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swedish racism

Nazi Connection
The following book tells us about Sweden's crucial role in supplying Nazi Germany iron ore and military facilities. Especially notorious for their support to the Nazis were the Wallenberg family, SEB bank and SKF factory. The Swedish government was responsible for the most iron ore the Nazis received. Kiruna-Gällivare ore fields in Northern Sweden were all important to Nazi Germany.
These massive deliveries of iron ore and military facilities from Sweden to Nazi Germany lengthened World War II. Casualties of the war have been estimated at 20 million killed in Europe. How many of them died due to Sweden's material support to Nazi Germany, is not known.
Gerard Aalders and Cees Wiebes The Art of Cloaking Ownership: The Secret Collaboration and Protection of the German War Industry by the Neutrals: The Case of Sweden.
The University of Michigan Press. 208 pp. 1996
Fritz, Martin. Swedish iron ore and German steel, 1939-1940. Scandinavian Economic History Review 21, no.2: 133-144. 1985.
Firms located in 'neutral' Sweden supported the Nazis' financial and industrial leadership. The case of Enskilda, a bank owned by the still powerful Wallenberg family, proved to be particularly interesting. Among other things, Enskilda acted as a cloak for the Nazi regime and helped important German corporations like Bosch, IG Farben and Krupp to hide their foreign subsidiaries in order to avoid confiscation by the Allied governments.
Resume in German:
Aalders, Gerard & Berger, Susanne Der Kalte Krieg als Rettung.
Schwedens Nazi-Gold - Neue Einsichten in die Geschäftsbeziehungen der Familie Wallenberg zu Deutschland, 13 (1998) 1, S. 183-188 (Bericht aus dem Ausland)
Gerard Aalders und Susanne Berger befassen sich mit den Transaktionen der schwedischen Familie Wallenberg - nicht allein Schweizer machten lukrative Geschäfte mit dem »Dritten Reich«, auch andere profitierten vom deutschen Eroberungs- und Vernichtungskrieg.
In the book Stockholms Enskilda Bank and the Bosch Group, 1939-1950, the relations between the Bosch Group and the Stockholms Enskilda Bank (SEB) have been examined in connection with the economic role of neutral countries and Germany during World War II. The Swedish SEB purchased Bosch Group companies outside Germany during 1939-1940, creating an association with Nazi Germany which colored SEB's international reputation during the post-war years.
The Boston Globe published Walter V. Robinson's article Sweden Probes a Dark Secret (July 6, 1997).
But a darker chapter is being written now about the Wallenberg family and its extensive business empire, as Sweden confronts dismaying new evidence that the country's wartime collaboration was more extensive than is widely known, and that the Wallenberg family profited from secret dealings with the Nazis. For instance, documents from World War II contain evidence that Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg, Raoul's cousins, used their Enskilda Bank to help the Nazis dispose of assets seized from Dutch Jews who died in the Holocaust.
Swedish Racism
One of the eyeopening books dealing with Swedish racism is Finns in the Shadow of the "Aryans" written by Aira Kemiläinen. The nature of this racism is xenophobia towards other peoples such as Finns, Saami and Baltic peoples and even distant Asians (often called Mongols by the Swedish racialists, referring to Asians).
Kemiläinen, Aira. Finns in the Shadow of the "Aryans": Race Theories and Racism. Helsinki: Finnish Historical Society, 1998. 320 pp., ill.
The founder of the organized Swedish racism was A.O. Freudenthal in the 19th century. Organized racialists awarded in the 20th century a medal named after Freudenthal. Here is a list of the Freudenthal medalists.
The Time published on September 22, 1997 James Walsh's article Unnatural Selection.
Yet the eugenics program that authorized sterilizations of 'social undesirables', begun in 1935, continued long after the war, persisting until an agency that called itself chillingly the National Institute for Racial Hygiene died a quiet death in 1976. In postwar decades when Social Democratic Sweden considered itself a citadel of enlightenment and tolerance, the country was silently pursuing principles of racial purity long since discredited in most of the world. During those 41 years, some 60,000 Swedes were sterilized as misfits who did not meet the ideal of the blond, blue-eyed, intelligent Scandinavian.
Genocide suggested by Nesselius
Swedish professor I. Nesselius suggested in 1708 - 1711 a genocide of the Finns. According to Nesselius' plan the Finns would have been replaced by the Swedes everywhere in Finland, except in Lapland. There 3 per cent of the Finns were to be left as a historical relic. Th
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Det er muligt

Men vidste du også at det store røde "J" som tyske jøder skulle have stemplet i deres pas, oprindeligt var på svensk foranledning. Så kunne man nemlig hurtigt, og bekvemt, sende dem retur til nazityskland, allerede på grænsen.
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So. Kallad "filnland svenskenes" texter.

Finlands svenskene er spesial östsvenska rase som överariska.
Svenska Staten stöttar rasism, fasism og apartheid in Finland.
Finland är 92% Finskspråkig.
"Finlandssvenskarna er 5% och 99% av dem kommunikerer med finska utan problemer. om de liker.
Här liten tekster:YLE:
".2009-07-03 15:57språkvän
finnarna är som gräshoppor allt som är i vägen skall bort i hangö på 60 talet kunde man få på näsan om man inte tala finska på kvällarna nu har dom övertaget till och med var jag med en till en läkare han kunde inte svenska. Börjar bli lika i ekenäs. Om vi bara ger efter så får vi inget på svenska här. Har semestrat i Finland alla campingar jag var på så inte kunde de svenska. Vi måste sluta med att byta till finska när det kommer en finsktalande till oss när vi är fler, han kan lära sig svenska ,som vi lär oss finska. Ger vi efter så är svenska språket snart borta
2009-07-03 10:24F-svensk
Räta på ryggen Sandman och sluta huka dig. Utan finlandssvenskar skulle detta land inte vara ens så pass demokratiskt välfärdssamhälle som det nu är. Finlandssvenskarna har ingen som helst orsak att krypa framför äktfinnarna utan allt skäl att vara stolta över sin kultur och sitt språk. Om finnarna inte gillar att höra svenska kan de stanna kvar i inlandet, ingen har tvingat dem att flytta till Svenskfinland. "
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Här er lite om "J"

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Ja svenskerne er nogen store hyklere

Især de svenske socialdemokrater!
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SFP – Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland Swedish Libera

SFP – Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland Swedish Liberal Party in Finland. (RKP – Ruotsalainen KansanPuolue) or swedish-finnish pweople living in finland are nazism against finns?
RKP on natsismia suomalaisia kohtaan?
They have always been secret ruling class in finland and despise finns.
Ruotsinkiset on aina ollut hyallitseva luokka suomessa?
Now immigrantas are moved to areas where finns live, and swedish-finns areas are free from immigrants.
nyt maahanmuuttajat asutetaan suomalaisten alueille, ja ei koskaan ruotsinkielisten alueille.
One way to oppress finniish under-class- finns. In our own country, Finland.
Se on vain tapa alista suomalisia.
Ruotsinkieliset saa parhaat työpaikat, vallaan ja opiskelupaikat kiintiöillä Suomessa, .
ja suomalaisia alistetaan pakkoruotsilla.
Finns are oppressed by obligatory studying of swedish language in our school, albeit we have only 2 % swedish minority in Finland.
Swedes also get best jobs, power and there is always reserved study palces in universities for swedes.
Case Sweden
Nazi Connection
KRP- Finnish ‘nazi’-polizei is under these peoples command, and EU suppoorts them?
Swedish zionists Wallenberg-family?
Finland has wolrd record of hunman rights crimes comlaoaints to EU, and as a solution to this EU and ‘nazi-Finland send finnish KRP-guy to handle finnish conmplaints, so that world would never know what is happening in nazi-EU finland 2009….?
Nazis has never been patriots, but instead interested in power or violence, etc.?
natsit ei koskaan ole isänmaallisia, vaan väkivalta ja valta-friikkejä.
Nazi groups are founded by Freemasions, and therfore they obey satanic elite of EU-Europe.
natsit on perustettu vapaamuurarien toimesta ja siis toimivat satanistihierarkiassa.
They never stop islamic immigration rining our western deomcracy and welfare.
Save white race!
RKP-SFP-critical blogs disaåear and hundreds of thjousands of messages from discussions disappear immediately, finns are banned or blocked from discussions, i they are against this swedish oppression in ‘nazi-swedish’-Finland?
Ruotsivastaisia blogi kirjopittajia vainotraan koko ajan .- ja viestit poistuiu heti, jatkuvasti.
Keskustelu estetään natsi-keinoin.
Bilderberg uses swedes?
Stora – Enso wallenberg?
“Lipposen hallitus aloitti Soneran myynnin ruotsalaisille.
Kyseisen suurliikemiessuvun vallasta kertoo, että Ruotsin ja Suomen valtioiden yhdessä enemmistöomistamaan yritykseen valittiin johtaja juuri Wallenberg-ryhmästä.”
Matti Vanhanen…
Matti Vanhanen on vapaamuurari -Is A Freemason
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Suomalaisten joukkotuhonta meneillään,

Suomalaisten joukkotuhonta meneillään,
holocaust of finns is happening now?
suorittajana Vanhasen nazi-Bilderberg-EU-hallitus?
our nazi-EU-government of Vanhanen is doing it?
Omia kansalaisia syrjitään, tuhotaan?
Finns are oppressed in their own country?
Kristillisiä vihaavilla ja epädemokraattisilla voimilla täytetään Suomeamme?
Anti-christian immigration fills Finland.?
Kaaos on tämä saatanan natsi vallan eräs kikka , jolla vaientaa massat. Satanic nazi-power uses chaos as a method of control, and silence the masses?
Ettekö näe? -meille ei anneta työtä.We are not given jobs.
rahamme heivataan pitkin maailmaa... Our money is given to other races...
työpaikat lopetetaan...Finland has no jobs anymore for finns...
karhut ja sudet jouksee pitkin maaseutua terrorisoimassa, muusta puhumattakaan, suomalaisia kyykytettän sossuissa ja byrokratialla, There is now beasts living in finnish forests, which we had not before...and finns are oppressed by idiotic byrocracy...communism...
työttömille psyykepillereitä jotka tuhoaa ihmisen...Finns ar e given psychiatric pills, instead of jobs or financial support...
natsien joukkotuhonta on käynnissä, ja suomen kansaa tuhotaan?...
Holocaust is happening in Finland now... EU-holocaust?
Vapaamuurari-fasismi tappaa?
freemason fascism kills?
Vapaamuurarit maailmanlaajuisesti toimii salassa ja korruptoi maailmaa? freemasons operate
internationally and corrupt the world?
Tähän asti enemmänkin talousrikollisuutta korruption muodossa, mutta yhä enemmän siirtymässä ottamaan KAIKEN VALLAN maailmassa? They ar e moving from financial crimes aND CORRUPTION TO more violence, etc.?
Yhteistyössä satanistien ja natsien kanssa? Co-operating with satanists and nazis?
Suomalaiset ajetaan alas, ja uusi eliitti on jo täällä valmiina? immigrants are new elite of finland in EU?
Vapaamuurarien epäkristillinen eliitti? Elite of freemasonic anti-christian people?
refugees are only a scam of illuminati.
illuminati creates their satanic new world order with the help of chaos created by immigartion.
islam, drugs, violence, ‘terror’ , etc.
patriots are labeled racists, etc.
it’s bullshit
pakolaisuus on huijausta
se on vain illuminaatti petos
jolla luodaan uusi maailmanjärjestys
kaaos, jolla saadaan uusi maailmanjöärjestys.
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this message

above is here because all otjer sites got blocked immediately after we opened some RKP-SFP -critical sites....
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