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Fra avaaz.org:
Det er med glæde at kunne meddele, at 1 million nu har underskrevet for at få GM (Genetical Modified) sat på stop, men vi er bare lige under målet hvad angår Danmark. Så vær venlig at underskrive og fortæl familie og venner, at de også skal gå ind og sætte deres underskrift, så vi kan få udryddet alle planer om GMO (Genetical Modified Organism) på ubestemt tid. Vi bliver altså nødt til at kæmpe nu (fordi vi stadig har muligheden)!!!
Underskriv her: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/eu_gmo/?vl

Hele brevet jeg fik fra avaaz.org:
1 million have signed for a GM freeze, but we are just below the target for Denmark. Sign the petition now -- and if you have signed already, click below to confirm your signature and send this to everyone!
Dear friends,
The European Commission has authorised growing genetically modified crops, putting the GM lobby's profits over the health concerns of the public. We have now reached a million voices for a ban on GM foods until the research is done, but are just short of the requested country quota for Denmark. Sign the petition and forward this email to friends and family:
The European Commission has recently approved growing genetically modified crops in the European Union for the first time in 12 years!
Caving to the GM lobby, the commission has ignored 60% of Europeans who feel we have to get the facts first before growing foods that could pose a threat to our health and environment.
A new initiative allows 1 million EU citizens to make official legal requests of the European Commission.We have now reached a million voices for a ban on GM foods until the research is done, but are just short of the requested country quota for Denmark. Sign the petition and forward this email to friends and family:
Consumers, public health, environmental and farmers groups have long rallied against a few international GM companies having such significant influence over European agriculture. Concerns about growing GM crops include: contamination of organic crops and the environment; their impact on climate due to the excessive need for pesticides; the destruction of biodiversity and local agriculture; and the effects of GM food on public health.
EU member states have voiced strong opposition to the EC decision to authorise BASF's potato and Monsanto's maize -- Italy and Austria are opposed, and France said it would ask for further scientific research.
There is still no consensus on the long-term effects of GM crops. And it is the GM industry, pursuing profits not public well being, that is funding the science and driving the regulatory environment. That is why European citizens are calling for more independent research, testing and precaution before crops are unleashed onto our land.
Now, the "European Citizens' Initiative" gives 1 million EU citizens the opportunity to submit policy proposals to the European Commission and offers us a unique chance to drown out lobbyists' influence.
Let's make sure we meet the quota for Denmark to put a moratorium on the introduction of GM crops into Europe and set up an independent, ethical and scientific body to research and determine the strong regulation of GM crops. Sign the petition now and then forward it widely:
With determination,
Alice, Benjamin, Ricken, Luis, Graziela and the entire Avaaz team.
More information:
'Anti-GM crop petition tops million signatures', AFP:
Last Eurobameter Survey 2008 'Attitudes of European citizens towards the environment', page 66:
The Independent, Fury as Brussels authorises GM potatoes:
Reuters, France blasts GM crop approvals by EU agency:
New Report: GMOs Causing Massive Pesticide Pollution:
Summary of the International Assessment on Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, including critics of GMOs use in agriculture:

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Avaaz.org is a 5.5-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
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Hvorfor dog det?

Som der står i teksten, er der ikke påvist noget som helst dårligt eller skummelt ved anvendelse af GMO. Så lad nu være med at være så bagstræberiske. Fremskridtet er kommet for at blive. Det er en del af den naturlige tekniske udvikling.
Så den vil jeg da hilse velkommen.
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Desuden står der intet i teksten om, at GMO ikke er farligt - det er vel det mest sindsyge menneskeheden nogensinde har haft gang i, specielt når alle ÆGTE videnskabelige undersøgelser fortæller, at det faktisk er meget giftigt for os.
Det er i orden at forske i GMO, men at starte med at sprede lortet inden man ved hvad det indebærer er uansvarligt. At fortsætte med denne praksis, når alle belæste ved, at GMO er en trussel mod os, ja mod al den natur vi kender i dag, hele fødekæden, ja så er det sgu for langt ude at sidde der, og sige JA TAK, til noget du tilsyneladende ingen viden har herom. Prøv at sæt dig bare lidt ind i tingene inden du åbner forlågen...
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Om GMO, links...

Latest GMO Research: Decreased Fertility, Immunological Alterations and Allergies:
GE salmon? Are you out of your minds?
Genetically engineered salmon, if approved by FDA, could destroy the salmon industry:
FDA refuses to require labeling of genetically modified salmon:
New Generation of Drug-Producing GM Crops Could Threaten Food Supply and Devastate US Farmers: http://www.naturalnews.com/024154_crops_food_GM.html
UCS Study Says Genetically Modified Crops Have Failure to Yield:
Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder:
Genetically Engineered Crops have Led to Massive Increases in Pesticide Use:
Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?
Conclusion (citeret fra det sidste link)..:
Genetically-modified foods have the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. Yet there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of safety testing, regulation, international policy and food labeling. Many people feel that genetic engineering is the inevitable wave of the future and that we cannot afford to ignore a technology that has such enormous potential benefits. However, we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.
Bemærk sidste sætning: "However, we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology."
Men det sker desværre ikke, follow the money som man siger, det er profitten der styrer, ikke sund fornuft...
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Dumhed er dødelig

at overvurdere egen indsigt som GMOsteinerne åbenbart lider af hører hjemme i den afdeling.
Spisesedlen på mælkevejens opslagstavle kunne lyde således:
"Vedholdende rygter om intelligent liv på planeten jorden er vildt overdrevet"-
Venlig hilsen [f]
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Den frie sjæl glemmer en ting

Uanset hvor mange underskrifter der bliver samlet sammen så vil det alene ikke kunne stoppe GMO hvis politkerne og især industrien ønsker det indført.
Eu lovene tillader derimod at Eus befolkning kan fremsætte forslag hvis der kan fremskaffes og godkendes et vist million antal underskrifter.
Så kan Eu borgerne fremsæltte et forslag om afskaffelse af GMO hvis der er nogen af Eu politikerne der vil fremføre det.
Dernæst skal forslaget vedtages via afstemninger som alle andre regler i Eu skal, og hvis der ikke er nok nej stemmer blandt Eu politikerne så kan GMO toget køre videre og der vil intet være at gøre ved det.
Nok så mange underskrifter alene gør det altså ikke heller ikke hvis 99% af befolkningerne underskrev et nej til GMO.
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Det er nemlig rigtigt

Den eneste måde vi kan ændre det på;
Hvis alle EU borger kun spiser økologiske
produkter, for producenterne gider ikke
producerer fødevarer til destruktion.
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Jeg er den fødte optimist

..og æder gladeligt lortet. Alle i røde sataner har altid en frygtelig skræk for alle fremskridt. Havde I haft magten kørte vi satdig i hestevogn
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Øhhh, jeg vil ikke skæres over én kam...

Jeg er hverken rød, blå eller gul, og støtter ikke noget politisk parti - det lort der foregår inde på Christiansborg, om du er venstre eller højre har sgu ingen betydning i den lange ende. Politiske holdninger: Ingen, kun sund fornuft tæller..!
Æd du bare lortet, vi andre undersøger i det mindste hvad vi putter i munden :)
Held og lykke med det !!
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Fremsættelse af forslag

Du skriver bl.a. at "Eu lovene tillader derimod at Eus befolkning kan fremsætte forslag hvis der kan fremskaffes og godkendes et vist million antal underskrifter." - citat slut
Og det er netop hvad de har gang i her. Om det virkelig nytter noget er svært at sige på nuværende tidspunkt, men synes du ikke det er værd at prøve?
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