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A day in Sadness & Sadness

- A day in Sadness -
I really wanna cry
And I don’t know why
I feel alone and sad
The whole world is bad
Maybe this was wrong
Like in a unrealistic love song
Maybe I’ll never find one like you
But this on and off is no good too
I hate this days when I regret
But come on I have to forget
The darkness takes in
Even beneath my skin
I will smile at this tomorrow
But right now there’s only sorrow
I know this is just a bad day
Pain and sorrow will not stay
Well, one thing is right
Again I sit ‘lone at night.

- Sadness -
Sadness makes you write
Even through a whole night
Sadness makes you feel
And easy, you will heal
Sadness gives you the feeling of glad
Sadness is not all bad
Sadness can get too loud
It has to be taken out
Sadness it has been a blast
But for now I will bury you in the past.
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Flot skrevet

Men du lider ikke nok! Man er ikke på noget tidspunkt helt overgivet til følelsen, idet du helt sikkert i processen, har trukket i modsat retning af den følelse, du startede med at skrive på. Derfor bliver det lidt lunkent i mine ører. Men det er rigtigt fint skrevet med en god rytme i hver strofe. Pas på med for mange klicheer. Pain, rain...hjerte, smerte...sød tøs-agtigt. Det behøver ikke rime, bare for rimets skyld!! ;o)
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