16tilføjet af


Halloween is soon, 30-31.10, and its a holy day of satanists.
Satanism includes childrens ritual abuse,killings,sacrifices,cannibalism,etc.
Watch your satanist-neighbours 30-31.10 , and at least week before, what is happening there.
use cameras, otherwise you can´t prove possible crimes to police.They don´t want to listen.
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Have you

....finally gone crackers! Totally deranged.
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God knows

And to think those damned satanists have made it a day for children to have fun and be happy, just so they will be lured into the satanists blasphemous ways...
So keep the children in doors, and trust no one...
Remember Jesus loves you, and God knows of all your satanic actions and thoughts... just like Santa Claus... (he he he)
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Oh God no

......they fed them candy (the kids) to fatten them up, All for the witches
to kill them off afterwards. 8-D
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wonder why

"use cameras, otherwise you can´t prove possible crimes to police.They don´t want to listen."
oh, wonder why they don't wanna listen..
Don't think, Jesus answers.. and watch your kids, 'cause my fangs are feelin' itchy😉hehe.. Trick or treat..
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Just because there are satanists, It does not have to be that they are doing some rituals, or killing some animals or something like that. Do you had remembered to take your pill.
It is not all satanists that walks around and acts like they just dig up the whole graveyard.
If jesus loves us, what about Job??? in the old testament??? What had happend there??? oh satan has tempted God. and who won??? think it over twice...
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Not a Danish custom..

to celebrate Halloween, but a lot of people, adults as well as children, enjoy celebrating this special day anyway. I see it solely as a great opportunity to dress up in funny and scary costumes, nothing more and nothing less.
If celebrating Christmas every year doesn't make me a Christian, Halloween surely ain't gonna make me a satanist either. And that goes for most of the other celebrators, too.
When you think of it, the 25th of December must be at shitty day for satanists, huh?
An atheist
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Sweetheart... Jesus hadn't happened in The Old Testament... so don't mix him and Job up. Job is a different story.
The Old Testament God was a non-forgiving, eye-for-an-eye, God.
And did Job not get wife, children and riches in return for him first cursing God, then repenting?
Learn your bible story well, then maybe we will learn about your Wicca Goddesses too.
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maybe not

a danish custom.. but.. we should at least do this shit in danish.. after all.. we a r e danes.. and.. come on.. our english is quite lousy, and average danes habbits of Danicism ain't gonna make it any better huh.. haha, it is quite hilarious though..
Anyway - find your wig and broom, and go have a good time in the cold cold night of october..
tilføjet af

Will do so

And by the way. That beeing danish bit, I´m afraid, must stand for yourself.
I´m not one bit danish. I could fire my broom up though, and go back to Sweden if you want me to. Nooot. Sorry getting bored out of my wits
here. ;-D
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not bored

okay, you're from sweden, but don't tell me that you don't understand danish😉and oh, I don't believe that swedish english is any better (nor worse) than danish english, hehe.. :P
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You wanna

..bet dear Lady. Selvfølgelig snakker jeg dansk. Og se, jeg skriver det også!!!
Jeg er bare så heldig, at jeg har snakket engelsk, siden jeg var 3 år. 80)
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Pæredansk ;O)

er jeg såmænd (aah, har et par svenske aner, så det er måske en overdrivelse? *S*), så selvfølgelig skriver jeg dansk. Almindelig høflighed "kræver" bare i min bog, at man svarer på det sprog, man bliver "tiltalt" (du får den dog på dansk, kære Sociopathic *S*) så svaret kan forstås.
Kan da godt være, vort engelsk er lousy, men trods alt forstod du mig fint nok til at svare mig, og jeg forstod skam også dig, ikk? ;O)
Og så meget apropos: One mans boredom is another mans entertainment....(citat: ukendt forfatter)
Hav en god dag.
Mvh. Deci
tilføjet af

beklager at bryde traditionen..

..og skrive på dansk.
Hvor kan jeg læse om Job? Ok.. i det gamle testamente, men mere specifikt?
Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at læse mere om den historie..
tilføjet af

Så sandt

Selvfølgelig svarer man på det sprog man bliver tiltalt på! Det gik bare lidt sport i den i går. Iøvrigt var det jo nok ikke et indlæg, der skulle tages alvorligt vel? ;-D Din pofil ringer stadig i ørene på mig! ;-)
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yep that is what I mean. it is the point I want to aprove. not just Jesus...
I also had witten that it was God that were tempted.
tilføjet af

Hold da op, Kajsa...

jeg var lige langsom der. ;O) Sad simpelthen og funderede i længere tid over, hvad du mon mente med "min profil ringer....! Og så faldt 10-øren endelig (eller skal jeg sige en klokke ringede) *Gg* Har vist haft det nick i så mange år, at jeg helt havde glemt, hvorfor det blev til. (mine initialer DB = decibel og så det lille ordspil med det sidste L = bell. Som mine venner siger, nogle gange holder min "lydstyrke" sig på 1 db, men som regel "larmer" jeg som 10 klokker *S*)
Var du ikke blevet inviteret til gruppen? Kunne være hyggeligt at have dig med. Humor og humØr er dejlige egenskaber, der altid skaber hygge. ;O)
Knus D.
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