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En lille engelsk oversættelse. Eng A-niveau, gym.

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En sydafrikansk sikkerhedsvagt blev skudt under et røveri i Johannesburg. Lægerne har dog ikke travlt med at hjælpe vagten. Efter skyderiet fik 38-årige Phillip Mashiane nemlig besked på, at han skulle 'gå smerten væk'. Det skriver den lokale avis Star Newspaper.
Under røveriet blev han ramt af en kugle, der gik ind lige over hoften og stadig sidder i kroppen.
Vagten blev først indlagt på et privathospital, hvor han dog blev sendt væk, da han ikke kunne betale regningen. På et offentligt hospital beholdt de ham et par dage, tog røntgenbilleder og derefter blev han sendt hjem med smertestillende piller og beskeden: 'Du kan gå smerten væk'.
Kuglen sidder stadig i kroppen på Phillip Mashiane.
A South African security guard was shot during a robbery in Johannesburg. Doctors are not busy helping the guard. After the shooting 38-year-old Phillip Mashiane was namely told to "walk the pain away", according to local newspaper Star Newspaper. During the robbery, he was hit by a bullet that went in just above the hip and still remains inside the body. The guard was first admitted to a private hospital where he was sent away as he could not pay the bill. At a public hospital they kept him for a few days, took X-rays and then he was sent home with painkillers and the message: "You can walk the pain away". The bullet is still inside the body of Phillip Mashiane.
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a souht african security guard was shot during a robbery i johannesburg
doctors are not busy to help the guard, after the shooting 38 year philip mashiane was namely told to - walk the pain away--, acording to a local newspaper star newspaper, during the robbery, he was hiit by a bullet thast went in just about the hip, and still remains inside the body.
the guard was first admitted to a private hospital where he was sent away as he could not pay his bill, at a public hospital they kept him for a few days, took X rays and then he was sent away as he could not pay the bill,
at a public hospital they kept him for a few days him for a few days, toke X rays and then he was sent home wiht painkillers and the message , you can walk the pain away, the bullet is still inside the body of Philip Mashine.
huuuuuh, godt vi ikke lever der, av'sssssssssss
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