the man (Ron Preston)
Ask "Did you get into a fight with Jack last night?"
Ask "What were you fighting about?"
Ask "Nicky said that the fight was over her?"
Ask "When was the last time that you saw Jack?"
Ask "Did Jack fire Nicky because he was jealous?"
Ask "What's in the canisters?"
Ask "Do you mind if we take a look around your microbrewery?"
Take a closer look at the mug on the left box
Examine the star symbol
Use the Mikrosil on the star symbol
- New Evidence: Beer Mug Impression (Microbrewery)
Use the Gloves to pick up the mug
- New Evidence: Beer Mug (Microbrewery)
Take a closer look at the floor near the stairs
Use the Swab on the substance
- New Evidence: Beer Spill Swab (Microbrewery)
Take a closer look at the right beer vat
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Beer Spill Swab (Microbrewery)" to Valera
Show the "Beer Mug Impression (Microbrewery)" to Valera
Show the "Beer Mug (Microbrewery)" to Valera
Use the Microscope
Do a search on "Beer Spill Yeast (Brewery)"
and compare it with the proper "Specimen Sample"
Do a search on "Yeast Sample (Beer Mug)"
and compare it with the proper "Specimen Sample"
Compare the "Beer Spill Yeast (Brewery)" with the "Yeast Sample (Beer Mug)"
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What do you know about money missing from Fate?"
Go to the "Whiskey Stop Sportsbar"
Talk to Nicky Winters
Ask "Was Emrique embezzling from Fate?"
Ask "Do you ever do drugs?"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Ask "Can you look up Enrique Sanchez' bank records?"
- New Location: Sanchez' Car
Go to "Sanchez' Car"
Take a closer look at the back of the car
Open the car trunk
Use the Gloves to pick up the pliers
- New Evidence: Pliers (Sanchez' Car)
Take a closer look at the interior of the car
Open the gloves department
Use the Fingerprint Powder on fingerprint mark on the bag
- New Evidence: Powder Bag Fingerprint (Sanchez' Car)
Use the Gloves to pick up the bag
- New Evidence: Powdery Substance (Sanchez' Car)
Take a closer look at the back seat
Use the Ultraviolet (UV) Light on the stains
Use the Swab on the stains
- New Evidence: Fluid Sample (Sanchez' Car)
Take a closer look at under the right front seat
Use the Gloves to pick up the envelope
- New Evidence: Cash Envelope (Sanchez' Car)
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Powder Bag Fingerprint (Sanchez' Car)" to Valera
Show the "Fluid Sample (Sanchez' Car)" to Valera
Show the "Pliers (Sanchez' Car)" to Valera
Show the "Powdery Substance (Sanchez' Car)" to Valera
Show the "Cash Envelope (Sanchez' Car)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Car Powder Fingerprint (Sanchez' Car)"
and compare it with the proper "Possible Fingerprint Match"
Select "DNA"
Do a search on the "DNA Sample (Sanchez' Car)"
and compare it with the proper "Possible DNA Match"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Powdery Substance (Sanchez' Car)"
- New Movie: Cocaine in the System
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What do you know about the stain in the back seat of your car?"
Ask "Why did you have cocaine in your car?"
[M] Show the "Fluid Sample (Sanchez' Car)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Why did we find your DNA in the stain in the car?"
[M] Show the "Cash Envelope (Sanchez' Car)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Why did you have so much money in your car?"
Ask "We found drugs and money in your car. Are you dealing?"
Go to the "Whiskey Stop Sportsbar"
Talk to Nicky Winters
Ask "Have you handled any cocaine recently?"
[M] Show the "Powder Bag Fingerprint (Sanchez' Car)" to Nicky Winters
Ask "Why were your fingerprints on the bag in Sanchez' car?"
Go to the "Microbrewery"
Talk to Ron Preston
Ask "Are you dealing in drugs?"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Ask "Does Ron or Nicky have a past when it comes to drugs?"
Go to the "Microbrewery"
Talk to Ron Preston
Ask "What kind of drugs were you previously accused of trafficking?"
Ask "Who did the drugs belong to then?"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Ask "Have you got Sanchez' bank statements yet?"
- New Evidence: Bank Records (Yelina's Search)
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Bank Records (Yelina's Search)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on the "Bank Records (Yelina)"
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What can you tell us about your recent bank account activity?"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Ask for an interrogation with Enrique Sanchez
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Were you embezzling from Fate?"
Ask "So you killed Jack when he confronted you?"
- New Movie: Enrique Kills Jack?
Ask "Why do you have a bank account in Romania?"
[M] Show the "Powdery Substance (Sanchez' Car)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "What were you doing with such a large amount of drugs in your car?"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Ask for a warrant for Fate
Go to the "Fate Nightclub"
Take a closer look at the bar
Examine the beer taps
Use the Luminol on the right beer tap
Use the Swab on the blood
- New Evidence: Beer Tap Blood (Fate)
Examine the round metal of the right beer tap
Use the Mikrosil on the star symbol
- New Evidence: Beer Tap Impression (Fate)
Take a closer look at the cash register
Press the green button
- New Movie: Enrique the Embezzeler
Examine the money in the cash register drawer
Use the Ninhydrin on the bill
- New Evidence: Bill Fingerprint (100 Dollar Bill)
Examine the top area of the 100 dollar bill
Use the Adhesive Specimen Mount on powder
- New Evidence: Powdery Substance (100 Dollar Bill)
Use the Gloves on the 100 dollar bill
- New Evidence: Rolled 100 Dollar Bill (Fate)
Take a closer look at the ladder near the Fate sign
Use the Magnetic Powder on the fingerprint mark
- New Evidence: Ladder Fingerprint (Fate)
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Beer Tap Blood (Fate)" to Valera
Show the "Bill Fingerprint (100 Dollar Bill)" to Valera
Show the "Powdery Substance (100 Dollar Bill)" to Valera
Show the "Ladder Fingerprint (Fate)" to Valera
Show the "Beer Tap Impression (Fate)" to Valera
Show the "Rolled 100 Dollar Bill (Fate)" to Valera
Use the Computer
Select "Finger Prints"
Do a search on the "Dollar Fingerprint (Fate)"
Compare it with the proper "Possible Fingerprint Match"
- New Movie: Nicky Dealing in Drugs?
Compare the "Dollar Fingerprint (Fate)"
with the "Car Powder Fingerprint (Sanchez' Car)"
Compare the "Ladder Fingerprint (Fate)"
with the "Glass Shard Fingerprint (Fate)"
Compare the "Ladder Fingerprint (Fate)" with the "Fingerprint (Sanchez)"
Select "Search Links/Special"
Do a search on "Powdery Substance (Money)"
Use the Microscope
Compare the "Beer Tap Impression (Fate)" with the "
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
[M] Show the "Beer Tap Blood (Fate)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Why is there blood on the beer tap?"
Ask "Why did you feel bad?"
[M] Show the "Ladder Fingerprint (Fate)" to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Why are your fingerprints on the ladder?"
Talk to Yelina
Ask "What can you tell us about Frank Lamb?"
Ask for an interrogation with Nicky Winters
Talk to Nicky Winters
Ask "What do you mean by it being 'Jack's idea'?"
Ask "How long have you been trying to frame Ron?"
Ask "Did Sanchez know about your deal with Jack?"
Talk to Enrique Sanchez
Ask "Did Jack offer you money to help frame Ron?"
Ask "Did you agree with the deal?"
Ask "What did Jack say when you told him you wouldn't help?"
Talk to Yelina
Ask for an interrogation with Ron Preston
Talk to Ron Preston
Ask "How did Jack Simmons die?"
Talk to Yelina
Ask for a warrant for the Microbrewery
Go to the "Microbrewery"
Take a closer look at the top of the right beer vat
Use the Swab on the liquid
- New Evidence: Canister Beer (Microbrewery)
Take a closer look at the right beer vat handle
Turn on the red handle
Take a closer look at the top of the right beer vat
Use the Gloves to pick up the object at the bottom of the vat
- New Evidence: Locking Pliers (Microbrewery)
Go to the "Laboratory"
Show the "Canister Beer (Microbrewery)" to Valera
Show the "Locking Pliers (Microbrewery)" to Valera
Use the Microscope
Compare the "Canister Beer (Microbrewery)" with the proper "Specimen Sample"
Compare the "Canister Beer (Microbrewery)"
with the "Substance (Simmons' Shoe)"
Go to "Yelina's Desk"
Talk to Ron Preston
Ask "Why did Jack have the same yeast on the bottom of his shoes that you
are using in your beer?"
[M] Show the "Locking Pliers (Microbrewery)" to Ron Preston
Ask "Why were the pliers that cut the light in your beer vat?"
- Ending Movie
** Item with no golden tag:
1) Simmons' Blood (Simmons' Body)
Observational Challenge - Case 2
How many large fermenting beer vats were in the microbrewery?
- 2
What is the other name for a $100 bill?
- C-Note
What strain of yeast was found on the victim's shoes?
- [X] American Wheat / Bavarian Lager / Canadian Hearty Rye
What was on the shelves behind the cash register at Fate nightclub?
- Bottles of alcohol
Which of the following was not visible in the microbrewery?
- Folding Chair
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tror der er fejl i spillet

der må være en fejl i spillet for der er åbenbart flere der ahr problemer og har prøvet at køre efter både den danske og den engelsk løsning og går stadig i stå samme sted .... men tænker om man evt. kan komme videre til sag 3 udan at have klaret sag 2 ????
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Ja det.....

har jeg også overvejet, for det er lidt ærgeligt at man ikke kan bruge resten af spillet.
Jeg har bare overvejet lidt at man skal kontakte en anmelser af spillet, jeg har nemlig været rundt og søge omkring spillet, og der var en der fortalte at der ikke var meget sjov i det og at spillet blev gennemført på nogle få timer. Ville gerne høre hvordan han gjorde!!!! Kan man klage til nogen?
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Inde på Ubisoft's danske hjemmeside ligger der et link til opdateringer, der er også en til CSI-miami, jeg ved ikke endnu om den virker, men det er da et forsøg værd!
Hilsen Pelle
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er kommet videre måske du skulle prøve det samme

du går ind i computeren og køre en search på pengesedlen med fingeraftrykket og finder det der passer, så laver du en search på fingeraftrykket på koakin posen og finder det der matcher, derefter matcher du fingeraftrykkene på pengesedlen og på kokainposen og så skulle du kunne få din tilladelse til at hive nicky ind til afhøring, prøv det og lad mig høre om det virkede for dig også *S*
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Mange mange tak, det var lige nøjagtig hvad der manglede, jeg kom videre, så nu er det bare at gå igang med den næste sag.
Hilsen mig
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Mærkeligt... Det synes jeg bestemt at jeg havde gjort... Men må hjem og prøve det efter når jeg har fri!! Jeg spillede bane 2 om igår, da jeg tænkte at jeg måtte ha glemt noget... Men kunne stadig ikke få hende til afhøring.. Så gik frustreret i seng *gg*
Men tak for tippet - jeg prøver ;)
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.