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Taler på Indianernes vegne.

Where Will Our Children Live...
A lonesome warrior stands in fear of what the future brings,
he will never hear the beating drums or the songs his brothers sing.
Our many nations once stood tall and ranged from shore to shore
but most are gone and few remain and the buffalo roam no more.
We shared our food and our land and gave with open hearts,
We wanted peace and love and hope, but all were torn apart.
All this was taken because we did not know what the white man had in store,
They killed our people and raped our lands and the buffalo roam no more.
But those of us who still remain hold our heads up high, and the spirits of
the elders flow through us as if they never died.
Our dreams will live on forever and our nations will be reborn, our bone and
beads and feathers all will be proudly worn.
If you listen close you will hear the drums and songs upon the winds, and in
the distance you will see....the buffalo roam again.
- Dette vers får mig til at fælde en tåre. Det er smukt men samtidig meget trist. Disse folk der engang red over prærien er nu efterladte folk hvor alt er blevet frarøvet dem. Amerikanerne ser ned på dem - for at få et job bliver de nødt til at skifte navn, hvis de overhovedet vil gøre sig nogle forhåbninger om et job. De er blevet forrådt og sendt ud til ingenmandsland med dårlig jord der knap nok kan dyrkes. Jeg forstår det virkelig ikke - og jeg håber inderligt folk kan få øjnene op og vil hjælpe indianerne så de kan få en bedre tilværelse.
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Slumach were insane.

There are many true stories, and many move our emotions.
Mit spørgsmål er hvordan vi seer indian historie, være anderledes end vores egne??
Vores ancestors,”” persisk””, er lige nu ikke elsket.
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After jeg har skrevet svaret, kommet jeg i tanken om noget.
WEEGIT, an indian story om reality.
Kender du ikke noget til Nagwachi og Weegit, så skulle jeg måske gør i seng.
Ellers ville jeg gerne snakke.
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lyder til du er amerikansk?
I see the natives because they are "one-with-the-nature" - they respect it as it should be respected - no other living nation do that! We misuse it and think we can control everything in it. We kill animals for fun - for selfishness - we misuse mother earth.
"The earth will do quite well without us, while we will not do well without it". (Blackfoot).
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kender ikke til de

punkter du nævnte - men jeg vil spørge mine indianske venner.
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Hvad et dejligt navn.
Du har virkeligt set gang i min gamle hjerne.
Soo-ma-halt. eller Oweekeeno says its best.
Waamis, gets nothing for free.
Cloonik - means survival - in Indian, means tilpasse omgivelser.
Kære phantomofth, simpati har jeg for Indians, men realitet er bedst når Kwuth-heck/Kva-Kwalk
og Cha-meen mean at nature takes its cource.
Og Venlig hlsen ""Numas""
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was a wise man.
He is also known for other things we do not agree with.
Haisla is them I know best, and I quote them mostly.'
Jeg er ikke N.A, men har altid haft interesse i N.A natives.
Jeg er ""Numas"", /Old Man. og er stolt af faktum.
STORIES, er hvad indians er mest known af.
Men de er stories. ligesom Valdemar, og Freia.
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