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11th September's terrorist attacks were launched on a witch hunt not seen since the medieval Inquisition. Darkness fell upon humanity and the world was suddenly thrown into a hysterical chaos where synthetic enemies now be used by governments to intimidate and oppress its citizens. Terror Laws were introduced everywhere in panic under pressure from U.S. and human rights were trampled and ridiculed in the name of fighting terrorism. The Danish Government Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the lead was with the lies about "secure evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction" to shed Denmark and the rest of the world in the abyss. Our peace-loving and respected Denmark was suddenly guilty of "participation in the conspiracy to commit crimes against peace" defined in the Nuremberg Tribunal as the greatest crime of all. We were now hated war criminals and those same crimes the Nazis were convicted and hanged for was our government and the generals now even guilty in.
The global elite's evil plan for world government ruled by the world's bankers, intellectual elite and royal is nearly in place. Rothschild, Rockefeller, the English and Dutch royal families and their lackeys bought consisting of the press and the world's politicians on both sides of the political spectrum have manipulated the fear in the earth's peoples to submit to the upcoming global Orwellian totalitarian fascist / communist regime. A cashless society where everyone has a microchip implanted. Where are all government property. Where personal freedom and privacy of the past. Where individual rights no longer exist. If humanity is to have a chance so it is now we must stand up and say no to the handful of sinister psychopaths who want to control everyone and everything before the last phase of their plan falls into place.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

Forsøger du at fremstå som studerende, når virkeligheden er, at du er en betalt spindoktor fra Venstre??
Kunne du ikke være så venlig, og fortælle os alle, hvad du tjener???

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Jeg sender den til Søvndal at se på

Han har nemlig lært amerikanerne nye engelske ord.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

The September 11th terrorist attacks launched the beginnings of a witch hunt that the world hadn’t seen since the medieval Inquisition. Darkness fell upon humanity and the world was instantly thrown into a hysterical chaos where synthetic enemies could be used by governments to intimidate and oppress its citizens. In panic, terror laws were globally introduced after pressure from the US, and human rights were trampled and ridiculed in the name of ‘war on terror’. With lies about "secure evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction” the Danish Government, led by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, threw Denmark and the rest of the world into an abyss. Our once peace-loving and respected Denmark, was suddenly guilty of "participation in the conspiracy to commit crimes against peace" which is defined in the Nuremberg Tribunal as the greatest crime of all. We were now hated war criminals and our Government and Generals were guilty of committing the same crimes for which the Nazis were convicted and hanged .The global elite's evil plan for a world government ruled by the world's bankers, intellectual elite and royal families was almost in place. Rothschild, Rockefeller, the English and Dutch royals and their hired lackeys, consisting of the world’s press and politicians on both sides of the political spectrum, had manipulated a fear into the earth's people to submit to the upcoming global Orwellian totalitarian fascist / communist regime:- a cashless society where everyone has a microchip implant, where everyone is government property, where personal freedom and privacy are things of the past and where individual rights no longer exist. If humanity is to have a chance, we must stand up now and say no to the handful of sinister psychopaths who want to control everyone and everything before the last phase of their plan falls into place. (becomes a reality)

a couple of small corrections and alternative phrases/wording you may consider using, otherwise extremely good.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

The September 11th terrorist attacks launched the beginnings of a witch hunt that the world had not seen since the medieval Inquisition. Darkness fell on humanity and the world was instantly thrown into a hysterical chaos where synthetic enemies could be used by governments to intimidate and oppress its citizens. In panic terror laws were globally introduced after pressure from the US and human rights were trampled and ridiculed in the name of ‘war on terror’. With lies about "secure evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction” the Danish Government led by Anders Fogh Rasmussen threw Denmark and the rest of the world into an abyss. Our once peace loving and respected Denmark was suddenly guilty of "participation in the conspiracy to commit crimes against peace" which is defined in the Nuremberg Tribunal as the greatest crime of all. We were now hated war criminals and our Government and Generals were guilty of committing the same crimes for which the Nazis were convicted and hung .The global elite's evil plan for a world government ruled by the world's bankers, intellectual elite and royal families was almost in place. Rothschild, Rockefeller, the English and Dutch royals and their hired lackeys consisting of the world’s press and politicians on both sides of the political spectrum had manipulated a fear into the earth's people to submit to the upcoming global Orwellian totalitarian fascist / communist regime: a cashless society where everyone has a microchip implant, where everyone is government property, where personnel freedom and privacy are things of the past and where individual rights no longer exist. If humanity is to have a chance we must stand up now and say no to the handful of sinister psychopaths who want to control everyone and everything before the last phase of their plan becomes a reality.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

Hvis du læser teksten så opdager du hurtigt at det der står om Anders Fogh tyder på han ikke er Venstre fan men snarere venstreorienteret.
Jeg medgiver dog at dette ikke ligner lektier der skal rettes men snarere provoindlæg fra en person uden det store indhold i livet hvilket igen peger på der er tale om en venstreorienteret person.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

Tjs spindorkter eller ej så er det gennemgående i en ellers udemækret engelsk tekst at der er fejl i kongurens og som så ofte i forholdsordenes anvendenel (e.g. on/at) i begyndelsen af teksten !
Hvis det virkelig er en V-spintekst er jeg glad for så er de ikke helt så dygtige som de selv påstår (men det vidste jeg nu godt 😃 )
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Jeg sender den til Søvndal at se på

Herligt så slipper vi får at sætte vores fod ned i denne agenda - hvis du forstår min drift
Hvis ikke er dette blot et eksempel på dansk leflen for engelsk med meningsløse oversættelser af bl.a. engelske vendinger.
Det er ret slående at de der er med som first movers synes det er fedt at sige agenda i stedet for dagsorden, men at de samme mennesker ikke aner hvad man mener i forbindelse med en agenda hvis man spørger til "minutterne"
Det er pineligt, meget endda - De vil men kan ikke, men vil stadig sages alvorligt - ynkeligt
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Rette tekst på engelsk

Det er netop ikke en Venstremand der har skrevet det.
Så ville dette næppe være med
#Terror Laws were introduced everywhere in panic under pressure from U.S. and human rights were trampled and ridiculed in the name of fighting terrorism. The Danish Government Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the lead was with the lies about "secure evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction" to shed Denmark and the rest of the world in the abyss. Our peace-loving and respected Denmark was suddenly guilty#
Det er derimod en langt mere venstreorienteret mening og ikke fra VKOs side.
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Jeg er ligeglad med hvem du er eller hvad du laver.
Men der er noget galt her, for enhver normal person ville som minimum komme med et "tak for hjælpen", så det kan ikke rigtig være andet end spam, hvor du forsøger at reklamere for noget, ved at påstå at dit "engelsk skal rettes".
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Jeg sender den til Søvndal at se på

Moderatorerne kunne løse problemer med denne slags tvivlsomme tekster meget hurtigt.
Forbyd alt andet end danske tekster i alle kategorier på nær lektiehjælps kategorien som ikke vises på forsiden.
Så kan man ikke komme med tvivlsomme politiske skriverier hvis ophav er ukendt.
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Rette tekst på engelsk

The September 11th terrorist attacks launched the beginnings of a witch hunt that the world had not seen since the medieval Inquisition. Darkness fell on humanity and the world was instantly thrown into a hysterical chaos where synthetic enemies could be used by governments to intimidate and oppress its citizens. In panic terror laws were globally introduced after pressure from the US and human rights were trampled and ridiculed in the name of ‘war on terror’. With lies about "secure evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction” the Danish Government led by Anders Fogh Rasmussen threw Denmark and the rest of the world into an abyss. Our once peace loving and respected Denmark was suddenly guilty of "participation in the conspiracy to commit crimes against peace" which is defined in the Nuremberg Tribunal as the greatest crime of all. We were now hated war criminals and our Government and Generals were guilty of committing the same crimes for which the Nazis were convicted and hung .The global elite's evil plan for a world government ruled by the world's bankers, intellectual elite and royal families was almost in place. Rothschild, Rockefeller, the English and Dutch royals and their hired lackeys consisting of the world’s press and politicians on both sides of the political spectrum had manipulated a fear into the earth's people to submit to the upcoming global Orwellian totalitarian fascist / communist regime: a cashless society where everyone has a microchip implant, where everyone is government property, where personnel freedom and privacy are things of the past and where individual rights no longer exist. If humanity is to have a chance we must stand up now and say no to the handful of sinister psychopaths who want to control everyone and everything before the last phase of their plan becomes a reality.

Lyder bekendt, og er vist hentet fra Zeitgeist, The Movie, fra 2007. 😖
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Jeg er ligeglad med hvem du er eller hvad du laver.
Men der er noget galt her, for enhver normal person ville som minimum komme med et "tak for hjælpen", så det kan ikke rigtig være andet end spam, hvor du forsøger at reklamere for noget, ved at påstå at dit "engelsk skal rettes".

Har fået besked på at skrive på dansk, af Sol redaktionen, og prøver så bare at spille smart, og folk er dumme nok til at ryge i med begge ben. 😖
SuperDebat.dk er det tidligere debatforum på SOL.dk, som nu er skilt ud separat.