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Det er nu bedre at være medlem af Europaparlamentet:
En hemmelig rapport fra EU er blevet lækket - dette skulle du ikke vide - parlamentarikerne stemte FOR hemmeligholdelse:
Mr Elliott said each MEP could save more than £1 million from their expenses and pension benefits over a five-year term at the European Parliament.
Over five years, each MEP can claim this includes a subsistence allowance of 117,000 Euros, staff allowance of 489,840 Euros, office expenses of 243,120 Euros, travel expenses of 60,000 Euros and an accrued pension of £350,000.
This does not include the MEP salary of £63,291, which is set to increase to £73,584 after the European Parliament elections in June 2009.
There was also widespread failure to comply with tax, company and social security laws. Nearly 80 per cent of transactions that should have been subject to VAT displayed no evidence of either VAT payment or exemption.
Artiklen slutter med:
“I dette system kan ærlighed ikke betale sig - fristelserne er store. Ingen ved, hvem der snyder - og hvem der ikke gør….”
Dagens kurs på britiske pund: 8,5 kr.
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