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god artikel om konspirationsteorier

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Artiklen kommer pænt rundt om emnet...
Der er jo mange teorier i luften i vor tid, og den med 9/11 kan jeg da udemærket godt forstå, for dykker man ned i denne sag, kan man ikke undgå at se der er noget rivende galt med den officielle historie, og det er jo netop derfor folk konspirerer.
Man skal huske, at den officielle forklaring om 9/11 også er en konspirationsteori, det kommer man ikke udenom, og det er underfundigt, at journalister ikke har spottet denne spidsfindighed, især efter George Bush udtalte, at man ikke skal tro på konspirationsteorier :)
Jeg har altid interesseret mig for kontroversielle emner og har den opfattelse, at en konspirationsteori ikke kommer ud af den blå luft, men grunder som regel i nogle faktiske hændelser, som er i strid med f.eks. en officiel forklaring.
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Moland and French mind controlled

If Moland and French are mind controlled by illuminati, they - Joshua Olav Daniel Hodne French and Tjostolv Moland - may not be judged.
If they under mind control have killed someone, it is because of mind control- and guilty ones are mind controllers of satanist illuminati world elite mind controllers.
(= f.ex. police forces, government...etc.etc.)
Norwegian police and freemasons, NATO-CIA mind control?...satanism?..
Revelations From Ex-Illuminati
"Sid Gottlieb was the head of MKULTRA projects for the CIA ... a very high ranking bureaucrat, probably never treated a patient in his life. These people (testifying) were saying that these people were doing it ... they were not supervising it alone, they were doing it. Dr. Green seems to be a name that is a cover name that many different people used. However there was a Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Centre ... so we could have both things happening there. Richard Helms became director of the CIA ... a real smooth operator. He was the person who destroyed many MKULTRA files before they could be revealed."
"...some of the mind control that was done on them was done at Tinker Air Force Base. Tinkerbell, right? "
flower hat grannies, flower hat aunts, flower hat women, mind control military, officers,...:
Was this scene too revealing? It was removed from new 'Manchurian candidate'-movie (2004)...
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mind control?

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