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Vagttårnet for 1 januar 2008 incl. det nye lys.

Jeg har for lidt siden modtaget det nye Vagttårn fra 1 januar 2008. Det er virkelig interessant må man sige.
Jeg kan desværre ikke henvise til et link, ikke endnu ihvertfald.
Det er desværre på engelsk, så beklager overfor jer, der ikke er så gode til engelsk. Og det er langt. Men det er værd at læse.
De første linier jeg kopierer, syntes jeg er ret interessante, i betragtning af oplysningerne fra arres indlæg:
The annual report will no longer appear in The Watchtower. Starting in 2008, it will appear
as an insert in Our Kingdom Ministry as well as in the Yearbook. However, as indicated
above, the study edition does include
secondary articles. Although many of these will not be discussed at a congregation
meeting, you are encouraged to read them carefully. They too contain spiritual food from "the faithful and discreet slave." -Matt. 24:45-47
Også de indeholder åndelig føde, fra den tro og kloge træl. Åndelig føde, kan vi vel kun være enige i, er føde der kommer fra Ånden. Altså de er inspirerede.
Det næste er fra en artikkel som de kalder:
"This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to your being counted
worthy of the kingdom of God "-Z THESS. 1:5.
Dette har jeg valgt, fordi det bekræfter, hvad arres skrev om nyt lys:
Completing the Foretold Number
13 Not all 144,000 anointed Christians were selected in the first century. Their calling continued throughout the apostolic period and then apparently slowed down. However, it did continue throughout the succeeding centuries into modern times. (Matt. 28:20) Eventually, after Jesus began to reign in 1914, things moved ahead rapidly.
14 First, Jesus cleansed the heavens of all vestiges of opposition to godly rule. (Read Revelation 12:10,12.) Then he turned his attention
to the gathering of the remaining prospective members of his Kingdom government
so as to complete the number of 144,000. By the mid-1930's, that task was ev-converted ones, but individuals who—like the disciples to whom Jesus spoke when he initiated the Memorial observance—have already proved their loyalty to an extent.*-Luke 22:28.
16 It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930's are replacements for ones who have fallen away. Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians among us all through the final days of this system of things until
the destruction of "Babylon the Great."0 (Rev. 17:5) And we can be confident that the full number of 144,000 members will be completed in Jehovah's
due time and that all will eventually take their place in the Kingdom government. We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever-growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. Soon it will "come out of the great tribulation" brought upon Satan's world and will joyfully move on into God's new world.
Hele artiklen bringer en forklaring på deres lære om de 144.000. Noget jeg faldt over var også dette her:
Similar christians who are not anointed with holy spirit derive immeasurable benefits from studying and living according to the counsel found in the Christian Greek Scriptures.-Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17.
Altså kristne der ikke har den Hellige ånd må studere og leve efter de råd, der er fundet i de kristne græske skrifter. Igen kun igennem Vagttårnsselskabet kan man få forståelse af Biblen, da de er de eneste, der har den Hellige ånd.
Den næste artikkel hedder:
'The Lamb . . . will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life.
of waters of Hfe."-REV. 7:17.
Jeg springer lidt ned i artiklen. Først skriver de om den store skare, der har håbet om at leve evigt i et paradis på jorden. Det har jeg ikke taget med i dette indlæg.
Dernæst skriver de hvordan de skal bevise deres tro og noget der er virkelig interessant i denne forbindelse er, at forkyndelsen er nr. 1 på listen, dernæst som nr 2, må de rette sig efter de direktiver, der kommer fra det styrende råd, og til aller sidst i rækken, nr. 3 må de leve i harmoni med Guds regler.
Jamen er det ikke fantastisk, lysende klart eksempel på, at de selv har sat sig over Gud. Det er JW/WTS før Gud.
The Great Crowd Prove Their Faith
8 The other sheep companions of the congregation
of anointed Christians prove their faith in various ways. First, they support the anointed in proclaiming the good news of God's Kingdom. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) Second,
they willingly submit themselves to the direction provided by the Governing Body. -Hcb. 13:17; read Zechariah 8:23.
9 Third, members of the great crowd support
their anointed brothers by living in harmony with Jehovah's righteous principles.
They strive to cultivate "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control." (Gal. 5:22, 23) Today, displaying such qualities, rather than producing "the works of the flesh," may not be popular. Still, members of the great crowd are determined to avoid "fornication, un-cleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these."-Gal. 5:19-21.
10 Since we are imperfect, it can be a challenge
to produce spiritual fruitage, avoid the works of the flesh, and resist the pressure exerted
by Satan's world. Nevertheless, we are determined not to allow discouragement resulting
from personal weaknesses, temporary
failures, or physical limitations to affect the strength of our faith or diminish our love for Jehovah. We know that Jehovah will do as he has promised—preserve the great crowd alive through the great tribulation.
11 All the same, we are constantly on guard because we know that our real enemy is the Devil, and he does not give up easily. (Read 1 Peter 5:8.) He has tried to use apostates
and others to convince us that the teachings we follow are false. But that tactic has usually failed. Similarly, although persecution
has sometimes slowed down the preaching work, often it has served only to strengthen the faith of those persecuted.
Hence, Satan increasingly uses a method that he likely feels will offer
a greater chance of weakening our faith. He exploits feelings of discouragement.
First-century Christians were warned about this danger when they were told: "Consider closely the one [Christ] who has endured such contrary
talk by sinners against their own interests." Why? "That you may not get tired and give out in your souls."—Heb. 12:3.
12 Have you ever felt like giving up? Do you at times feel that you are a failure?
If so, do not allow Satan to use those feelings to hinder you from serving
Jehovah. In-depth Bible study, fervent
prayer, and regular meeting attendance
and association with those of like faith will strengthen you and keep you from 'giving out in your soul' Jehovah has promised to help those serving him to regain power, and his promise is sure. (Read Isaiah 40:30, 31.) Keep your eye on Kingdom service. Avoid time-consuming distractions,
and focus on helping others. Then you will be strengthened to endure despite discouragement.—Gal. 6:1,2.
Til sidst kommer der noget virkelig interessant, for det er første gang jeg læser nærmere om, deres tanker omkring livet i den nye verden. Noget er jeg bekendt med, men der er også for mig nye tanker. Jeg ved ikke om nogen af jer andre eks-vidner, har set det her før.

Out of the Tribulation and Into a New World
13 After Armageddon, multitudes of unrighteous
resurrected ones will need instruction
in Jehovah's ways. (Acts 24:15) They will need to learn about Jesus' ransom sacrifice; more than that, they must be taught to exercise faith in that sacrifice in order to receive its benefits. They will need to reject previously
held false religious ideas and to abandon their former way of life. They must learn to put on the new personality that identifies true Christians. (Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9, 10) Those of the other sheep who survive to that time will have much work to do. What a joy it will be to perform such service to Jehovah, free of the pressures and distractions of the present wicked world!
14 Faithful servants of Jehovah who died prior to Jesus' earthly ministry will also have much to learn at that time. They will learn the identity of the promised Messiah, whom they longed for but never got to see. In their former lives, they already indicated
their willingness to be instructed by Jehovah.
Imagine what a joy and privilege it will be to help them—for example, to explain to Daniel the fulfillment of the prophecies he wrote down but did not understand!—Dan. 12:8, 9.
15 Of course, while the resurrected ones will have much to learn from us, we will have many questions to ask them. They can fill us in on events that are mentioned in the Bible but not described in detail. Think how thrilling
it will be to learn personal details about Jesus from his cousin John the Baptist! The things we learn from such faithful witnesses will doubtless give us an even greater appreciation
of God's Word than we have at present.
Faithful servants of Jehovah who have died—including those of the great crowd who die during the time of the end—will come forth to "a better resurrection." They began their service to Jehovah in a world dominated by Satan. What a joy it will be for them to continue their service under the much more favorable circumstances of the new world!-Heb. 11:35; 1 John 5:19.
16 At some point during Judgment Day, scrolls will be opened. Along with the Bible they will form the basis for judging all alive as to their worthiness to gain everlasting life. (Read Revelation 20:12, 13.) By the end of Judgment Day, each individual will have had ample opportunity to show where he stands on the issue of universal sovereignty. Will he uphold the Kingdom arrangement and allow the Lamb to guide him to "fountains of waters
of life"? Or will he resist, refusing to subject
himself to God's Kingdom? (Rev. 7:17; Isa. 65:20) By then, all on earth will have had an opportunity to make a personal decision, unhampered by inherited sin or a wicked environment.
No one will be able to question the rightfulness of Jehovah's final judgment. Only the wicked will be everlastingly de-stroyed.-Rev. 20:14,15.
17 Anointed Christians today, having been counted worthy to receive a Kingdom, eagerly
look forward to ruling during Judgment Day. What a grand privilege will be theirs! The very prospect motivates them to follow the counsel that Peter gave to their first-century brothers: "Do your utmost to make the calling and choosing of you sure for yourselves; for if you keep on doing these things you will by no means ever fail. In fact, thus there will be richly supplied to you the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."—2 Pet. 1: 10,11.
18 The other sheep rejoice with their anointed brothers. They are determined to support them. As friends of God today, they are motivated to do their utmost in God's service.
During Judgment Day, they will be thrilled to support wholeheartedly God's arrangements
as Jesus guides them to fountains
of waters of life. Then—at last—they will be counted worthy to be Jehovah's earthly servants for all eternity!—Rom. 8:20, 21; Rev. 21:1-7.

Ellers som jeg læser dette Vagttårn, er der ikke noget nyt. De har fået det hele med, undervisning i forkyndelsen (ikke med i mit indlæg), håbet om den nye verden, vejledning i opførsel, den store og den lille skare. Hvem der dør i harmagedon, advarsel imod os stygge "frafaldne" osv osv, lige efter bogen som vi kender det.
Tænkte på ftg flere gange undervejs i min læsning. Bl.a har han skrevet at man er sikret en plads igennem harmagedon. Som jeg læser det, har man håbet, man er ikke sikker. Derefter undviger han gang på gang at svare, at det kun er Jehovas vidner, der overlever harmagedon, altså dem Gud lader overleve, (som jeg forstår det), her i artiklen står der tydeligt at det er kun dem, der adlyder Jehova og følger og hjælper den lille skare, der vil overleve. Altså om Jehova vil.
Hvis jeg har misforstået noget, må i endelig gøre opmærksom på det. Det teokratiske sprog forstår jeg på dansk, men flere af de engelske ord, kender jeg ikke. Det kan også være en hæmsko for min forståelse.
Mange hilsner
PS, Hvor er jeg glad for at kunne læse et Vagttårn og for første gang, gennemskue dem.
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Det er for meget Engelsk for mig MEN ..........

- - - Hurtigt skimmet JW/WTS-ledelsen:
- - - "VI er de ALLERBEDSTE, os der Residerer i PALADSET, Brooklyn Heights N.Y. -
I er de Gode, især hvis I Gør nøjagtig hvad VI de "ALLERBREDSTE" siger og Gør", så
har I, der er de bedste af de Gode Håbet om at overleve "HARMAGEDDON" sammen med OS de "ALLERBEDSTE".
Alle andre, alle dem der IKKE gør og siger som VI de "ALLERBEDSTE" gør og siger, er de ONDE og især BEDRAGERNE, Dem der har tilladt sig, at søge Troen andetsted, men har insight information om "jehovas vidner" !
Oveni alt det ovenstående er der så en række henvisninger til nogle skriftsteder som de gode og de bedste af de gode skal holde sig for øje!
Jeg ved IKKE hvor meget jeg har ramt plet JEG HAR KUN LÆST manjanas BEMÆRKNINGER - men jeg gætter på, at det ikke er helt ved siden af, så må I give mig en skideballe, hvis der er løgn i det jeg har gættet mig frem til! ;-)

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Nej det er vel nogenlunde

sådan det er. Der er en masse forklaringer på den store og den lille skare, undervisning i forkyndelsen m.m. Men hvem der overlever harmagedon, ja det er de bedste mennesker på jorden, JW/WTS. Dem der lever op til de regler de siger, der udstikkes på grundlag af Biblen.
Ja undskyld jalmar, jeg ved jo det med det engelske. Men jeg har ikke overskud til at oversætte alt det til dansk. Det ville tage mig lang tid, da jeg skal slå mange ord op. En ting er når jeg læser det, så forstår jeg godt sammenhængen, men at oversætte ord for ord, det er en anden sag.
Men det var jo lidt interessant dette vagttårn, da det jo er det første af slagsen som kun vidner og studerende får lov til at få. Og det er da også tungt for dem, der ikke forstår det teokratiske sprog og kender troen indefra.
De andre artikler har jeg ikke nærlæst endnu, det vil jeg have gjort, så kan jeg jo altid give et referat af dem, hvis der står noget af interesse.
Mange hilsner
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