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If I could, I would go home

Bare jeg vidste hvor home, er.
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Hvis jeg hænger ud af vinduet

- lige her, hvor jeg sidder nu, så kan jeg se et kæmpestort skilt hvorpå er med røde bogstaver står "home" - så det er lige her Tom.
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Drop,,,drop drop

tak Dulkis :o)
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Mælkevejen 1.th

Jeg kan bare ikke finde nøglen...
Hvor skal jeg sove i nat???
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You,ll never come home ;o(

Ones you look outside.
experience ;o(
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Home is....

that place where your hat keeps ending up!
....eller også er det der, hvor frikadellerne hopper på panden, hvor sovsen er fed som tågen over en New England eng...og kartoflerne insistere på at komme fra Samsø...og hvor et kys altid indgår i desserten.
God aften Tom...håber du finder stedet;0))
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...og hvor et kys altid indgår i desserten.

Dejligt skrevet ,o)
Have I thrown, the final dice.
Is my hat too heavy?
Jeg håber, at svarene, udebliver et stykke tid ,o)
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Du er her...Tom ;-))

Home... er det man ikke kan eller vil slippe, det evigt tilbagekommende problem/kærlighed. Du er hjemme, af den ene grund at du stadig er her, du slipper det ikke og derfor er det,netop det du vil og ønsker,,,, der er og bliver dit "Home" ! Din sjæl om du vil.
Velkommen til ;-))
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home is not a stable thing

home is people that makes you feel that you belong...home is where love is shared and where you feel welcome for exactly who you are.
i had more homes last year... i lived for 12 months in a van with 5 other people... that became home... i went to my teammates house and felt like a part of his family.. that was the best home i ever had here on earth.
now i'm in dk and i call århus for home.... but really it's not.
i learned, that there is no place on earth that is ever home to anyone... everything falls apart with time and distance.
the real home for me is yet to come. in my Father's coming Kingdom - that will be my home - for ever. the only thing that never parishes.
love from århus
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Hej Lars ;o))

There,s more to a home than a hat.
Home is where you die, !!! home is where you stop looking, !!!
Og skam, home is where you take a stand, !!!
Indtil videre, har jeg aldrig haft et home, men jeg elsker Danmark, jeg har aldrig haft et home, men jeg elsker Canada, jeg har alrig haft et home, men jeg elsker Tjekkiet, jeg har aldrig haft et home, men jeg elsker holland, jeg har aldrig haft et home, men jeg elsker USA.
Men muligt elsker jeg mest de ukendte.
Og jeg håber, that vil never stop, men det er forvirrende ,o)
Tak Lars
Forever,en søgende
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In a home....

Your hat kan be on its place...the place you put it last,,,It Will be there when you nedd it again.... That is a home.... peacefull and clear.
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i learned, that there is no place on earth that is ever home to anyone

Holy shit...
Ages and Energy.!!
Do I ever agree with everthing you write ;o))
Hmmm, my fathers kingdom, that sounds dangerous, hope that it is still you that calls the shots.
I hope that your father is part of your life, even though he is not there anymore, bud I also hope that he wished you to be independent off will.
Sounds like I have lived your life, thought a bit longer and diversed. I agree, a home is the place where you belong for the moment,, and it should never be something you have to carry along as a burden.
But remember, you also seek your own life, and its outcome, others are not responsible for your life, and neighter is your father, he is merely conforming your excistence, and that is if you have been listening to him, There is no escape hatch in life, but your own.
The best thing that you have shown in your answer, is that you cannot EVER own your home.
But, with luck, you can create one.
Kind regards
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Sjov(eren :o)

We look at differint places to hang our hat ;o)
Tak Lars
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The final dice...you better think twice;0))

...og så igen....var lige henne i Luke R´s bog om en terningemands terningestrategi.
Det ser vidst ud som om den kan kastes i det uendelige, sådan en terning....
have a hat, dearest, preferebly a heavy one (latterudbrud)!
Til næste gang du letter på hatten, mangler vejen hjem og et virtuelt kys til
creme brulleen.
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Escoffier, men elskede chef, var forelskede i Creme Brulle

The final dice...you better think twice;0))
Hej Annie, her enes vi ikke ,o)
Men at den kan kastes i det uendelige er vist nok heldigt for mig ,o)
I dont onw a hat, for where should I hang it, (unknown)Shakespeare) could be me ;o)
Me, Ones I stop seeking, they,ll know where to find me.
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