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Hvis jeg var ftg/JV og skulle forsvare.......................

................operation uden Blodtransfusion, er Nedenstående de mest Positive indlæg jeg har kunnet finde´:

JEHOVAS VIDNER: Patienter med udtalt aktuelt ønske om ikke at modtage blod eller blodprodukter skal have samtale med den ansvarlige kirurg og den ansvarlige anæstesiolog præoperativt, hvor orientering om risikoforhold skal gives og patienterne skal skriftligt bekræfte, at orienteringen er givet. Et tidligere underskrevet livstestamente eller lignende har ingen gyldighed, idet der skal foreligge et aktuelt (for nyligt) udtalt ønske om behandling eller ej. Det aktuelle udtalte ønske gælder for behandlingen af det aktuelle sygdomstilfælde og kun dette.

'Bloodless' Surgery

"I feel very lucky that I was told about the transfusion-free option
and that I was a perfect candidate for it," he said.

Your body may require certain medications to help increase red or white blood cells or hemoglobin levels. Medications may also assist with minimizing blood loss and maximizing the amount of oxygen in your blood.
Some medications that may be administered are:
Oxygen carriers including perfluorocarbons and hemoglobin substitutes
Aminocaproic acid
Vitamin K
In addition, your physician may request that you stop taking other medications, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs. Some medications may hinder blood counts or clotting abilities. If you are a smoker, you will be strongly urged to stop smoking because it can interfere with oxygen delivery throughout your body.
Og så den Artikerl ftg formodentlig henviser til, i sin sidste tråd d. 24/06-06 kl.18,56
(Bemærk venlæigst slutreplikken, derfor bruger ftg den sandsynligvis heller ikke som Dokumentation!)
Aug 12, 2003

IF YOU ARE FACING SURGERY and worried about getting a blood transfusion, a growing number of hospitals are offering an alternative: "bloodless" surgery, which uses a combination of drugs, devices and techniques that eliminates the need for donated blood. Originally developed to accommodate Jehovah's Witnesses and others with religious objections to transfusions, the practice has gone mainstream, with many hospitals promoting their bloodless-surgery programs to the general public. Still, while it is touted as offering numerous advantages -- and in fact it may -- going bloodless isn't always the best option.

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