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Lyver JV'erne stadig, hvis ikke siden hvornår

... er de så holdt op med at lyve for de mennesker der er uden for "samfundet til JW's beskyttelse", samt for Proselytterne?

-○- 24/25 Artikler omhandlende JW'Organisationens forskellige løgne?
-○- Er det LØGN el. UHYGGELIGT og en vel tilrettelagt Trussel :
-○- JW'Organisationens convent 2010 var en perlerække af løgn!
Matthew 24:34 underscores that we are living deep in the time of the end.
“…we are living deep in the time of the end,” Jehovah’s Witnesses should take notice [...] - [/quote]
-♥- JW kender skam godt forskellen ... ?
"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end to the world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. (Awake!, Oct. 8, 1968).

Mon ikke også Nedenstående ender med Sandhed eller Løgn alt efter "situationen"!
[quote]“You should immediately call the branch office for direction if you learn of an accusation of child abuse, regardless of the age of the victim now or at the time of the alleged abuse, even if it occurred before the alleged perpetrator's baptism. The branch office will then give direction based on the circumstances involved in each situation.”

Kunne det tænkes at være fordi der er forskel på hvem der begår overgrebene - Mod hvem???
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