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My Grand Journey

November 18th, 2009 Course: 47degrees South West Speed: 6,4 Miles/Hour
Good wind people!

The last few days have left me with very little time to relax.
A couple of technical complications have left me with a work overload, which interfered with my planned schedule. The issue consisted of a cut rope which lead to an instability of the sail. At first I figured the sail was acting weird due to the change of conditions after crossing equator from the north at Guyana's coastline. I later learned that one of the ropes rigged to the boats deck assisting the sail had gotten cut somehow. Unfortunately I discovered this a little late thus leading to the other 3 ropes rigged to the sail had been carrying an overload the last few days. I decided to replace all the 4 ropes and rig platforms - the boat is now as good as new and I'm ready for new adventures, see you northern part of the globe!

After the rope-incident I've been double checking all mechanics and rigs right after getting up, just to be sure.
- Rather be alert than in the dirt.
The weather broadcast for the next week is just to die for🙂!
It is the hottest week on the journey so far, so the schedule is hopefully going to be filled with a lot of relaxation and tanning [s]

After crossing equator I have been able to pick up some southern American broadcasts on the radio. You can't imagine how much I have been longing to hear the voice of an actual human being instead of reading walls of text online.
I obviously can't understand what they're saying most of the time but after 10pm they have an English broadcast targeting the English inhabitants of Guyana. It just a debate on the topic: English / south American history - probably not the most exciting but I follow it every evening glued to the radio🙂

Last night I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (7)"
If you would have asked me a year ago I would have never thought that a book was readable in a single day. But since the beginning of the trip I have dragged myself through shelves of books and found it enjoyable😉

I unfortunately learned this morning that I was one food bag short😕
Something must have gone wrong during the planning of the trip since I am sure that I have only been consuming them on schedule. But it's not a big loss one bag averagely covers a three day supply of food.

I think that's it for this time people!
All in all a very positive week, with a handful of rig replacements and adjustments🙂
See You!
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Du har et rigtig pænt engelsk🙂'
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