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1914 Den falske profeti.

Hvad sagde jehovas vidner før i tiden?
"But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. Zion's Watch Tower 1894 July 15 p.226
"The year A.D. 1878, being the parallel of his assuming power and authority in the type, clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord...." Studies in the Scriptures - Thy Kingdom Come p.239
Hvad siger jehovas vidner nu, om deres profetier dengang?
"… Jehovah's witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of "the conclusion of the system of things." Awake! 1973 January 22 p.8
"The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence…that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914." Watchtower 1993 January 15 pp.5,9
Så der er snakke om direkte vildledning, fra vagttårnet side af når de postår, at det var forudsagt, at jesus skulde begynde, at styre i himmelen, den dag.
Men lad os starte med at skare det hele ud i pap, og se på, hvad profeterede vagttårnet før den tid?
• Hvad spået vagttårnet om 1914?
• Gengiver vagttårnet dens egen historie ordenligt?
1914 mener de nu er datoen, hvor:
• Jesus startede med at lede I himmelen.
• Hedningernes tid sluttede.
Og ikke mindst, 3,5 år efter 1914, mener sekten, at jesus, kom ned inspekterede jehovas vidner og rensede sekten, for synd, og har holdt sekten ren lige siden….. og er ifølge sekten, den eneste vej til frelse.
Det sjove er med jehovas vidner, er jo at en stor del af jehovas vidners tro ligger I at jehovas vidner forudså 1914, men jehovas vidner er bare ikke bevidste om hvad der virkeligt blev spået før 1914, for intet af det Russell spået, er blevet opfyldt.
Hvordan lyd, vagttårnet citater så før 1914?
Russell underviste sine medlemmer, at Jesus var usyndeligt i himmelen, og hans lederskab i himmelen, startede i 1874.
"Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear it: and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878, A.D." Studies in Scriptures Series IV (1897) p.621
Fra 1874 til 1914 var den periode, i vores historie, hvor vi ville komme til at se de største problemer. Hvor 1914, skulde ende med konklutionen i vores historie. Den sigste dag. Armagedon, ville begynde, som ville medføre en masse ødelæggelse, og regeringer ville forsvinde, sammen med religioner. Russell og hans følge skulde blive oprejst til himmelen og jesus rige, skulde begynde på jorden som et paradis.
"Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain. We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." Zions Watch Tower 1894 July 15 p.226
Så Jehovas vidner mente altså at det var guds dato, ikke deres egen dato, så der kunne ikke være tvivl om denne dato.
Så Armageton sluttede
"… the battle of the great day of God Almighty… The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874." Zion's Watch Tower 1892 January 15 p.23
Religion ville blive totalt udslettet.
"The seventh trumpet sounds from Aug. 1840, until "the time of trouble," or day of wrath is ended. Hence, it doubtless ends with the times of the Gentiles, and this forty years of conquest; and therefore, sounds until A. D. 1914; at the end of which, Babylon the great, will have fallen, and the "dragon" be bound: that is, the nations will be subdued, and "the prince of this world cast out."" Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.143
"A.D. 33, to A.D. 70 was 36 ½ years; and so from A.D. 1878 to the end of A.D. 1914 is 36 ½ years. And, with the end of A.D. 1914, what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom, will have passed away, as already shown in prophecy." Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come (1891) p.153
"October, 1914, will witness the full end of Babylon, "as a great millstone cast into the sea," utterly destroyed as a system." Watch Tower 1911 June 15 p.190
Indhøstning af de tabte sjælde ville begynde
"HARVEST" is a term which gives a general idea as to what work should be expected to transpire between the dates 1874 and 1914." Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come p.135
"These, already examined, show that the close of 1874 marked the beginning, as the close of 1914 will mark the end, of this 40 years of harvest; while all the minutiae of the order and work of this harvest were portrayed in that of the Jewish age, its type." Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come pp.149-150
Regeringer vil bliver vældtet
Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is at Hand (1889) pp.77, 78 claimed seven things would happen in 1914. Not one of these eventuated. The following statements are extracted from that list;
1. "the disintegration of the rule of imperfect men. … at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, "Thy Kingdom come," will begin to assume control, and that it will then shortly be "set up," or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions."
2. He whose right it is thus to take the dominion will then be present as earth's new Ruler; and not only so, but it will also prove that he will be present for a considerable period before that date;
3. the last member of the divinely recognized Church of Christ, the "royal priesthood," "the body of Christ," will beglorified with the Head;
4. Jerusalem shall no longer be trodden down
5. Israel's blindness will begin to be turned away
6. the great "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation," will reach its culmination in a world-wide reign of anarchy
7. It will prove that before that date God's Kingdom, organized in power, will be in the earth and then smite and crush the Gentile image (Dan. 2:34)-and fully consume the power of these kings."
"True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved …. In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A. D. 1914…. Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's Word." Studies In the Scriptures Series II - The Time Is At Hand (1889) pp.99, 101
"…we have seen that God has a set time for every feature of his plan, and that we are even now in this "Day of Vengeance," which is a period of forty years; that it began in October, 1874, and will end in October, 1914 [very shortly]." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance -pp.546, 547
Jesus, ville starte med at styre Jorden
SETTING UP THE EARTHLY GOVERNMENT ---- Not until the full end of Gentile Times (October, A.D. 1914) should we expect the earthly phase of God's Kingdom; for in giving a lease of dominion to the Gentiles until that date God made no mistake and his plans alter not. The earthly phase of the Kingdom of God when set up will be Israelitish; for such is God's engagement or covenant with Abraham and his natural seed. Even the chief favor, the spiritual Kingdom, was offered first to fleshly Israel, and would have been given to them if they had been ready at heart to receive it on the conditions attached to it-to suffer with Christ and afterward to be glorified with him." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance pp.624,625
Opstigningen til himmelen, villebegynde
"And yet "Jerusalem must be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled;" hence, trodden down until A. D. 1914, when the day of wrath will be passed, and the resurrection and return of the "whole house of Israel" due." Three Worlds and The Harvest of This World (1877) p.166
"The beginning of the earthly phase of the Kingdom in the end of A.D. 1914 will, we understand, consist wholly of the resurrected holy ones of olden time-from John the Baptizer back to Abel-"Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the holy prophets." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance p.625
Så hvad siger vagttårnt så om 1914, efter at datoen, ikke bliv til enden?
Studies in the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come 1908 edition
"That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest, since the deliverance of fleshly Israel, as we shall see, is appointed to take place at that time, and the angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still, and will be made to recognize the power of Jehovah's Anointed. Just how long before 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed; but it certainly will not be until their work in the flesh is done; nor can we reasonably presume that they will long remain after that work is accomplished. With these two thought in mind, we can approximate the time of the deliverance."
Man kan se den oprindelige kilde her.
I mars 1915 kom det første nye lys, på forandringer. I følgende artikeler.
We call attention to a few slight changes which have been made in four pages of Vol. II. and six pages of Vol. III., "STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES." These are all trivial and do not alter the real sense and lesson, but conform to the facts as we have them today. The pages containing these corrections are as follows:
Vol. II., page 77, line 1, "will be the farthest limit," reads "will see the disintegration."
Vol. II., page 77, line 6, "will obtain full universal control," reads "will begin to assume control."
Vol. II., page 77, lines 16,17, "end of A.D. 1914," reads "end of the overthrow."
Vol. II., page 81, line 9, "can date only from A.D. 1914," reads "could not precede A.D. 1915."
Vol. II., page 170, line 16, "at that time they will all be overturned."*
*How long it will require to accomplish this overturning we are not informed, but have reason to believe the period will be short.
Vol. II., page 221, line 25, "full favor until A.D. 1914," reads "full favor until after 1915."
Vol. III., page 94, line 29, "in this end or harvest," reads "at the end of this harvest."
Vol. III., page 126, line 12, "at A.D. 1914," reads "after 1914."
Vol. III., page 133, line 21, "ere the harvest is fully ended."+
+The end of the harvest will probably include the burning of the tares.
Vol. III., page 228, line 11, "some time before 1914," reads "very soon after 1914."
Vol. III., page 228, line 15, "just how long before," reads "just how long after."
Vol. III., page 362, line 11, "some time before," reads "some time near."
Vol. III., page 364, line 14, "must not only witness," reads "may not only witness.""
Så hvordan gengiver vagttårnet så sin historie?
Vagttårnet burger deres profeti om 1914, som deres bevis for at Jehovah, ledte dem til denne viden. Men helt ærligt, kan dette være sandt? Efter vi har set, hvor langt fra, jehovas vidner var i deres spådomme?
Nogle af disse artikeler, lyver direkte, og siger at vagttårnet pegede på at året 1914, var starten på konklutionen, hvor vi kunne se i de mange citater, at de pegede på slutningen.
Og er Jehovas vidner virkeligt ledt af helligånden? Når vagttårnet skriver at jesus, startede med at være til stede i 1874? Og ledte himmelen i 1878 andre citater profeterede at hedningernes tid, startede i 1914.
"The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence…that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914. Events since that year testify to Jesus' presence. … Jehovah's Witnesses have consistently shown from the Scriptures that the year 1914 marked the beginning of this world's time of the end and that "the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men" has drawn near." Watchtower 1993 January 15 pp.5,9
"From the mid-1870's, Jehovah's people had been anticipating that catastrophic events would start in 1914 and would mark the end of the Gentile Times." Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand! (1988) p.105
"How did Jehovah's Witnesses know more than 30 years in advance that 1914 would be an important date for divine rulership? Though the Witnesses at the time did not understand the full implication of events about to take place, the Watch Tower magazine as far back as December of 1879 pointed to 1914 as a marked date in regard to Bible prophecy. And the March 1880 issue of the Watch Tower linked God's Kingdom rule with the ending of what Jesus Christ referred to as "the appointed times of the nations," or "the times of the Gentiles." (Luke 21:24; Authorized Version) That Watch Tower said: "'The Times of the Gentiles' extend to 1914, and the heavenly kingdom will not have full sway till then."" Watchtower 1984 April 1 p. 6 1914 a Marked Year-Why?
"This remnant of anointed ones have identified themselves on the pages of history since 1914 C.E. Before this year members of this anointed remnant had been earnestly studying God' s Word apart from Christendom. They put the Holy Bible ahead of man-made religious traditions. As early as 1876 they were publishing that the Gentile Times of 2,520 years would terminate in the year 1914. Events that have taken place from that year onward prove they were not wrong." God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing For Man's Good (1974) pp.178-179
"Even earlier, however, C. T. Russell wrote an article entitled "Gentile Times: When Do They End?" It was published in the Bible Examiner of October 1876, and therein Russell said: "The seven times will end in A.D. 1914." He had correctly linked the Gentile Times with the "seven times" mentioned in the book of Daniel. (Dan. 4:16, 23, 25, 32) True to such calculations, 1914 did mark the end of those times and the birth of God's kingdom in heaven with Christ Jesus as king. Just think of it! Jehovah granted his people that knowledge nearly four decades before those times expired." Yearbook 1975 p.37
"Of all men used by God to prophesy, Jesus is outstanding. Based on what he said, along with the words of Daniel and John, Jehovah's witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of "the conclusion of the system of things." Awake! 1973 January 22 p.8
"Under the guidance of God's spirit of freedom the magazine today known as The Watchtower but known back there as Zion's Watch Tower, began to be published in July, 1879. In the first year of its publication it pointed to the date 1914 as marked in the Bible." What Has Religion Done For Mankind? (1951) p.308
"As for the time of Christ's second presence, Daniel's prophecy is again the one that gives the chronology for it. (Dan. 4:16) It was figured out as pointing to A.D. 1914, and The Watchtower called notice to the significance of 1914 in the year 1879." Watchtower 1952 November 1 p.658
"Why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this climax of judgment? It is because they have not heeded the world wide advertising of Christ's return and his second Presence. Since long before World War I Jehovah's witnesses pointed to 1914 as the time for this great event to occur." Watchtower 1954 June 15 p.370
"This was a new revelation of great importance to God's people who had been anxiously awaiting his second presence toward the end of the nineteenth century." Watchtower 1965 July 15 p.428
"For over thirty years before that date and for half a century since, Jehovah's witnesses have pointed to the year 1914 as the time for the end of "the appointed times of the nations" and the time in which Christ would begin his Kingdom rule. (Luke 21:24)" Watchtower 1966 February 15 p.103
"As far back as 1876, Jehovah' s Witnesses realized that Bible prophecy marked the year 1914 C.E. as a time when major events would take place that would have far-reaching effects on human affairs. They gave the reason for this fact wide publicity." True Peace And Security (1986) p.70
"Back in 1904, the book The New Creation called attention to this new organization that came into existence in the first century C.E. (Studies In The Scriptures, Series VI, Study V, entitled "The Organization of the New Creation") Owing to its view of what the end of the Gentile Times would mean, that book did not envision the remarkable organizational work that was due to take place after the crippling effects of the first world war of human history. - Luke 21:24 KJ" Watchtower 1989 September 1 pp.12-13
"…a prophecy providentially caused sincere 19th-century Bible students to be in expectation. By linking the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25 with "the times of the Gentiles", they anticipated that Christ would receive Kingdom power in 1914. " Watchtower 1998 September 15 p.15
Virkeligheds tjek
Så det eneste, Russell kom frem til var at enden ville komme I 1914. resten af alt det han sagde I vagttårnet dengang, er stærkt ændret. Gentile times, fik også ændret sin mening i betydning, før 1914, betyd det, at jordens forskellige regeringer ville blive vældtet, og alt religion, ville blive totalt udslettet. Efter 1914, betyder det bare at jesus styre i himmelen usyndeligt og unoteret. Ja, sådan ændre man sin egen historien, hvis man hedder vagttårnet.
Men hvordan kom Russels så frem til 1914, det kunne jo være ret intresandt.
• De 1260 dages profeti peger på 1799 som de sigste dage, der hvor napolion, indvadere egypten, tror jeg nok at det var.
• De 2300 dages profeti peger så på 1844
• De 1355 dages profeti er enden på de 6000 år mennesket har fandtes på jorden, ifølge jehovas vidner, som ikke kan bekraftiges i vores historie, så selv kulstof 14 og så videre at ledet af satan, ifølge sekten JV.
men hvad fik Russell så ud af sin datoer, og hvordan kom han så frem til 1914?
o 1914 var 40 års jødisk host tid, fra 1874.
o En generation være 70 år ifølge bibelen, så 1844 millers dato, for hvornår jesus, skulde være kommet. 70+1844=1914.
o 40 år fra 1874, er den tid hvor jesus bliv døbt, til den tid, hvor Jerusalem blev ødelagt. I 70 e.v.t. =40+1874=1914
o 36 ½ år efter 1878 til 1914 altså fra 1878 til 1914 som skulde være den tid, hvor efter jesus død, til jerusalems ødelæggelse.
At betydningen af årstallet 1874, er ret ukendt hos mange jehovas vidner, og har været sådan, I de sneste 50 år.
Jo tættere tiden kom på 1914, desto mere I tvivl, blev Russell, på at endens tid, ville være I 1914, og foreslog, tiltider, at det måske var I 1915 at det hele skulde ske. Og begyndte at bruge udtryk som kort tid efter. Ja jehovas vidner begyndte at foreberede sig på endnu en fejl agtig profeti.
"We shall be as glad as any one if we shall all experience our change from earthly to spirit conditions before 1915, and THIS IS OUR EXPECTATION; but if this should not be the Lord's will, then it would not be our will…. So far as we have been able to see up to the present time, the failure of a full development of matters in 1915, or before, would imply that all the chronological arrangements, as we have them, are wrong--our view of the Harvest and all. And we have no reason to believe that these are wrong. We remember that we are not infallible, and that our judgment is not infallible; but the wonderful inventions of today, and the light that is dawning in every direction, as well as the universal unrest, seem in corroboration of the chronology--that we are in the dawning of the New Age. But just how far along we are we do not positively know." Watch Tower 1914 January 1 p.5
Da dommedag, så ikke kom I 1914, så begyndte man at snake om 1915 og det var først oppe I 1943, at man kom frem til en ny forståelses af skrifterne.
men det hele angåendene 1914, er baseret på udueligt historie kunskab. Men det kan vi tage en anden gang.
Ja vagttårnets egen konklusion, er lidt sjov, når de kikker tilbage på dem, der troede på at endens tid, ville komme i 1914.
"There is no doubt that many throughout this period were overzealous in their statements as to what could be expected. Some read into the Watch Tower statements that were never intended…" Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose p.52
Så vagttårnet kunne ikke forstå i 1952, at folk kunne finde på at tro på at det var i 1914, var endens tid, selv om vagttårnet selv skrev at det ville ske dengang. Så hvem var i virkeligheden de kloge? Jo det var dem der forlod sekten dengang. Sekten mente selvføgeligt dengang at endens tid, ville komme, i 1975 ikke? Lol
Ja, når vagttårnet griner af folk, så er det okay, men når det er os uden for sekten griner af jehovas vidners. Så er vi i ledtog med satan, og djævlen, også videre.
Men i sigste ende, så er det os og vagttårnet der vil grine af de vidner, der er i sekten nu. Bare vendt og se
"There were also other expectations concerning 1914. Alexander H. Macmillan, who had been baptized in September 1900, later recalled: "A few of us seriously thought we were going to heaven during the first week of that October. … Had some been attracted by the thought of their own early salvation rather than love for God and a strong desire to do his will?" Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p. 61
The admonition from Paul at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 appears apt:
"However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of YOU not to be quickly shaken from YOUR reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here."
Når vi nu har set på hvordan vagttårnet referere til deres egen fortid. Kunne det jo være godt at lige at hive denne lille kommetar frem fra vagttårnet af.
"Knowing these things, what will you do? It is obvious that the true God, who is himself "the God of truth" and who hates lies, will not look with favor on persons who cling to organizations that teach falsehood. (Psalm 31:5; Proverbs 6:16-19; Revelation 21:8) And, really, would you want to be even associated with a religion that had not been honest with you?" Is This Life All There Is? side 46:
Ja, kan I være I en organigation, der fortæller jer løgne?
Kilder http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/1914dates.htm
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Det er simpelthen ufatteligt


at der er mennesker der meget tydeligt ikke kan se ud over JW/WTS-LEDELSENS ORDRER - Man har det indtryk, når man er blevet JV'er er der kun et svar at svare på uanset hvad !

Mange hilsner

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slutningen er den bedste.

hvorfor være medlem af en organigation, der lyver over for dig?
ja selv vagttårnet siger at du ikke skal lade dig nare på den måde, og aligevellet kalder de sig selv sandheden og lyver over for deres egne medlemmer :(
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et kærlligt og oprigtigt vidne-

[l][l]jeg spurgte hvem fortæller løgne om jehovas vidner
isvarede korrekt på denne side
i lyver fyha skam jer og vend om
vil du vide mere om budskabet kontakt
paradisjorden@paradis .dk
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