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Ungarn ødelægger alle Monsanto´s GMO kornmarker

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields:
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields:
Monsanto's "Superweeds" Gallop Through Midwest:
The problem is accelerating, because the resistant weeds are driving out their non-resistant counterparts, and also cross-pollinating them with the resistant gene, spreading it far and wide:
These weeds adapt faster and more vigorously than their weed cousins, choking fields and clogging irrigation ditches so badly water can't pass through. "Pollen can transfer the resistant trait; that's the problem," said Kevin Bradley, a weed scientist with the University of Missouri. "There's not much we can do about pollen flying through the air, and that's why we see such rapid spread of resistance." ~ Tom Philpott www.motherjones.com

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India Sues Monsanto Over GM Eggplant

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Ungarn ødelægger alle Monsanto´s GMO kornmarker

Firmaet må have genmanipuleret deres ledelse, forskere og ansatte til at være resistente overfor kritik, naturhensyn og at kigge ud i fremtiden.
Hvad er der blevet af de gode gamle krydsningsmetoder både indenfor både plante- og dyreliv (som naturen iøvrigt har gjort selv i milliarder af år) De har givet gode resultater men også dårlige......her har man jo blot opgivet at krydse to arter hvis det mislykkedes.
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Ungarn ødelægger alle Monsanto´s GMO kornmarker

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